Friday the 13th, is it lucky or unlucky?

friday the 13th - i've never considered friday the 13th to be unlucky, in fact, i've been lucky,,, ^^
September 3, 2010 11:41pm CST
There has been a lot of legends why Friday and 13 combined together is unlucky, although it doesn't have enough evidences to support it, it was thought to be believed by many. how much more if these two are combined, right? why is Friday unlucky? it was believed that Eve tempted Adam to eat the apple on a Friday, some tradition has it that the flood in the bible happened on a Friday and Jesus Christ died on a Friday. so now, its up to you to believe if it sure is unlucky,, ^^ why is 13 unlucky? 12 is said to be a lucky number and the number following it, 13 is unlucky and evil, there's no basis for this, but superstitions are like that. and not to mention, at the last supper, Jesus had 13 guests with Judas as the traitor. Many fear the number 13, they don't even put up the 13th floor on buildings,,, ^^ Tridecaphobia -fear of number 13 Paraskevidekatriaphobia - fear of friday the 13th
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14 responses
@Wahma60 (108)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
The number 13 may be considered by most people as unlucky but for me it is lucky because I was born on that number. When I was younger, I feel sad whenever people say Friday the 13th because it connotes bad luck. Most of the time, it will fall on my birthday. As I grew older, I have to respect other people's opinion on this. We are entitled to what we believe.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
absolutely right!, you sure are lucky to be born on a thirteenth,,,,^^
• Canada
4 Sep 10
I too was born on the 13th and I am not cursed with bad luck, nor does anything out of the ordinary happen to me on Friday the 13th's. Also when my birthday falls on a Friday the 13th it is just as good as any other birthday!
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
i have a friend who's birthday falls on a 13th too, and for me she's lucky,,, ^^ well, i guess, if no.12 is a lucky number, maybe 13 is luckier, because its one number higher than 12,,, hehehehehe
@T_Diamond (965)
• New Zealand
5 Sep 10
Yep..that's superstitions for ya... Everyone knows not to walk under a ladder, but no one knows why it brings bad luck. Brought up in a superstitious family, I guess I got some what used to it. As for Friday 13th, a friend of mine would consider it to be very lucky! Last friday 13th, he found $20 (guess it could be the same $20 someone else lost on a friday 13th couldn't it? haha!)
• New Zealand
5 Sep 10
The idea is to stop before the hole in your pockets gets too big.
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
yep, but i believe some would go because there hopes are high and they think that maybe they'll have a chance to win in the end,,, ^^
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
yes, thats why its considered to be lucky for some and unlucky for a few,,,, and i think its because there should be a counterpart for every luck one receives, i mean, just like in gambling right, no one could be lucky if no one would experience being unlucky and lose,,, ^^
• Canada
4 Sep 10
To me their is nothing wrong with Friday the 13th. I was born on August 13th so once in a blue moon my birthday will fall on a Friday the 13th, and when it does I always seem to have a great birthday! Also on just regular Friday the 13th's (non birthday) nothing terrible or out of the ordinary happens.
• Canada
5 Sep 10
I feel pretty blessed with the awesome people I have in my life! My husband, our 2 girls, and awesome family and friends. I am not cursed at all, I feel VERY lucky!
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
yes, because it solely depends on the person,,, ^^ just like how our past molds the present and our present affect our future,,, ^^
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@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
5 Sep 10
I thought it was because of a horror movie, but I don't really know for sure the origin of why people think that Friday the 13th is a bad lucky day
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
yes, yes, i saw that movie too,,, ^^
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
actually it is up to if friday the 13th is gonna be good or bad for you. you are the one who will make that day beneficial and memorable. for us christians we are not believing to that kind of thinking because we believe that we are the ones who will make that day good. for us there is no word like lucky or unlucky in the world because everything happens for a reason.
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
im a christian, but i often times use the word lucky and unlucky,,, and i believe that those unlucky things happen for a reason too,,, ^^
@ermi46 (68)
• Hungary
4 Sep 10
It's not lucky or unlucky neither. Some places 13 is a lucky number. I think bad thing happens even the date isn't on 13th. And about Judas, nowadays there's new facts that maybe change your opinion about 13.
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
what is it? would you bother and share some? ^^
@JasperTore (1275)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
It depends on you if you want to be unlucky. We are the ones who holds our fate, not others. If we want to be someone, we can do it through our own efforts not with the legends and other beliefs. Friday the 13th is just a fiction, no evidence and just mere say.
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
but for those who expereinced misfortunes on friday the 13th, you can't blame them if they believe in these legends,,, ^^ and yes, these legends were made by us, people, in fact, they were relayed from the oldies,,, well, most superstitions come from them,,, ^^
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
Its neither lucky nor unlucky. Its just a number. It doesn't have anything to do about our luck. But there are still lots of superstitious people. Even without scientific evidence they'll just go with it. Although there is really nothing wrong about believing about 13 or Friday the 13th as unlucky. Just don't overdo it.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
yes, but we can't really do anything if others want to overdo it or believe it,,, hehehehe,,, happy mylotting,,, ^^
@bloemart (222)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
I don't think so, I don't believe with those superstitious believe. People are the one who make those connotations and belief. We are the one who make our Fridays, our Thirteenth day lucky or not. I more believe that the more you think negative the more you unlucky you are. so think positive, think something really makes you productive.
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
yes, you are right, we make our fortune,,, ^^ hehehehe, good day!
@man2sting (637)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 10
It isn't ether one of lucky or unlucky. To me, it's the same as other numbers. I've been with this number quite often-nothing bad happening in my life.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
yes, it usually depend on how people see it,,,, ^^
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
...i heard a lot of stories and beliefs about the friday the 13th and its "curse", although i don't believe that thing...after all,everything that is happening in our life, be it good or bad, lucky or unlucky were the caused of our own actions and not just because of some numbers or legends..if you want to be very lucky today, strive hard so that you can achieve is just a matter of how we manage our life and how we face the things that is happening in our life..
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
yes, you're right,,, could share some of those stories and beliefs about friday the 13th? hehehehe
@sjhaeki (795)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
it's up to the person to believe in it. maybe certain coincidences imprinted these in the mind of the people making friday and 13 together an unlucky event. i don't get unlucky though. i somehow have luck.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
yes, i believe this has something to do with the persons mind set,,,, ^^ some effects brought by this friday the 13th could always be psychological in nature,,, ^^
@gabbymg (127)
• United States
4 Sep 10
I usually have something unpleasant happen on Friday the 13th and also with the triple 6. I think if you believe in superstitions you'll notice things that a person who doesn't, doesn't notice. Whenever I have had a triple 6 appear on a bill something would happen following that that wasn't to my liking. I'm not fearful of the numbers, I just notice things that happen throughout the day.
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
really? isn't there a movie with triple 6? and they said that triple 6 is a number of the evil, so as 23, well, seems like there are lots of numbers that they made up to be unlucky, but who knows, they might be true to some, right?,,, ^^
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
for me, it is an unlucky day. but for others, they find it lucky because maybe they were lucky during that day...
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
why do you find it unlucky though?