Angels and Demons

September 2, 2010 2:55pm CST
Angels were defined as a divine messenger of God. They are in the good side. They are describe as beautiful creatures wearing white robes and comes in white bird-like wings. They also have halos. On the other hand, Demons were defined as an evil supernatural being ; a devil. They are in the bad side , Satan's members. They are describe as ugly , with horns and tail, comes with a bat-like wings. They represent the color black. Where do you think this definition and idea about Angels and Demon originated? Why do Angels have bird wings not butterfly wings? And Demons must always looks like a monster. I didn't mean to make fun on these, for those who believe in Angels and Demons.
1 response
@crackx (628)
• Belgium
2 Sep 10
I think it must have been made by someone that had A LOT of inspiration and tried to create things that sow fear over those that do the wrong things. Because they get defined as in hell and heaven and it eventually has been made all for the people, to keep them believing in the right things and not doing anything bad. I'm sorry if I offended anyone that does believe in it... However I don't see the use of this.