Revenge of the Deepwell

United States
September 1, 2010 10:30am CST
A long time ago cooking stoves had what they called a deep well. I'm sure alot of u never saw one. It was a recessed eye that had a big pan that went down in it. MY mother-in-law [first one] was not too happy that her son had married me. I wasn't either later on, lol. Anyway i was determined she & i were going to be firends & we were later on. I went to her home one day & she was canning beets. U have to put beets in boiling water to start with to get the skin off of them. I was sitting there talking to her while she worked on the beets. Instead of putting the pan in the deep well she poured water right on the eye. It's a wonder if didn't short out the whole stove but it didn't but water was going everywhere. I got up & helped her clean it. She didn't mention what she had done & i didn't either but to be honest w/u i was glad she did it. I know that was mean in me but i didn't like the fact that she felt the way about me that she did. I was stupidly 16 when i married & it hurt my feelings that they didn't welcome me like my parents did my husband. Have u ever had mean thoughts about a family member like i did?
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14 responses
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Not either of my mothers in law, but about some other family members. I try to get over malicious feelings, though, as they just become something bad for me to carry on with.
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• United States
1 Sep 10
Hi GG, thanks for responding. We got to be great friends later on but i resented the way she felt at first. My ex was her baby & i don't know if anyone would have pleased her at the time. i was only 16 at the time so i was young & dumb.
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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Sep 10
And how "young and dumb" was her son?
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• United States
1 Sep 10
Hi Barb, he was 5 years older than i was. We eloped. We went a week later & told my parents. When we went to tell his i was left in the car & not invited in. I thought that was real tacky.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Sep 10
i was also only one month 16yrs, when i married my first husband and his mother really hated me. i had terrible thoughts about her. this woman constantly complained about everything i did and even smacked me a couple times in our own house. but, id been taught not to do anything to my elders, plus, she was the mother of my man i loved. he was very close to her and i still kissed butt. waited on her hand and foot. thats why i cant understand women today not caring to even respect my sons mother... (me). when i finally left him for good, she begged me harder then he did to get back to him. mostly because he soon took up with a girl that whooped her butt the first time she jumped at she apologised to me many times. but i wasnt about to go back to that treatment. the family and everyone has learned 1 thing about me. i might be easy a long time, but when im done, im DONE!!
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
1 Sep 10
I can so identify with that last sentence. If I am ever done with you, do not even bother.
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• United States
1 Sep 10
hI bon, AS my friend says stick a fork in me i'm done. I use to take alot more when i was young but after so much crap i quit. I can't believe that woman smacked u. U are a better lady than me i know i would have smacked her right back, the very idea of her acting that way. She was a trip, i'm sure. Sorry she treated u that way. Thanks for responding.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Sep 10
WEll ya cant feel lonesome as my mother in law didnt like me either didnt like my sister in law that married my brother in law we mwrried her boys lolololol SHe hid he money once in her pillow case and told every one that I had stole it. and I was watching tv and hadnt moved told my hubby I hadnt moved from my seat and if it was gone ot look around the pillows for thats whee she went when she came ito the room. yup there was the money then she said I had to be a witch! lolololololol SHe was a very coutrfied womna back in the hils of Tenn.
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• United States
2 Sep 10
I think she's the one that was a witch, lol. I was glad when my kids got married & i want them to be happy. I would never interfere in their marriages.I didn't want anyone interfering in mine either, his side or mine. Afraid i didn't get what i wanted, lol. Thanks for responding.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Sep 10
yea how well I know it! and we were in close contact alot for I did the driving and that car didnt move if she wasnt in it! and that was almost every day if I wasnt working
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• United States
2 Sep 10
5 years can be a long time When thigs aren;t going good.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Sep 10
Ah sweets, I think what you felt at that moment was more relief that this woman was as human and fallible as anyone else. Such a natural feeling considering her feelings for you. I waited a long time to see a 'fault' in my own MIL, as she hated me on site. lol Took a few years, but one finally showed up and all I could do was laugh out loud. Thank God she WAS human, because she ended up laughing with me and though we were never really friends, we got along much better after that.
