Is same-gender marrige legal in your country?
By p3ks626
@p3ks626 (6538)
September 4, 2010 10:21am CST
I came across this blog this evening saying something about legalizing same-gender marriage in their country. I dont know with you guys but dont you think there has to be some limitations about this? Do you think that your country needs to legalize same gender marriage too? What can you say about same-gender marriage?
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23 responses
@ladybugr2d2 (575)
• United States
4 Sep 10
I think people should be able to marries the one they love. I live in the us and some states are ok with it and others are not. I don't know why it should be anyone Else's besniss other then the two people getting married it's for them marge is something that once was considered special and everyone should be able to be with the one they love if both want it.
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@ladybugr2d2 (575)
• United States
5 Sep 10
I'm not sorry to say p3k that the closes thing to god or Jesus i warship is my soon to be husband who looks like Jesus and has a cross that grows on his chest. I do not believe in the Christin ways. I am Wiccan and proud and glade that my children are tolerant of every one. thank you sid. I believe people should treat others as they want to be treated.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Sep 10
Well I would not want to be treated as I treat judgmental people like this. I am a very open minded person for the most part but people who judge others by their nationality, religion, sexuality etc which are all superficial things...all tolerance goes out the window. The thing with these types of people is that they hurt others with their thoughts which they feel perfectly fine about airing. The people they are judging are not hurting anyone. They are just being themselves.
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@parrot2010 (812)
4 Sep 10
What limitations are you talking about? I'm proud to say that in my country it is legal. We do not think backwards we think ahead.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Not all marriages are religiously based. Many people get married by a Justice of the Peace and their marriage is every single bit as legit as those married in the church. It is ok to hold your own religious views on this based on your beliefs but do you really feel it is ok to take those views and impose them on others outside of your faith? What harm does it do to your personal world if gay people were allowed to get married say, outside of the church? Heck, you probably would not even know about it unless they chose to tell you. I mean, they are probably already sharing a household together. Why do you care if they get married or not? I am not asking this to be sarcastic. I'd really love an answer that does not go back to what your bible says. How would them getting married affect you personally?
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
5 Sep 10
@parrot2010: A lot of people seem to have a dark ages mindset really. We can't blame them for that. They are being indoctrinated by their parents and government... besides that those screaming they are gay the loudest are mostly gay themselves... let them scream, we know better. 

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@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
5 Sep 10
In my home country is legal, but not in my current country, what I find discriminating.
I think that it should be legal in all of the world, as homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality and bisexuality, and if you fall in love with someone and want to be able to have legal benefits because of that, everyone should have the right to be able to get them 

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@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Homosexuality is not normal. People who have these problems can over come it. Being a lesbian or a homosexual is just an influence. It could be right in the eyes f the society but its wrong in the site of God. Its sad that people are getting blinder and blinder.

@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 10
My country hasn't legalized the same gender marriage. Different religion marriage also hasn't been legalized by my country.
I think, it is people right to marry with different gender or the same gender. Why so? For me, everyone deserves to be happy. So not only normal people, in this case the one who loves people in different gender, but also the one who loves one who has the same gender as he has.
If they are happy, why not?
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
5 Sep 10
@p3ks626: A lot of celebrities in Holland are gay.
- Claudia De Breij ( radio and tv host) good for more than 100.000 euros per year
- Paul de Leeuw - One of the most famous gays in Holland. Good for over 250k per year.
- Gordon - One of the most successful singers in Holland. Good for several 100k
Peter van der Vorst - Royalty watcher good for 100K +
- Ronnie Tober - American-Dutch singer. Good for probably over 100k.
- Peter Rehwinkel - Mayor of one of the biggest cities in Holland. Good for say 200k
- Marc-Marie Huybregts - Popular TV-show side kick and presenter of very famous programs. 100k+ annually.
- Johan Kenkhuis - Swimming champion
All of them are very happy for 10's of years.
Same gender marriage is immoral and people know that, they are just trying to be defensive.
It is 100% moral. The only immoral thing in the equation are anti-gay people. And you know that, since those who are screaming they are anti-gay loudest are mostly gay.
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@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
They think they are going to be happy and its a kind of happiness that is too temporal. Think long terms. This things may make them happy now but not in the life to come. Same gender marriage is immoral and people know that, they are just trying to be defensive.

