What changes love brought in YOU .....

@eshaan (6188)
September 5, 2010 12:02pm CST
I want to know...what difference love made in your life...it made you weak/strong....it made you dependent/independent....what are the signs of true love??? how do you understand whether its true love or not...if the person is not speaking clear...how was the experience for u ...just share...
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19 responses
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Love has brought many changes to my life. i believe that love made me stronger as a person. The more love i gave and received the more confident i felt about myself and the world around me. I believe that love showed me how to be more independent than dependent. You know you have true love when the person you love is all that you think about. You see their face in the morning and when you fall asleep at night. Love is a powerful emotion. Once you feel it, there is nothing like it in the world!
@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes...both of you speak very true....i like your way of expressing sender but sweetloveforever...i would like to give you a hint (don't know if it perfectly applicable for your guy or not) ..don't go too much crazy...try to control a bit...or they start thinking that you are too much in need of them...its just my view ....if u are happy carry on
• Portugal
6 Sep 10
aw eshaan^^ i just meant i really loved him much so i always wanted talk with him but now im not with him^^ i broke up bcs i always cared more than him. anyway dont worry :) i decided already for now i wont care as much as i usually do. bcs i always care much and they always act careless and im the one being hurt. so will just wait for a caring guy that loves me without me being only one caring :)
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• Portugal
6 Sep 10
aww what you say is very cute^^ you are right when people are in love and someone loves them back they just keep smiling and happy^^ and yes true love is always want to be with that person all the time. we cant even control ourselves ahah^^ i say this bcs while i studied i just wanted arrive home, go to computer and talk with my bf^^ he is my ex now but back then we were together and i just wanted talk with him all the time ahah crazy right?^^
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@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
5 Sep 10
Love takes work like any relationship to me love is give and take you give and they take and they take and they give, I believe that loving someone has me realize that I want to be a positive and better person....I've also been heart broken by the same love but due to lifes circumstances....He makes me feel whole, that I'm the only one for him, He stood by me when I needed him the most....I think that if you love someone and knowing it you are willing to work with that person and compromise to make it work...
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
5 Sep 10
and what do u think about the limit of compromise?....sometimes while compromising don't you think that the person should accept you as you are...and both should accept each other happily...??
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• Canada
5 Sep 10
I will try to answer all your questions....Yes I'm sure that my kids dad does love me....We broke up or split up for different reasons this time....We lost a baby together and that is common with couples who have lost a child yes he had his patterns and fell right back into them but I understand now what happened....For what I mean for compromise yes we do accept each other for the way we are but also we are realizing that the way we have handled issues that have come up we want to handle it different in the future for example... When we have had an argument he would just leave cuz he couldn't handle it.....I was devasted everytime he did and contacted him way to much and didn't give him his space and time he needed I will now know what not to do in future arguments....Compromise.... Also he has closed off from me and I've pushed him away of the fear of being hurt again....I'm trying to rid my fear as it will surely happen if I keep fearing it also he has been more open and expressed his fears to me....Thank you for your kind words that means alot smiles...
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
you have undergone too much in love i should say ....
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
As I loved and lost, it made me a stronger person in and out. At times that I get hurt, I do feel weak.. but it gets better in the end as I learned from my mistakes and become a better person afterward. I think the biggest change love brought in me is that from being self-centered to becoming selfless. I mean, I have changed my perception of me, me and me. I learned that its not all about me anymore. That I have someone to share myself already. It really feels good knowing how love changes you. Signs of true love? I don't really know. But I'm guessing that it is seen when you'll realize that you love that person better , even more than your own self. Even though the journey of love, a relationship gets hard at times, it all feels worth it if you have someone who stays with you all throughout.
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• Canada
5 Sep 10
I have felt the way you have meeming I have love and lost and had that love come back....
