Left wing extremist groups start TeaPartyTracker.org, but what will they find?

@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
September 2, 2010 2:50pm CST
The site, sponsored by the NAACP, Think Progress, New Left Media and Media Matters is designed to attack anyone associate with the Tea Party, but primarily to make the tea parties appear as a bunch of racists and extremists. Being as this site is sponsored and run by left wing extremists, it is 100% guaranteed to achieve its goal. How will they do this? It's quite easy. All they really have to do is follow those morons like Jason Levin of http://www.crashtheteaparty.org/ who are infiltrating Tea Party rallies with the exact same goal. After all, how much effort does it take for a left winger to show up at one of those rallies wearing a shirt like this? http://www.teapartytracker.org/blog_entry/t-shirt-from-8-28-rally Personally I think they now have a brilliant partnership. One group poses as racists at Tea Parties, and the other photographs them. The best part for these scumbags is that it is nearly impossible to differentiate a crasher from a regular tea party goer unless you can genuinely prove the identity of the person caught in a photo or video like what happened with that moron that crashed the Rand Paul rally. http://www.potusreadout.com/2010/08/rand-pauls-tea-party-crasher.html So what do you guys think will come of this site? It's already sponsored by groups famous for lies and smear campaigns. Do you think it will be treated as a credible source? Is there really any way to fight it? Do any of you think it really is credible?
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9 responses
• United States
2 Sep 10
No I do not think it will be credible. But I do not think either side is completely credible as both sides arrange for stooges to disrupt any meeting. Supposedly showing how bad the opposite side is.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
2 Sep 10
I think it is and will be crap. I wonder how long it will take before some people here site them as a credible/reliable source. LMAO.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Sep 10
Oh it won't take any time at all. I've already seen at least one member post a random picture or two claiming they prove that there's racism at some tea parties. All this site does it make it easier for people to find photos, either genuine or bogus, to continue making such claims. You see the one they've already posted. The shirt looks brand new. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts he had it made specifically for the purpose of having a photo like that.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I looked at their gallery, I dont see anything wrong.....
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Sep 10
You can tell the guy in the black shirt is a plant because of his liberal view towards spelling. The name of the country is Mauritania, not Mauitania. Maybe it's a Freudian slip, he was thinking of his favorite Hawaiian and so the word Maui just happened. It's a sure sign of fear, not fear of possible racism or violence from the Tea Party, but rather, fear the Tea Party agenda resonates with Americans better than they do. They fear losing influence and relevance. They are probably too late, they have already lost their power. Nevertheless, there will be the faithful on the left who will believe every photo is genuine.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Sep 10
As others have said, no, this won't be seen as a credible source and some of the infiltrators may find that getting their photo op a bit difficult...at least getting the photo op they want could be difficult. The group that I belong to down here has had a plan for such people since the start. Not originally our idea but effective. It's called Surround 'Em and Get 'Em Out. Can't take a picture of a racist tee shirt or sign if the star of the show is completely surrounded by legitimate members who are intent upon having a very close group discussion...until the scumbag leaves or is assisted in leaving.
@jb78000 (15139)
7 Sep 10
if people really are pretending to be racists to give a group they disagree with a bad name then it is not only sneaky but also incredibly stupid. promoting this kind of view, even if you are only acting for your own dishonest purposes, encourages it. you are going to get the real bigots thinking it is more acceptable because others feel the same way, perceived peer pressure is really powerful, and also some that think 'oh well, my views are ok because they are not as extreme as his'. also why bother in the first place? if mylot is anything to go by there are only too many bigotted loons running around on the far right. the tea party and others on the right have to deal with real or pretend idiots by refusing to be associated with them. i think spall's idea was a good one but it could go further.
• United States
3 Sep 10
Well I think idiots will follow this site only. Seems to me they are trying to keep hatred alive and well, for what they fear of every day citizens. Funny how you call normal everyday people haters and racists when you own comment is filled with ALL of it! The pot calling the kettle black here! But lets see? What was the name of that site again? Oh I already forgot it! Goodbye!
• United States
2 Sep 10
I think that this is all going too far. I know why they are doing this, and that is to get back at the tea party, but if people on the left want to prove that they are better than the tea party, this is not the way to do it because they are giving the tea party what they want.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
3 Sep 10
But there is always the fatal flaw that will completely derail their entire credibility. They will at some point slip up. The clock is ticking. In fact, the NAACP has already had several and will continue on its downward path unless it can take the unimaginable step of disassociating itself from politics. Since the race card is the only one actually used by the NAACP, they would be better spending their money elsewhere. Frankly, the only people who actually reads this dribble is their own organizations and those who watch the groups to monitor for slip-ups. Frankly, the true tea party members know the truth and that is by far more powerful than those created stories. But the real measure always comes at the polls. That is where the tea party voices are being heard the loudest. The once-called mainstream media has already soiled its reputation beyond any repair.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
2 Sep 10
I used to be an avid collector of political memorabilia. That is until my house burned down and I lost everything. Do you realize how many communist and socialist political parties there are in this country and how many people run on those tickets in various places? And some actually gain office. Then along come the tea party folks. And almost instantly they are branded with every nasty name you can brand a group with. This is so bizarre. What happened is they put fear into the current administration....You immediately HATE what you fear.... Shalom~Adoniah