Are you still friends with your Ex?

September 1, 2010 9:42am CST
we are. my friends say that you should not be friends anymore. because of the reasons that your heart might hurt more and to make you heart completely healed. but it depends on your current boy/girlfriend, it depends on you actually! have you ever moved on? are you doing this to be emotionally reconnected with him or just letting him go? i think you should be friends.let go if he/she dont wants you - that is reality.if you were in a fight, then say sorry for as many times as you can. if he/she will not forgive you then, its all up to him/her. This issue is not for you anymore!
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24 responses
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Yes we are, actually we're the best of friends. For me, it's just a matter of acceptance and besides we've been friends for so many years, so I think that is also the reason why we are still connected. We could not get over with the friendship we have for so many years than we have as lovers. If we recall of our relationship as lovers, it's just a recollection of memories but no more feeling involve. Acceptance is the key. We believe that if it is us meant to be, it could have been happen before, but we meant to be friends, that's what we believe in.
• Hong Kong
2 Sep 10
he got married last week.eventhough with mutal understanding we it's really hard for me too accept the reality.i dont have reasons to avoid him.I love him so much.though we were good friends .Now its really painful to see him with another gal.I dont know, how to tacle this.i want to be normal but i cant do that.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
to cooldragon: i am so sorry! =( well, only time heal our your wounds. try to divert yourself like going out with friends. enjoy life without him!
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
to SimpleBB: yeah you are right. 1. forgiveness 2. acceptance are the keys to maintain that relationship eventhough it is just FRIENDSHIP.
@shira0524 (482)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I think it depends on the situation, and what caused you to separate in the first place. I'm very good friends with my ex and it's not a problem at all. :) We were together for a very long time and after it not working out I think we can both see that we are different people now than when we first got together. However, because we were so close for so long, we're happy being friends still.
• Canada
2 Sep 10
I agree to that shira.....I think it's a matter of what seperated you in the first place I'm still friends with one of my ex boyfriends well 2 of them as it was a mutual breakup and we are better as friends but as for my ex husband it took a couple of years to even come to speaking terms as life events had us fighting all the time....
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
that really happens when your ex is your true friend. especially when you are real friends way before you got into a relationship, being close for so long!
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
yes I agree with Shira. It really depends on what caused the break-up. two of my exes are my friends and that's because we were very good friends before we got into the relationship and it's really a good feeling to be at peace with everybody since I am a peace-loving person.:)
@derek_a (10873)
2 Sep 10
Yes, my Ex and I are still friends many years after we split up. We weren't exactly friends in the beginning, when we first split up, but time has healed a lot of the old wounds and we have forgiven each other. It's all water under the bridge now, and we get on well if we happen to meet by chance. We don't exactly go looking for each other though. _Derek
@derek_a (10873)
3 Sep 10
Yes, I would say that forgiveness is extremely powerful. I get to thinking of how the whole world would change if everybody listened to all the spiritual leaders that have existed since time began. Just forgive.. that is all that is needed. We just need to be willing for forgiveness to enter our minds and hearts and the world would truly be a better place. Holding resentment and blame for another only brings a person misery and probably even bad health! _Derek
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
forgiveness is the key to friendship at this situation right?
1 person likes this
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
That depends if I should really be friends with him or not. If befriending him means he will still try to get back when I do not want him anymore then I'd say no. If we're on good terms and he's way over me as i am with him then it's cool to be friends. But if he has done me so much wrong lol well I can forgive but I won't stay near him at all.
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
haha. so much huh? avoiding him is not a friendly gesture. but it really depends on you, you know. we should also weigh the pros and cons and see if we are at peace if you and your ex are friends, right?
