My daughter has her head screwed on looking at her future
By jugsjugs
@jugsjugs (12967)
September 4, 2010 7:40pm CST
My daughter has a job where she works of a weekend,aswell as when ever she is not studying.She stayed on an extra year at school as she wanted a few A levels.Now she has her A levels she is going to college to obtain a diploma in travel and tourism,as she knows that she will need that for the things that she wants todo in life.From the age of 14 she has had a job,now that she has got older she has changed where she works,as the money is better.She is going to keep her job aswell as get down to studying for her diploma.
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29 responses
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
5 Sep 10
This is wonderful as it shows she has learned from her great mother. So kudos mommy as you have dona a great job.

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@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
Thank you.She has told me that no matter what she will always work for all the things that she want,rather than ending up as a number on state benifit,like alot of other people older than her.She knows what she needs to get to the job that she wants and she knows that she has got to face loads of studying,but like she says it will all be worth it in the end.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
5 Sep 10
jugs you are a great mom, I hear in the words of your daughter. If you never accomplish anything else in life your job is complete.
Do you know how many parents cannot say the same. As my priest told me one day, you may never hear it or see it but her kids,kids will thank you for educating your daughter to continue your legacy.
So cheers my friend. 

@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 10
Well, it definitely sounds like your daughter has her head screwed on right! It's nice to know that she has her plans and is hopefully looking forward to a bright future! There are so many people that tend to lose their way and sadly I fall into that category! It is true when they say that if you don't do well in school then you will have regrets later in life and this is true with me. I'm only thirty-five years of age but all the same, I do wish that I had worked a whole lot harder whilst at school.
Still, it's not the end of the world and I get on with my life as best I can and there are certain things that I enjoy doing and they keep me happy and content, this is important I feel. Actually, now that I think back on things I wanted to join the Royal Navy and this would have been my future career for life! I even joined the sea cadets in preparation for this. However, when the time came for me to enrol into the Royal Navy I went through the medical and so forth and there was a problem! I have asthma and back then they told me that I needed to have a clear chest for at least five years! Some people grow out of asthma but sadly I haven't and I figure I will have asthma for the rest of my days! So, the Navy was out and that was that, I just didn't know what I was going to do then.
I tend to forget about these things in my own life and just concentrate on what I enjoy doing and that's lots of regular cycling as well as swimming, these things at least help me to maintain some kind of sanity in my own life! I wish your daughter the best of luck with her career plans though and I'm pretty certain that she will do very well. Andrew
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@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
I think that she will do ever so well aswell,as she has got it in her head that she wants aswell as needs this diploma.While studying her A levels she was also working of a weekend aswell as during the holidays,so she knows how hard things can get when it comes to studying.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Well, they say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. This means she has learned this from you, so you must be a great parent..:) Congrats to your daughter and her hard working skills...:)

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Like I said, because you were a great parent..:) Maybe strict, but I am sure if not now, then soon she will be grateful for what you did for her..
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
Thank you.I think the reason why she has done so well is that we were very strict with her when she went to upper school,she was always made to do all her course work,home work aswell as ensure her room was tidy before she was allowed out,also we gave at kerfew time to be in by when it was school nights.She has plans for her future,aswell as she will get great references from the school aswell as college,her employer is great who she works for,as he knows that she can now only work weekends until the holidays.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Sep 10
In this period of time it is always best to have your head screwed on and know what you want to try to accomplish in life. Or atleast have a direction to go, a way to save some money, etc.
My husband and I are working on that for ourselves, I know I should have saved more from all the jobs I had but I've learned from that mistake and we are saving now.

