Why don't people understand?

United States
September 4, 2010 9:34pm CST
So I just responded to a discussion and it got me thinking about me and my dog. Now first let me say that my dog is a huge sweetheart ONLY with people that she knows. Like her immediate family. If she gets to know you then she will be really receptive towards you but if you are a stranger she will most likely growl at you because she doesn't know you and she doesn't trust you. When I walk my dog outside I always put a Halti headcollar on her which helps me walk her better so that she doesn't pull and it works as a muzzle as well because if she growls I can pull her towards me. Now my question is, if you see a dog that has a headcollar like this and you can clearly see that it's a sort of muzzle why would you touch it? Why would you even touch a stranger's dog? I don't understand it. I've had people try to touch my dog and she has growled at them because like I said she doesn't trust them and I undertstand. I wouldn't want a stranger come up to me out of nowhere and touch me. One guy tried to touch her a while back and she growled at him and ever since then everytime she sees that guy she growls at him because she remembers him. Then this other guy tried to touch her and when she growled he started laughing. He was drunk by the way. And what I didn't like was that he kept laughing like he liked to provoke her. I really do not like people like that to tell you the truth. I've told them time and time again not to touch my dog and they don't understand. I can be the nicest person but if I have to I will curse someone out. So do you touch strange dogs? Or do you ask the owners for permission first?
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8 responses
@voldrox (7191)
• India
5 Sep 10
Hello ayumitakashi, Well, dogs.. I would not want to do that, i mean i don't trust it with dogs coz when they bite you, you are in trouble. I would not even touch it if i wanted to. Cats are like, they would shy away, so that is no danger but dogs are more confident creatures, whether cute and harmless looking or bigger ones. Yes, it doesn't make sense one touching a stranger's dog even though they felt it cute to. You could never trust a dog that easily. When i used to live at my old company quarters our neighbour had an dog which seemed to be more loyal to us rather than it's big fat uncaring master. He used to take his anger out on his dogs! He used to beat them up with a belt at nights when he wished to! I and my brother felt sad for the poor dog and i don't know why the other family members didn't care for the dogs, there were two dogs. One was loyal to the owner no matter what types and the other one was happy with us. The loyal one used to bark at us too, being their neighbour it was so annoying to have a dog bark it's own neighbour even though we never did it any harm and we lived right above them, on the upper floor. That was a mean doggie! Anyways, leave that fool, lol. We used feed them at times, like with fish and all, this pleased our dog. The loyal one ate too, but still was unfriendly to us. our dog was so fond of us that he would want to jump across the fence and go out with us. One day my brother was going somewhere on his cycle and after he left, our dog smashed and somehow managed to jump over the fence and follow him and boy was he fast! We have also played with the dog, he sometimes manages to come out of fence and he is so funny to play with. We loved it so much, and wished his master treat him well. But that fat guy was a big time stubborn and he didn't listen to anyone. That dog had our love...
• United States
5 Sep 10
I've seen some cats around where I live that are very viscious. There is this one stray cat who likes to attack dogs! So I'm careful when I take my dog out that I don't walk where that cat is. I really hate people that mistreat dogs. It just gets me so worked up when I hear things like that. I'm glad that you at least treat the dog nicely and give him lots of love. People like that should not own dogs.
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
5 Sep 10
That is one Cool Cat! Yeah, and many other people didn't like that person too. Very self oriented and looked like he cared for no one. I don't know what was up with him for beating up his lovely dogs. We never had the chance to keep dogs, i am sure our dog would have loved us.
@sjlskl (3382)
• Singapore
5 Sep 10
It has to depends. If the owner is my friends, then I might pet him even thou I am a total stranger to the dog. Of course, I will first coax the dog and check out its temperment. If it is agressive, then I won't do it. But if the owner is a stranger, then I will definitively not do so, even if the dog come up to me wagging his tail.
• United States
6 Sep 10
Yeah that's the way to do it. It just comes down to the simple question of "May I Pet your dog?" And if the owner says no then you should respect that.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Sep 10
hi ayumitakashi I would never pet a dog without first asking the owner if it was okay. It is just plain courtesy and good manners. I was just thinking probably dogs are just like us, they have a comfort zone in which they are comfortable with other people or dogs but touch them or get in their faces and they growl and we may grumble too. Yesterday I was hot, tired, and waiting in line for my turn to take out money here inGodl Crest. this woman whom I barely know comes up to me and leans in toward me til she is practically breathing on my face, and says, its four oclock time to eat. I replied, I know the time, and I will eat afterI get my money.but she would not drop it then she grabbed my arm, and said w ell aren't you going to eat? I lost it as she breathed a garlic breath into my nose. I yelled, just leave me alone, just leave mne the hell alone. do not touch. me. If I had been a dog I would have growled at her too.The actvities director heard us and called her by name so she let go my arm. I wanted to really wanted to hit her, but this is not like me. she had just broken my comfort zone.
