Do you believe that the world will end in 2012?
By Absinto
@Absinto (2385)
September 2, 2010 5:06pm CST
Lots of people are saying that the world is going to nd in 2012 basd on what is says in some calendar. Yet scientists are now saying that it is going to end in 2019. And there are other that just say this is all nonsens.
What do you think about this?
23 responses
@JeyakumarDickson (277)
• India
3 Sep 10
in my may end any time..its god's plan to destroy
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@ivo_shkafov (399)
• Bulgaria
3 Sep 10
I don't,but I'll probably get pretty psyched on the 21st of december the 2012 th :D
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@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
2 Sep 10
Doubt it, they probably just have to say it will end at some point.. Because if they didn't give us any answers they wouldn't have a job. 

@goldfngz (99)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I think that it's a scheme to make money. Just like with the Y2K scare in 1999 when everyone was going out buying survival stuff and building shelters. People spent a ton of money.
The only one who really knows is God. If you're telling me that mankind knows the exact year and date the world is going to end, and you believe it, I'm telling you you're crazy.
They've been pulling this crap forever, and I can't believe people are still falling for it. I don't give a damn if it was the Mayans, the Indians, or whoever, they were just human. If you believe the word of the Mayans over God, maybe we should stop praying to God and pray to the Mayans. Maybe we should put "In The Mayans We Trust" on the dollar bill. Maybe we should stop all church services and create Mayans services.
I said all that to say that it's absolutely ridiculous, they've predicted the end of the world before, and the reason that it didn't happen is because no man of flesh can predict that. Don't fall for it. This is manmade bullcrap.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
3 Sep 10
Exactly. It could be those kind of schemes again. So many things they invent nowadays to earn more money, why not say the world is going to end.
These people need to get a life. I mean even if it was true, why on earth would we want to know? To live scared forever. Nottt... We need to live on thinking we will last forever.
The world only ends for us when we die :)
Thanks for the response xD
@goldfngz (99)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I'm sorry if I appeared a little aggressive. I get upset when I hear this topic.
I know someone somewhere is trying to make a profit by spreading panic and fear.
They need to be exposed.
I always hear people talking about the alignment of the planets or something. Where are they getting this information? Haven't scientists always told us about things that were going to hit the earth and "kill us all"? Why should we believe them now?
And if there's some exclusive info that they know about, why aren't they sharing it with us? Are they going to wait until Dec 19, 2012 to tell us? I don't get it.
Use common sense people. If something happens in 2012 it will be something that man created.

@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
2 Sep 10
No it's not going to end. People say this because the Mayan calander stops in 2012. But really, they had to stop their calender somewhere, it couldn't go on forever! And it's not like they actually marked a day saying the world would end.. Their calender ends, not the world.
@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
3 Sep 10
Exactly.. We didn't have factories and everything back then! I'm sure they wouldn't dedicate their entire lives to making a never ending calender.

@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
3 Sep 10
I don't think the Mayans knew anymore than any other person that makes a prediction. Of course, anything could happen. What do you mean when you speak of the end of the word?

@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
4 Sep 10
But what is going to end? All life? The planet? The universe? Or just bad people?
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
3 Sep 10
Sorry, I made a spelling error. What do you mean by the end of the world?

@sconibear (8016)
• United States
2 Sep 10
The world already ended in 1987.......R.E.M. wrote a song about it. 

@sconibear (8016)
• United States
2 Sep 10's_the_End_of_the_World_as_We_Know_It_(And_I_Feel_Fine)

@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
3 Sep 10
i think the same thing is going to happen like 2000 nothing. the world will be around longer then any of us..
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
well, the world is just a planet like the planet in other universe, perhaps it was also soon to come to an end, maybe an explosion or its gravity will be lessen and the giant sun will just burn it. Anyway if the evidence are perfect, why not believed after all we are nothing but a dust
@larasatiya (2)
• Indonesia
3 Sep 10
do really no. Exactly no body knows when the world ends but everybody must know that this world is not a teenager, too old...Hmmm,.:0)
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
3 Sep 10
Yes and No. Yes.. because the way the nuclear is going on at present and the ever flourishing terrorism the word will definitely end in 2012. No.. because good sense is bound to dawn in the minds of people in power to realise the consequences.
@gorgeousjoie (7)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
No i don't believe that our world is going to end this 2012. Nobody can tell when will it be except GOD. We don't know coz it can happen anytime that we don't expect. It maybe earlier than 2012 or later than 3000. All that's left for us is to pray and to do good always. we'll never know that tomorrow might be the end.
@sterndal (7)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
No. I don't. I've always believed that nobody knows the exact date and time of that day. Like what I've read from the bible. But I have to admit that when I was younger, I used to get scared with those kinds of news :)
@veromar (1453)
• Argentina
3 Sep 10
No, I don't believe the world is going to end in 2012. However, I do believe that something is going to happen. There have been some interesting programs I've been watching on The History Channel about the Mayan calendar and all that. One of the things that intrigued me the most was about the alignment of some planets in the solar system and possible bursts of energy from the sun. I can't speak with any technical authority about it but what I basically understood was that the last time this particular alignment happened, it caused an ice age of sorts. That's the theory I'm leaning toward. Could be nothing, could be huge. Who really knows??!?!? However, based on the events of the last alignment, I'm going along with the theory that SOMEthing is going to happen that will disturb our atmosphere and possibly weather patterns as a result. The interesting thing about the Mayans was the fact that they actually studied and charted stars and movement of planets. Their entire culture was based on it so I have to think there is some validity to their calendar ending in the year 2012. Guess we'll just all have to wait and see!