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I think driving jobs can pay a lot of money to be honest. She could get a job as a limo driver even and that would pay well just in tips I would think, and it would most likely be fun for her too. I am sure she will do much more things then that, but the fact that she is exploring options and keeping her mind open to everything is a good thing.
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Sep 10
I think that she has her head screwed on,as she is even doing her driving lessons aswell as she said that she wants to pass her test so that if all else fails in her life,then she can get a driving job,lol.She has saved abit of money,as she said when she wants something she will have the money to get it.Plus in years to come she wants to buy a house,rather than rent,as it costs about the same.
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@doormouse (4599)
5 Sep 10
my 2 eldest kids are trying to look for work,they are 13 & 15,in the uk work for them is very limited as they are young,but they are trying very hard,and my eldest has his exams coming up in may,after those he'll be going to college,he has it all planned out,hopefully it will work out for him,,my baby is taking responsibility for his life,AW bless him,he's growing up so fast
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
My daughter has always been working from the age of 14.She had a 5am start job that she use todo on a Sunday helping at a market with my husbands friend,then she worked at a hair dressers and now working at a shoe shop.I was soo pleased that she got enough exam passes to stay on at school,as she wanted to get more A levels,now that she has those, she can get the diploma that she wants as half the work is done due to getting the A levels.My daughter could have gone to college last year,but she wanted A levels to go on this course,as other exam results would have made the course a two year course.You have to get high grades to stay on at school,where as it do not really matter when it come so much to college and some of their courses.There are lots of jobs in the market stalls,paper rounds and even waiter staff jobs for children of your sons age where i live.My daughter use to earn only £15 aday when she was at a hair dressers,but she stayedc there until she was old enough to work in the shop where she is now.My daughter is not the kind of person that wants to be classed as a benifit thief like other people her age aswell as older people that just do not want to work.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Sep 10
Alot of shops etc prefer a person going in to ask if there are any jobs,rather than doing it over the phone.The reason they prefer this is due to when you call the shop could be busy,so they can say no jobs and the other reason is that you need a application form,where as you are better going in the first place to get it and that way it shows that you are more willing,to take the time to see the manager and put yourself over better than you can on a phone.They have connextions at school who can also advise on getting jobs.
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@doormouse (4599)
6 Sep 10
there are no paper rounds at the moment as he's already asked,and we both rang round all the cafes,pubs etc for waitering or washing up jobs a couple of months ago,he handed in 1 application form but nothing came of it,so i've compiled another list of about 50 companies for him to ring this week,hopefully he'll get lucky this time round

@carolscash (9492)
• United States
5 Sep 10
You should be very proud of her as there aren't many teens who decide that their future is important. I have always been a firm believer in the fact that if teens are raised to respect authority and not be allowed to go and do all that they want too, they will be more respectful and act much more mature than others. My daughter is almost 20 and has had the same job since she was 14 and she knows that she wants to own the small business where she works one day in the future.
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
I have been very strict with all of my children and with me being strict it has achieved what i wanted.The thing is that she is the one who came to me and asked about what i thought about her staying on at school and i said it was a good idea,as she wanted some A levels,then when she got those,she came to me again and said that she wanted to get a diploma,so that she could further herself,i said sounds great.So now she is going to still work at weekends and in the holidays aswell as get the diploma she wants.My daughter loves her job and has been there for over a year now and her boss says that she brightens every ones mood,as she is always happy and she works hard for her money.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Sounds like a very responsible young lady. You must have done a really good job raising her. Make sure she does not get over whelmed though. I always worked really hard when I was really young and I missed out on some fun things. But it sounds like she is a really great kid. Just make sure she has time for a little fun once in a while.
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Sep 10
I will say that my daughter has worked really hard to get her exam results and she knows what she wants to do in the future.Her boss where she works is a really nice person and he always tells her that if she would like a weekend off just to say,the funny thing is her boy friend works at the same place as her.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
6 Sep 10
Good for your daughter! I would love to study travel and tourism. I got my degree in General Studies, seems the Toursim diploma would be much more useful!
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Sep 10
My daughter is soo excited as it is her first day at college tomorrow and she can not wait.There are many reasons to why she wants this diploma,rather than others,as it seems this one will help her get many different types of jobs in travel and she wants to travel in the future.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
6 Sep 10
Your daughter sounds very mature. In another discussion you mentioned your brother. This is an example of girls maturing quicker than boys. You must be very proud of her!
@triplejazzm51 (1373)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
It's so nice to hear that your daughter is very responsible and really strive for her future. At a young age, she looks towards attaining her goals in life. I think this goes back to how you have taught her. I do not know you personally but i think you have raised your daughter right. Congratulations!