• United States
5 Sep 10
Wow that is a complete invasion of your privacy. I don't like that either and dogs don't like that either. You just don't go up to a person you don't know on the streets and just touch them and get all up in their face. It's just not polite. What that woman did was rude. I mean she could have just talked to you but not invade your space like that.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
5 Sep 10
I usually don't touch stranger's dogs because I don't know if the owner is ok with that and I don't know either how will the dog react. It's sad to hear that people try to touch your dog all of the time even if you tell them not to I wish people were more understanding.
• United States
5 Sep 10
Yeah unfortunately there are a lot of people who don't understand.
@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Sep 10
I usually leave dogs alone in general. Dogs, just like cats can be unpridictable. I've gotten hurt by them and it didn't matter that the dog knew me. Something set her off and I nearly lost a hand. So I've always been carful around dogs. I approach them slowly, usually stop and let dog and owner pass. No reason to set someone else's animal off. Being that I'm in a wheelchair that usually scares most dogs. When I'm out in public, they usually want to attack me for that reason alone. So I keep my distance and don't dare approach. People who are animal lovers don't want to accept that animals are that, animals. Their actions are driven by instenct and the desire to protect themselves and their owners. Drunks in general loose all ability to think and often do things they wouldn't normally. So the reasons may very from person to person, but the sad truth some may never really understand.
• United States
5 Sep 10
My dog loves to play with things that are on wheels. So when she sees a wheelchair or a bicycle or anything she gets really excited. But when she gets like this I make sure to cross the street because I don't want to invade any one else's space. I am an animal lover and I love my dog dearly but at the end of the day I do understand that she is an animal. I agree with you that they are driven by instinct and there are things that set them off. The guy wasn't like really drunk but I could tell he was drinking because he had a cup. Some people just can't get it through their heads that it's very disrespectful to touch what is not yours.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
5 Sep 10
I think those people who come and touch your dog without asking for permission don't care about anything but themselves. They don't care the dog feel threaten, they don't care you are stressed out because you have to pull the dog away from them, they don't care they could be bitten and your dog is the one to be blamed. Something like this happens to me every day. My dog, Binne, is a friendly dog. She would go to any stranger to be petted. And it's ok with me if somebody want to pet her. But I feel like I'm going crazy when they ask Binne to jump on them. I tell them not to do so, because Binne has already a jumping problem and this will only worsen her problem. But it doesn't matter to them. They don't care that I have to pull Binne to stop her jumping. They don't care that because of them, Binne thinks it's all right to jump on every person. All that matter to them is the fun they have for a minute.
• United States
5 Sep 10
Yeah I understand your anger. My dog doesn't go to other people to get pet, only her family when she sees them outside. She goes crazy and starts jumping up and down so that my mother and siblings can get pet her. But when people touch her she gets really mean and is struggling to get to them but I have to pull her away. And yeah those people only care about the thrill.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
5 Sep 10
I understand completely. Tell them that "Edicate dictates that you ask a dog owner before you pet or touch an animal." "And the answer is no." I bring my cats the the vets. They hate dogs. I mean absolutely hate them. I tell people with dogs that and they come over with their dogs. I tell them that so they will stay away from the dogs. My cats go crazy in the cat boxes and almost rip their claws off trying to swing at the dogs through the cage doors. The dog owners act shocked, "but my dog is nice." Well, duh, like my cats care. They're rescues, I don't know what dogs did to them before I got them. All I know is that the smaller one caused a chocolate lab to have to go to a vet for stiches on his nose and the one that is twice as big could do twice the damage with his claws. My cats are purposely caged and I sit in a corner far away from the other animal owners. I've had to tell dog owners if my cats hurt themselves, I'm charging them for the additional vet bills to get them to stay away. It's not all the dog owners and it's not every time. But one time it was three different dog owners in 3 hours. Sometimes it's only one dog owner and I don't have to wait that long. I never had this problem until last year. Then I really had this problem. I don't understand why when you tell someone not to do something concerning your animal, they go out of their way to do it. Do they want their dog and my cat hurt? Stupid, just stupid. I feel sorry for the dogs.
• United States
5 Sep 10
Wow. I understand. Yeah and you just want to prevent problems between your cat and other dogs. It's true people need to listen. You are the owner of the cat and you know how your cat is going to react and the same thing goes for my dog, I know how my dog is going to react. People need to understand.
@T_Diamond (965)
• New Zealand
5 Sep 10
I don't get this myself. Is it really that hard to ask?
• United States
5 Sep 10
It really boggles my mind. It's like you going up to a stranger with a baby and touching the baby without asking.