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
well if you call that avoidance dear but if that is the way for him not to bother you then by all means do it. there are people who have a hard time getting closure or letting go.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
yeah there are people like that. it would take a year or a lifetime if the person was really in love with that somebody.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
no. I do not want to have anything to do with him anymore. We parted in a very bad way. I do not wish to be friends with him anymore.Ever! I do not think I can forgive him anymore.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Simply because what he did is UNFORGIVABLE! I do not wish him bad, but I do not wish him good either! What he did to me was damaging. I just did not sue him, but I will just entrust him to God. He already knows what to do to those kind of ... beast?
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
that is what you choose. some other people just cant forgive the terrible mistake a person sis to you. i hope you peace from within. =p
@pinkfray (24)
1 Sep 10
i dated two guys in the past. the first one i'm friends with, but the second one i'm not. i can't say one relationship differed from the other, or that one break up was handled differently from the other because they were fairly equally treated. for me at least, it all comes down to the guy's present girlfriend. my first ex's gf is cool and even talks to me,but my second ex's gf, omg is she a freak! i know i must have been wrong in talking to guy#2 so soon after the break-up, but i realized it must be ok since it hasn't even been two weeks since our break up that they started officially seeing each other. i expected the same civility as guy#1's gf from guy#2's gf, but after messaging him on FB if everything was alright with him, i receive a msg from his gf accusing me of "stealing" his boyfriend. um, we broke up weeks before. obvs i wasn't gonna "rob" her of a boyfriend. but i understand such a reaction was natural despite how irrational.. so i guess, aside from yourself, it also depends on the people in the relationship. for my first ex, i can say i'm friends with him and his gf, but for the second couple it's pretty much confronting a bit--, storm ^^
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
it really depends on the people around you of course. it depends on your own gf/bf if she/he accepts your friend. it depends on your exes bf/gf too. their personality and attitude is really important! i am so sorry of the freak!she's overacting!! i guess it will be very difficult to resolve this coz communication and acceptance is only the key.
• Malaysia
2 Sep 10
well,its not actually depend on people around you its depend on you and your exs whether you or he/she want to be a friends or not
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
You're right. It depends on yourself. On how you dealt with the break-up and the break-up itself. As of experience, NO. Me and my ex that I dated for more than 5 years are not friends anymore. We're like strangers. Strangers but with a past. It's kinda sad come to think of it. But I'd rather label it that way, it could be worse. The break-up and what happened after is just terrible. There is no 3rd party involved though but I guess not being friends with my ex helps me in making my life peaceful and less stressful. After I dated another guy after him, when I broke up with the guy, it hurts but at least it was a mutual break-up. We're good friends now unlike my first ex. It's just different. So you're right, it really depends on you on how you deal with it. If you're just open-minded and just wish for the best for that person , then it will be easier for you to become friends with your ex. But if not, it certainly is difficult.
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
Haha. I usually get carried away with this topic in particular that's why I add up my experience. See you around
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
well said meemingNEW explained with an experience! =p
@lonmar71 (89)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
the question is would your ex want to be your friend. it takes two to tango and only matured people can rise above the failed relationship and be friends again.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
if he/she wants to be your friend, will you?
@huqh123 (182)
• China
2 Sep 10
you know,some happened before and maybe for some reason, they are parted.It is a hard thing to forget. you may miss him or her. but you don't want to get close to her.It has left sad memory for you as you expericed the phychological fight in your you may choose to live far away and forget the thing. For most people it is hard to make friends again. as one says" friendship can turn into love but love is hard to change into friendship.May,it is true for you. how do you think???
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
i think yeah, for some. but others it is also simple for them. Even how bad the break up is, i know some who are still friends with their exes. you should learn how to end you relationship peacefully and one way is that you have to end up being friends. In this way, you'll have a clear mind and heart. this is only my opinion. =p
@sinaj292 (602)
• India
2 Sep 10
if we loved someone very deeply then we can't loose them at any cost...... Am also having such ex girlfriend..... now some times she is calling me.... am some time i used to see her..... i think i can't forget her at any cost ...... she was my all...... i can't separate her from my life....... am still loving her.... now she is a wife of some one else .... i know it is bad to love one's wife..... but .. i need time to get back.......