@bautistaanna04 (306)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
it's not legal in our country and it can never be legal, i believe. it's because issues like these are prohibited in our country's constitution.
i don't favor it personally. if it is to be legalized, i won't like it if it would be done in our country. i don't like it much when i see a couple who are of the same gender, i don't know why.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Curious as to just why you even care? Did God personally appoint you to be the moral advocate and police here on earth? You are aware that the bible also states that it is an abomination to eat pork right? oh and shrimp. It is also a sin to wear cotton and wool at the same time. And what about those that commit adultry? are you campaigning against those people too?
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@mahabalan (17)
• India
4 Sep 10
limitations,laws,rules,this does not do anything,same gender marriage was there in human race more than 5000 years.just do not worry.
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@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
But its totally immoral. Not because people 5000 years ago were immoral then we should also be immoral? Not really! Just imagine when you have kids and they see marriages like this around them, would that be the kind of example you want them to see and the values you want them to have?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Sep 10
It doesn't hurt the kids a bit...not one bit. In fact it makes the kids less biased than the parents. I raised 4 girls and they all knew gay people as I have friends that are gay. They asked questions and got answers. They all grew up just fine and they are all straight and very open minded. What really do you think will happen to our kids if they see this stuff?? you think they will become gay? They won't because they aren't gay. As a mom of 4 girls, I really wish more moms would be accepting of their gay sons. I would be furious if one of them married one of my daughters simply because society condems gay relataionships.
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
5 Sep 10
@p3ks626 Not because people 5000 years ago were immoral then we should also be immoral? Not really!
So with your reasoning this is also true:
Not because people 2000 years ago told some fibs in a book we should believe and apply to modern society.
Those who scream they are anti-gay the loudest are mostly gay themselves, it's proven. You might as well want to be honest instead of portraying yourself as a clown.
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Here in the state of California, there was a ballot initiative (22, if I remember correctly) that defined marriage as solely between man and woman. It was challenged and declared unconstitutional. So came Proposition 8 that was to change the constitution. It got declared invalid again, and is currently in the appeals process.
It would be nice if the domestic partnerships were given equal status as marriage, but they were not. People were contesting legal documents, and because the relationship was not marriage, our "rights" kept being overruled.
It would be nice if we can just declare all marriages void under the law, and recognize only civil unions, but I suppose that would take a lot of time to change all the references in the books.
I'm not going to argue about the morality of it all. If you want to follow the concept that doesn't allow gay relationships, then don't get into gay relationships yourself. But not everyone follows the same standard. I'm not Catholic, and therefore I am not under their authority. I just want to have the right to be visited by husband when I am in the hospital (yes, hospitals have denied visitation rights to gay couples, when the condition merits "immediate family only,") have wills and trusts immune, or at least stronger, to withstand any legal challenges any disagreeing family member may have, what have you.
I am not asking you to participate in our affairs; please stay out of ours.