@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
The school that she stayed on at todo her A levels said that she is a credit to me and that i am also a credit to her as i supported her though alot of her hard times that she was having while she was there.She knows what she wants in life and she is the type of person that will do all that it takes to get there.
@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
hats off to your daughter jugs! I never had a job till I was 22. That's because things work out differently here. Studying here is a full time job as in full time like your classes begins at 7:30 in the morning and ends at 5:30 in the afternoon. All of your classes gives you homework and tons of them even 5 homework for 1 class! So when you get home tired from school, you still have to get down to doing those tons of homework. Besides in here they do not offer part time jobs for students. I wish things would change a bit here... and also that's due to the culture whereby parents think that they should not let them work as long as they are in their custody. Sometimes or most of the times children gets over protected and have a hard time learning life skills.
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
I am soo pleased to think that she has stayed on at school and got all the A levels that she needed,before she decided what she wanted todo aswell as what courses she wanted to take up.Here in the UK there are alot of people out there that rely on benifits and do not even want a job,so they tend to sponge off the state.
@angelzfangz (244)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
you are a lucky mom..... id love to have a daughter like that very hardworking motivated and determined...=) children of a caliber like that are rare maybe 1 in a million hehehhe i for one is not like her at all i bet there is no lazy bones in her body heheheh=) keep up the good work being a mom hehhehe..=)
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
My daughter has always been a hard worker and to think that she wants todo a diploma aswell as hold her job down is really great,as there are alot of people her age and older that have never had a job aswell as they rely on the state benifits rather than getting jobs or going on training courses.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Sep 10
That is good that she knows what she wants and she knows what she is doing because most people at her age have no idea what they want or what they are going to do. When I was her age, I had no idea what I wanted and what I wanted to do. I was really living my life day-to-day. I am still living my life day-to-day.
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
I think that it is great that there are some children that want to work,but better still she wants to work aswell as she wants to study for a diploma.When i left school i already had a job,so that was ok,as i never wanted to stay on to further my education.There are alot of people that do not want to work,so i am really thankful that she is not one of these.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
I think you need not worry too much over her, that is what happens when a person has an ambition or would like to have independence in her life. I wasn't like your daughter though when I was younger, but most of my friends were. They were keen on getting great jobs, good salaries, promotions and such, even moved to another city to conquer their dreams.
As long as she's happy and determined what you could do is support her in her endeavors, be the 'listening ear' and the best mom by not worrying or by showing her that you are not worried one bit about her plans.
You should be proud that your daughter decided to be responsible instead of just laying around and getting into trouble. 

@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
My daughter has never been a person to be lazy,she has always been a child that has got up early and never needed much sleep.I think that it is great that she has achieved getting her A levels that she wanted,aswell as getting a place at college todo a diploma.She has always said that she do not want to be a benifit thief or my terms of it would be a sponger of the state.She has our support and she knows we are always here for her no matter what.
@JudithP (295)
• Canada
5 Sep 10
It's nice to know in your heart that you've done a good job. Education is so important in today's world. My daughter did the same thing. She worked all through school and she now works at the hospital. She just loves it. Your girl seems to know exactly what she wants which is very rare. She sounds like a fighter, she'll make it.
@celticeagle (172520)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Sep 10
It sounds like your daughter is someone to be admired as well as proud of. She sounds like someone who has known what she wanted for along time. That is the real battle in life I think. She sounds like a go getter and knows where the money is and how to make it. Good for her.
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
I think that she has known that we have had to work hard to get and have all the things in our lives and that is what has made her a worker rather than what she would call a state benifit theif,lol.She knows that nothing in life is easy to achieve,unless you work hard for it.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
5 Sep 10
If she found something she is interesting in, she should go for it. Nothing can stop her if she has great passion for it. You as a parent, should support her all the way down.
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
5 Sep 10
Wow, you have a very excellent daughter. Most of us Chinese children only know playing and never think of our future at age 14. Your daughter had started working and could be financially independent from parents. So great! She must have so much work experience now and these precious experience will help her with making a successful life. Best wishes to her!
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Sep 10
I think that she has done really well,as she will have all good references when she leaves college aswell as if she changes her jobs.She has always been a hard worker,when she was 14 she use to get up at 5 in the morning and help out my husbands friend on a stall on a market,she was really great with all the customers and had a great fun.