hawking takes a u turn - as scientists do

@astaha (129)
September 5, 2010 4:06am CST
well known history of scientists breaking their previous beliefs repeats. prof hawking has broken away from previous views he had expressed on god. in his new book "the grand design" he denies existence of god whereas he wrote in A Brief History "if we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate truimph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind of God"
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1 response
@ruperto (1552)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
It seems Hawking really wants to know the truth and that is good. It also seems that Hawking is a theoretical physicist like Einstein. Hawking has won big big time awards. But I have not seen any spectacular concrete result of his genius. Is there anything of Hawking as the atomic bomb is to Einstein ? What do you think ?
@astaha (129)
• India
10 Sep 10
even i dont see that dude may be his assumptions on black holes will keep his memories 4 a long time but again nothing concrete abt that