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• United States
1 Sep 10
Hi Sparks, thanks for responding. I just did understand her feeling that way. She didn't know me so how could she just automatically act like that. We stayed on good terms even after i divorced 'her baby'. Of course my son brought her around. I liked my dils automatically because my sons loved them & they loved my sons. I still like them even tho i do get aggravated w/them at times & i'm sure they do me to. Inlaws can be strange 'critters'.lol.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Sep 10
You know sweets, you just may have hit the nail on the head when you said "her baby". Some mothers have a real problem letting go of 'their babies', especially to other women. And marrying so young might have a lot to do with it too. I know in my case my MIL hated me on sight because she KNEW that I was the one and 'her baby' was going to move out of her house and marry me. I'm glad though that the two of you worked things out. And yes, in laws can be a right b*tch at times. lol
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• United States
1 Sep 10
We did get off to a rough start but thank heavens that changed. Thanks for your response. Hope u have a good night.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Sep 10
Mean thoughts, me? Maybe occasionally, but I try not to...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Sep 10
A little tarnished too...
• United States
1 Sep 10
lol, ur halo is crooked.
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@JudithP (295)
• Canada
3 Sep 10
Oh you are naughty! We had gone to Ottawa to visit my Aunt Em. Not a pleasant trip. She had one of those houses where all the living room furniture was covered in plastic. Ok, so now you know where I'm coming from. This woman drove me crazy. I was 16 and it was 1970 of course I was a hippy. Wasn't everybody? The ice rain started just as we arrived and things were getting quite slick. I wasn't in the door two minutes when she asked me to go back out and put salt on the steps. I grumbled but I did it. Later in the evening we were going to visit another Aunt. We all got dressed and left the house with my Aunt Em leading the way which is only fitting seeing how she was the matriarch. She pictured herself closer to the queen mother. Now imagine this, she's dressed in a thick cloth coat with her little hat perched on top of her dyed blue hair. She has these little boots on that are pulled over top her shoes. She's the picture of the perfect lady. She steps off the bottom steps and her feet go out from under her and all we heard was umph as her butt hit the ground. We all stood there in silence but the momentum already had her and she began to spiral down the sidewalk and came to a stop when she collided with the mailbox. My mind I was electrified. I couldn't believe what was happening. When she finally came to a stop her hat was kind of perched on her glasses and I could no longer contain myself. She looked right at me and said , "I thought I asked you to throw salt out here." I replied to her, "You told me to do the stairs, you didn't say anything about the sidewalk."
@JudithP (295)
• Canada
3 Sep 10
After I got over the initial shock, and I knew she wasn't hurt, there was nothing that could hold it back. She actually smiled and gave us a small lady like giggle. To this day when I think of it, Aunt Em with her hat on all cockeyed, it still brings a chuckle. Have a great weekend yourself.
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• United States
4 Sep 10
There's just some things u never forget. lol. especially if u are being naughty or having naughty thoughts.
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• United States
3 Sep 10
i ADMIT I WAS NAUGHTY. pEOPLE WHO THOUGHT I HAD NO SENSE BECAUSE I WAS JUST 16 sort of rubbed me the wrong way. I admit i had alot ot learn & people w/tat kind of attirudeu learn from in a hurry, lol. I bet u had naughty thoughts to when she went down the sidewalk, lol. Thanks for responding, Happy weekend to u.
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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Sep 10
When I was first married, we rented a house that came with a stove that had a deep well. Never used it, though. (Didn't have a pot to fit in it.)
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• United States
1 Sep 10
I think the pots came w/the stove. Being a rental house somebody probably took the pot w/them.Thanks for responding.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Yes...some really nasty ones about my ex! LOL...his mother never accepted me either and it hurt. I never did anything right for her. After we were divorced I ran into her one time and she stopped know I always loved you and always will....I thought..what? Could have fooled me!
