Have you ever visit this website for unclaimed property or money?

United States
September 2, 2010 4:43am CST
Hey everyone, have you ever visit this website called missingmoney.com, or unclaim.com to see if you have any money didn't claim on your own, or any property that you still not claiming for? It is pretty easy, you simply type in your first, middle, and last name. Let the system search the whole database for you. i wish there will be some thousands dollars waiting for me, but I did try, there is no result under my name. Just a wishful thinking. Well, if you think that you have anything is unclaimed, you can try this website. I think it is from the government database.
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2 responses
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
2 Sep 10
I have never visited such a site but I did get a letter from an organization here in the US stating they have money of mine from some account years ago and they paid me. Its always nice to get an extra check for nothing even though it was no major amount.
@kaspas (37)
• Greece
2 Sep 10
I have visit this site 1st time from a forum with tricks for make money to paypal. after that i sign up to this site. I can say that i change my mind about it. it is a good forum discussion. Of course, i have the payment on my mind but it isn't only this.