Law Against Noisy Neighbours

September 1, 2010 9:18am CST
Filipinos. Admit it. I am sure that i am not the only one here who had sleepless nights because of neighbours singing videoke alllllll night long. Is there a law that states "no noise after 10pm?" Am i overeacting here? Hello! i happen to be a great singer too but i wont ever disgrace myself by putting the volume up so loud so that the whole town can hear me.
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18 responses
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
I agree with you! Why do we love to inflict pain on our neighbors by blasting away with the karaoke at odd hours of the day and night? I have two neighbors who are that way. And to think that their singing abilities are not even up to par with my four-year old nephew. I don't have a good singing voice and so I limit myself to the occasional karaoke bar visit where I sing my heart out. But my neighbors would sing all day using a microphone! I have called the baranggay on them several times. Mercifully, here in Marikina, we have a law about noises at certain times of the day. Most of the time though, my other neighbors would just heckle them about their really bad voices and shame them to stop. I know it's not nice, but I think they should think first before they punish us as we will fight back.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
There is such a thing as public disturbance. I doubt it that it will pass the national level. Anyways, issue suchs are these can be arbitered by your local baranggay officials.
26 Nov 11
here in our place at my neighbour always play loud music eve very late at nigt. sad to say no such law can stop it...they have karaoke eryday.. they are such apain since they skwat at our side..i had already talk slowly and no matter how i explain they cant understand..
• Spain
1 Sep 10
I don't know any such ordinance especially in your country. In Granada, especially in the barrios (district, various districts to compose a town or pueblo) we use to do kareoke would it be family, relatives and friends' party/gathering. No time limit as long as it is on the typical intensity and only done at times.
@diogz22 (516)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
Wow what a coincidence, Here in our country we also used the term barrios to indicate a communities especially in the rural area's. Our town's are composed of "barangay" which i think is similar to pueblo. It is also nice to learn that like use you are also into karaoke and that you can do it all night long.
• Spain
2 Sep 10
colonialization, that is the main reason and those are loan words. so, we'd also be glad if the inclusion of spanish subject back to your school curriculum reinstated. it is not a coincidence as almost all of the products of this colonial power has a lot of things in common.. your country in asia but most part are in americas.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
30 Dec 11
Hi Grace... There is no law about 'Noise', but you can certainly complain to the authorities about it... And they will warn your neighbors... If the warning isn't paid attention to, then arrest will follow... Good Luck!!! I had noisy neighbor too, I changed my place last month... Now, I have peace when I go to sleep... :)
• Philippines
31 Dec 11
uh oh..i better be ready tonight... My neighbours will surely give it their all tonight! ahahahah!
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
In our neighborhood everytime there's a party they always had videoke. They lasted for almost up to 3am, and it was very annoying, we can't sleep then. But that was before, because I've noticed that now they already stop at around 10 or 11pm. Well maybe they have been notified by our barangay officials that they are very disturbing to the community. But I don't know any law against them so far, I hope there would be one.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
I definitely think that there should be a national law passed about it. In Marikina, we have an ordinance prohibiting loud music and parties after a certain time. It definitely qualifies as disturbing the peace.
30 Dec 11
Same with me. I am really having a hard time looking for solution to my current problem and this regards my NOISY and INSENSITIVE neighbors. They kept on having karaoke from morning till dawn and the result-sleepless nights and zombie-looking face! grrr...
30 Dec 11
Same with me. I am really having a hard time looking for solution to my current problem and this regards my NOISY and INSENSITIVE neighbors. They kept on having karaoke from morning till dawn and the result-sleepless nights and zombie-looking face! grrr...
@rsa101 (38226)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
Oh yes I have similar incident in my neighborhood where they were celebrating Birthday parties on the street and it happens that our house was in it. They started partying at night till the wee hours of the night where we were the ones who cannot sleep since the party was infront of out house. We called up the Barangay to complain about it and they could not do something about it since when they come to the place the party would stop the loud music and when they leave they would start playing the music once again. I really do not know if there are laws that are applicable to that one except public scandal or something to that effect.
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
There is a pending law regarding this matter House Bill No. 2905 also known as the Anti-Noise Pollution Act of 2004. So we'll just have to wait (God knows when this bill is going to be passed) I think our barangays should issue an ordinance that those who wanted to use a videoke machine must have a barangay permit to utilize the machine; however, these permits will only be granted if it was filed one month ahead of any form of celebration. Within that period of application, barangay officials will inspect the area and see if the venue will not going to disturb any homes especially during night time. And if there will be any complaints from the neighbors the event will be stopped.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Ahahahaha. Atleast you're a great singer, I am I won't mind if that's the case, but some of those singing are just so out of tune! I mean come on!! I don't think there's any law, although you could always say that they are disturbing the public peace. Hahahaha. What my mom would do is call on the local baranggay and ask them to stop the neighbors from ruining her night. LOL. Some may lessen the volume, but some would just get it higher just to make you more angry.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Hello Gracee, We don't have that kind of Law yet i think. but i sympathize with you because this has happened too in my and my eldest sibling's neighborhood. it happened at the back side of our house. trouble is that, the owner is a Barangay Chairman, but i believed it has stopped for a while. but i agree, there should be a Law against this because children need to sleep early for their schooling.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Tell me about it! I am a filipino too, and people can be so insensitive to other people! We have 2 neighbors competing for the MOST NOISY! The one's in front honks so loudly whenever they arrive. Its like they are already using their horns from the time they turn in the street until the car gets in front of their house! They just cannot wait for the person inside to get out. They want the person outside already when they arrive! Plus the parties they have! The neighbor at the back sings which starts at 12am! Sometimes I want to send them a letter which says" SHUT THE HELL UP OR I WILL SHUT YOU UP!"
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
LOL! i agree! in our place, there's a rule that after 12midnight, everything that makes noice should be shut off. but duh! it means we could only sleep by 12mn!
@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
I'm with you! ^.^ those lousy, nothing to do, good for nothing men who always brings table to the streets and drink there! gosh! it's their birthday every week!! It's not funny anymore especially if your tried from work and you need rest. I also wish there was a law that states too! they can have the whole day but not the whole night also. it isn't fair that they are the only ones enjoying their evening... arg.. ^.^
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
If they only do it during occasions, like birthday or Christmas then I think I can let it pass. But if they do it every night then that's a MAJOR problem! lol! :D Seriously, I can go to the barangay or someone in charge in your area or village association to formally say your problem and complaints about the noise. That's what I would suggest to you.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
I haven't had any issues regarding noisy neighbors yet. I guess if I do encounter them I will call the police and report them. I'm sure the police will investigate and maybe reprimand them.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
I'm guilty of this at times. Just like any filipino household, videokee is the favorite past time. But i guess as much as others have the freedom to do whatever they want in their own homes others have the right to sleep too. I guess, every community has a written rule on noisy neighbors during unholy hours. If you're too shy to confront your neighbor, all you have to do is approach any barangay official and make an anonymous complaint this way you avoid confrontation, you can have the peace you need while your neighbors can make as much noise they want during the day.
• India
1 Sep 10
Hi Grace Your discussion is aimed at Filipnos, ok , you know i am from india, here people can't use a loud speaker , play loud music in home, ceremonies after 10pm till 5am. glad to know you are a singer, god bless.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
@diogz22 (516)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
I guess it depends on your location if your barangay has a certain ordinance or your municipal is currently implementing an anti noise campaign. I usually sing videoke songs during christmas and new year's celebration other than that I can't remember holding the microphone again. That will be a great idea implementing a noise curfew.