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• United States
1 Sep 10
Hey Jill, people can sure act wierd, can't they?I have never understood people acting like that & then saying something like that.She had the nerve to even speak to u. I'm glad i don't have to fool w/imlaws or much else anymore, lol. Thanks for responding.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 Sep 10
All the time Jo. All the time. The way they treated me, I couldn't care less about them. Now II didn't wish them any harm but good riddance which is what they deserved. I won't beg for anybody to like me. I am what or who I am so like me or bye bye! LOL I used to be the other way arwound but not anymore. I do my best for anybody and if that isn't good enough then they'll find out where they can stick it! LOL HUGS!!
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• United States
2 Sep 10
Hey Cat, thanks for responding. I'm w/u, keep that attitude, lol. Hope everything & everybody is o.k.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Well we are but human and we could always be tempted to have mean thoughts to anyone most especially to those who does not treat us well. I also have had some share of mean thoughts when I was younger. And when I looked back at my past, I could only smile and be thankful to God for I am no longer that same naughty girl I used to be.
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• United States
2 Sep 10
Good morning, i guess we all chill out some as we get older. I can still be naughty if need be, lol. Thanks for responding.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
2 Sep 10
Hi ANTI! Wow, you were sure young, a baby! How terribly mean for you mil! She sounds like how my paternal grandmother (father- from-hell's mother) felt about my mom! I hated her too because she was mean to my mom and me and my brother! I used to think she was a "witch" because she looked like one and was always cranky, mean and ugly!lol I hated my father and he was just like her! So, yes I hated most of my family, except for a few on my mom's side! I never got married for that reason. My ex-finacee's father didn't like me and I hated him too, so I decided not to marry his moron son after all! We would have definitely ended up divorced so I just skipped a step and I am so glad I did!
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• United States
2 Sep 10
I'm glad u didn't marry the moron, smart move on your part. Marriage is one of the hardest jobs people will ever have.Thanks for responding. I was too young to get married but desparately wanted to get out of my parent's home. All they did was fight.Life can get in a mess no matter what age u are, lol. Thanks for responding.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Sep 10
I do and it’s in regards to my own parents! To say dysfunctional and abusive barely covers it! My sister and I still have a relationship with them which I question every weekend when I see them! I am ashamed to say that I feel trapped by my parents and their weird ways and I will never be free until they leave this world. I can appreciate your feelings towards your mother in law; we’re only human and there is only so much negativity one can take even for the nicest of people like yourself!
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• United States
2 Sep 10
Good morning, i know how u feel about your parents. I was very unhappy at homr w/mine i ran off & eloped. I finally got to be friends w/ mil but don't my mother & i were eveer friends. It's a sad thing but the truth's the truth.I have tried to be a good mil but don't know that mydil's feel that i am, lol.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I think we have all had bad thoughts about someone along the way. It can be hard when people don't welcome you and no matter how hard you try..they don't like you.
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• United States
4 Sep 10
Hi Jen, Thanks for respoding.I didn't understand them acting like that before they even met me but it does change. Happy weekend to u.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Hello Antiquelady, I am right with you. I felt the same way with my mother-in-law of my ex-husband. Even after the divorced she thought she boss me around and my children and out spend me for my children. Granted I was not making a lot money and not getting much from ex-husband at the time but she way over spent on my children. I told time and time again not do that because I had to deal with on limited income and girls especailly oldest one only wanted the best. They always well Nanna can get for me. I told my duaghter No! She will not and you will have to wait till I had the cash etc... but clothing oh my they had so much when they are grwoing up. Now when her car breaks down it is me more than Nanna and Nanna now can not send as much money or she does not want too. It weird as my children got be 18 the Nanna will not help as much. Oh well. Thanks and have a great day Sincerley Unique16
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• United States
1 Sep 10
Hi, thanks for responding. My mother interfered like that w/my oldest son. It sure doesn't do them any good but i could never make her see that. It's very aggravating when that is done. Happy days to u.