I would, but...

September 2, 2010 4:32am CST
I am always apprehensive having a dog since the have this habit of harboring fleas,ticks and what not and be as source of allergy. Especially with children around one needs to be extra-cautious. Do you allow your children to fondle you dogs often?
2 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
2 Sep 10
I think a family dog is very important for the growth and development of a child. Many researches had been done on this issue and the conclusions were that 45% of the children who grow up with a pet, grow better and faster than others. Those children tend to be less aggresive, they integrates better in the community, they are more sociable and more responsible. Also, their mental state and the mind is balanced, they feel really happy. Fleas and ticks should not be used as an excuse to deprive the child of the joy of growing with a dog. There are a lot of products that prevent infestation with fleas and ticks, so it won't be any danger about it. It is also known that, contrary to widespread belief, children who grow up with cats or dogs may be at less risk for developing pet allergies, and less susceptible to ragweed, grass and dust mite allergies. Here is an article about a 10-year study about this issue: http://www.sdearthtimes.com/et0203/et0203s19.html
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
2 Sep 10
I don't have children but studies have found that children that grow up with animals are less likely to have allergies to them.. They build up an immunity to the allergen. I wouldn't have any problem having children around animals. IN fact I was one of those children.. I adore animals and my mother was not a big pet person.. so I had allergies, but the older I got -the more my mother knew that she was not going to keep me separated from animals for long. I had a gift with getting along with them. So thankfully my mother being so very wise.. Started getting me allergy shots.. which is just basically you get shots filled with the very thing you are allergic to. they start off in small doses and you go weekly then they build up your doses higher and higher and then you go bi-weekly then monthly.. they retest you and soon your allergies to these things has lessened. Mine helped because I started collecting cats and dogs.. and I built up my own immunity. I was very allergic and asthmatic. Now they barely bother me and my astma has even gotten a lot better. My worst allergy? Is still DUST! I hate cleaning! lol