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
i am so sorry. i too lost a very deep love and just like you, also had another one without telling me. i only knew it after 2 years that he is cheating on me! i just kept it by myself. i was so battered and bruised all alone. but i found the right time to face him and pour out all my feelings! and we talk to end it all up. now, we are still friends! it ended up good
@ellechoi (281)
• Hong Kong
2 Sep 10
it's depend on you :). For me , if my ex is a good person i will be friend with him :) . I'll move on and i have a friend is my EX
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
if he is a bad person, then? i know no one really wants to have a bad friend but will you?
@nicole00 (141)
• United States
2 Sep 10
No I could never be frinds with ym ex. We have a child together but we dont have a friendship, its called a mutual agree between two people that doesnt involve friendship but aquaintances when it comes to our child thats it. As far as being friends No way.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
i understand your point of view. we can really choose our friends, it's really up to us!
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
well i'm divided in this. i'm friends with my 1st ex but not with the 2nd. Although i've already forgiven my 2nd ex, there's no chance that we can be friends not like my 1st ex since me and 1st ex are in the same peer group. I think its healthy if you're friends with your ex as long you both move on already and forgive and forget the past. :)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
you are right! "forgive and forget the past." for me, i dont really care about the past.that is why we're still friends.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
It really depends on the situation. Sometimes you just have to accept the facts that everything that has happened will never heal anything, let alone make another relationship such as friendships. But if the reasons why you broke are mutually decided, then you can be friends and share another dimension of talking and chatting.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
yea you are right. it depends on the situation and it depends on you, the both of you actually.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
yes.. all of them but i no longer have contact to all of them. we parted just fine. we talked about separating and became friends shortly after. they're all from my city except one who's out of the country. but few years ago i left town so we no longer see each other. it's good when you're still friends with them you know. considering every/all moments you have had with each other..
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
yeah we should end our exes relationship well and with forgiveness right? so that we will have a peaceful and free mind.
@jamuls (530)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
there's nothing wrong with being friends with your exes. the first real relationship i had was very tragic, i was the one who fooled around... she forgave me already and since then, we've been very close... closer than before. i was invited to her wedding and her daughter calls me Uncle. :) her hubby doesn't know of course... and my girlfriend. we're not doing anything wrong like you know what... whenever i need someone to talk to with just about anything, she'll always be there for me and vice versa. best friends is what i define our relationship now. :)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
that is so amazing! you are true friends indeed!
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Hi! I think it depends on how you broke up with him. I mean if you did broke up with him without any deep hurt feelings,maybe yes,you can be friends. But if you broke up with him because he did something really hurtful like cheated on you,or anything like that,then no. He might take your friendship a different meaning. Better live your own life without him if that would be the case.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
yeah.some really choose to do that. so to have a peaceful mind and heart.
• United States
1 Sep 10
hi ktmatunog, i have tried to be friends with my exes but unfortunately have never been able to. i think one of the reasons that we could not be friends was that the relationship was never that good to begin with, so keeping them as friends would have been a bad idea. it is like keeping someone around who has been a negative influence in one's life. yuck!
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
i value your opinion. =p we can choose our own friends! that's why there is accept and reject thing on social networking sites eyt? LOL
@KateVonP (172)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I usually move on..staying friends with them if you were really into them or even loved them is ridiculous if you ask me. Some people do it but not me. The guys usually end up disliking me anyways. LOL
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
why would they dislike you?
• South Africa
2 Sep 10
In life no one is in a business of making enemies especially with those you loved and shared special times with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being friends with your ex and in fact that might be your next stepping stone into being a better you in your next relationship. HOW??? You might ask. From time to time when you talk discuss on all the bad things he/she disliked while you were dating and make an effort not to repeat them in your current or next relationship.
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
i totally agree with you. get something good from your previous relationship. somehow, you surely learned something right from it! this makes you a better person and a better lover, i suppose?hehe