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@Galena (9110)
5 Sep 10
in my country it is legal, and that is how it should be.
I don't really think there's a great deal more to say to that, why should people be treated differently on a legal basis because of their sexuality.
whether you PERSONALLY agree with it or not, could you really justify someone being given inferior rights by law?
personally I think there's little enough love in the world, and anyone that finds true love should be allowed to express it, providing it's among consenting adults and harming no one.
I have some lovely gay friends, and it would be awful if they didn't have the same legal rights I do.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Sep 10
hi p3ks626,
I live in the U.S. and there are some states that it is legal in. I really don't have a problem with that at all. It doesn't affect my life in the least and I have yet to understand why it would bother anyone at all. They are two people who love each other and want to share the rest of their lives together. It is not their choice that they are gay. I strongly believe that they were born that way. Who would actually choose that route with all the discrimination and abuse they face? I understand that some religions are very against it but not all people subscribe to those religions. I honestly don't care what goes on in the bedrooms of other people as long as they are consenting adults. If a gay couple wants to get married...who am I to judge that or their love for each other? I don't see what the problem in it is.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Well then it is very lucky for you that you were not born gay because you would have an awful lot of self-esteem issues. You probably would not be liking yourself too much now would you? From what I read here, you seem to be under the impression that these people can just magically change. They can't. What they can do is pretend to be something they are not in order to avoid being looked down upon by people who think like you. They don't lead very happy lives in those environments and that, p3k is the real sadness in all of this.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
5 Sep 10
i think for sure is ok that same gender marry^^ they are human like everyone why cant they marry? i am straight but i dont like when people treat gays like they dont have same rights than us. if they love each other why not marry? marry someone is something that we do bcs we love that person and want be with this person forever so why not? if they love each other sure is ok they can do it^^ im happy that in my country they approved it even the president said like he didnt accept it totally not in these words but more or less but people were already asking too much so he allowed^^ and im happy for it^^ gays must have same rights than straight^^
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@yoganandht (125)
• India
5 Sep 10
It has not yet been legalised but it is not against any law said a recent court judgment. But as people let us not be bothered about which we do not know completely. Since ancient time, all these stuff was viewed a perversion rather than something natural
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Its really a perversion cause these things are not right in the sight of God. People before have to hide their identity cause they know that its immoral and that its a shame. But it seems that people these days have too much self expression that they have forgotten about their limitations.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
6 Sep 10
i dont agree with you peks. bcs they feel love for same gender is not something they can control. so why not? if they love why do they have to hide it? also if god is so god like we think im sure he is not against that. dont people say that god created us all? there are many gays in the world so im sure if we are alive for our happiness why do gay have to hide themselves? they have same rights like we straight people so noone should judge them. im happy they can marry in my country and this law should be approved in all :)
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@cinjhoxmyltc (334)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
No, not in my country. But if a country legalizes same-gender marriage, I think that country will suffer much when the time GOD will pour out his anger. I mean, practically there's nothing wrong about it but morally it will never and ever be permitted by God. God created commandments for us to follow but God will not force us to follow His commandments. He let us choose by our own free will because of our freedom. But freedom outside its borders of morality is not permissible and displeasing in God's sight, it will never be pleasing to God's sight.

@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
I understand why would pour out his anger if same gender marriage exists. Because the people are losing their values. There are values we should have and sad to say that they are now gone and its even sadder cause there are a lot of people who are misguided and confused.

@warlord3230 (22)
• India
5 Sep 10
yup there has to be some limitation. if same gender marriage is fully legalized it would be a funny world. the thing called marriage would be spoiled. if same gender love each other,so be it but marriage should not be legalized.

@Galena (9110)
5 Sep 10
I pity you if your marriage is spoiled by other people also getting married.
mine is between me, my husband and the Gods I swore my Oaths to.
it will be the same strong, loving, committed marriage regarldess of who else might get married.
ooooh, that Britney Spears got married again. that's it, I'm getting divorced. my own marriage is ruined by this.
a true marriage can't be spoiled by someone else getting married.
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@warlord3230 (22)
• India
5 Sep 10
personally from outward we feel like that but we are social beings so what ever is happening around us effect us.. being in a society we are obliged to follow some rule and a marriage between same gender is not accepted fully(not even half) so i think it should not be legalized..

• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Philippine population is being dominated by christian, so there is conflict if some will pass a bill for the claim. it is prohibited in our country.
i believed that a man is for a woman and a woman is for a man...
But i see nothing wrong with the same -gender relationship
happy mylotting
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
5 Sep 10
Hi P3ks628!.
They were not allowed the same gender marriage here. If they wanna married they will go to others country but my government will not admit that marriage, so by our law they still not marriage.
I personally think its no need to legalize it because my religion not allow the same gender marriage.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
5 Sep 10
same gender marriage here in malaysia?hell no.the community will not allowed them to happen.even if they will fight for it (as we have different races) or what so ever, i am very sure i it will not be happen.and personally,i would say no to the same-gender relationship.logically what is so fun on having that kind of relationship?

@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Good thing there are a lot of countries that are still against same gender marriage. Its not right and we cant tolerate something that is not right. Here in the Philippines, there are homosexuals and they are all over the country. There are some who are already having a live in relationship but marriage is not legal and I hope its going to stay that way for a long time.
@pkpknavaneeth (71)
• India
5 Sep 10
same gender marriage is prohibited in India.Government of India had a plan to legalize it,but protest from Catholics which is the major vote bank of ruling government made government rethink......
@rautrahul (267)
• India
5 Sep 10
In India where I live same gender marriage is completely prohibited.