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
5 Sep 10
you speak like much more experienced as compared to your age...i like this quality of yours and so...after getting your first detailed response to my earlier discussion i added you as friend....your words are of great intelligence and i have no hesitation in saying that you have good realization of life than me ...God bless you...and keep u happy always
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
5 Sep 10
@blueangel.... then how do you feel now? are you sure that the coming back of your love to you is true this time?
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• Portugal
5 Sep 10
when i really love a guy i become totally dependent of him. i care so so much that i get very hurt when he doesnt care ahah what is not much normal in my sun sign for what people say gemini doesnt care about committments but im strange i guess ahah anyway i dedicate too much when i love a guy thats why i usually get hurt. i wish sometimes i didnt care so much but if i dont care how will other person care back? i didnt have the lucky to find those guys that are so sweety to their gfs even they are not. i just wish i didnt take things so serious as i do.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes...you should give another person time to realize what he feels about you...don't run behind your love.....if it is yours it will come back to you in any case..wishing you all the best
• Portugal
6 Sep 10
thanks so much eshaan^^ i also wish you the best^^
• India
6 Sep 10
i was in love wid a grl in high skul.. but unfortunately.. dint get her .. it made me a very patient person..cuz i waited for for 5 years...but nothng seemed to happen..it made me strong evn and self dependent...last year i met a grl..and fell in love wid her ..and now i realize that the previous one was nothing infront of this feelin.. my feelings were not mature at that tym.. this tym m madly in love wid this girl..v both are in love and v evn knw that .. but i still havnt proposed her yet..nw i was a very restless guy...was kiddish...but this grl taught me how to deal wid things ..and take things positively...and change my perceptin of things rather problems...she made me a responsible person..and i dnt wana lose her ever in my life.. wanna b wid her for ever!!!!
@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
very nice to know that love made you so much strong and yes...widh you all the best to be with her forever
• India
11 Sep 10
thanx for ur wishes budyy!! http://www.mylot.com/images/emotes/happy.gif
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
The cures of true love.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
22 Sep 10
can u elaborate it my friend ?
@lhenpaule (495)
• Philippines
6 Sep 10
Love make me more understanding and accepting the totally of the person i love, his weaknesses & strengths. It's probably because true love is not just emotions, but rather it's a commitment that no matter what happen, even your physical appearances changed, you will still love and live with that person for the rest of your lives. Thru love you can do anything to make you both a better persons.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes...the most important i feel is to accept each other the way you are....
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
5 Sep 10
Love brought a lot of changes in me - good and bad. The good ones are that I starte understanding women better, being more patient and a better listener. I understood that women are soft by nature and they require support at all times and that respect is more important than love at times. The bad, you end up losing your own identity if you don't respect yourself in the relationship. And it takes time to get back from a heartbreak than it takes time to fall in love. So its important to be careful and loving.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes u need to have perfect balance between the two...also you can teach your women to be less dependant on you....as that will not make you feel that she needs your support all the time....also don't let your identity lose....if it happens one day the love will fade out
• United States
6 Sep 10
So many have heard the saying love is a wonderful thing, until you are truly loved by another it is very hard to explain what love really is and what it really feels like. I was in a couple of relationships before my husband and at those times I thought I was in love but to be honest I didn't know what real love was until I met my husband..he is so completely different from my exes and treats me so completely different than my exes. My opinions, thoughts and actions are all valued and everything that we do and decide on is decided together. My husband and I have been together around 12 years now and with each year that passes our relationship gets stronger and stronger. It is very hard to explain but when you are in love there is just something in you that you feel that tells you this is it!!!
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
hats off to you !!! your love has made you a writer ...congrats and may your love grow each year
@tatturoy (139)
• India
5 Sep 10
Love has definitely made me a strong man.Someone by your side is a different feeling.I am lucky in that matter,that's for sure.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
ok...lucky guy......i think you don't feel weak when she is not around....wish u all the best
@ankster (273)
• India
6 Sep 10
Love has changed me very much as a person.Before marriage I was a very pessimistic and shy girl but after marriage the love of my hubby has made me stronger and smarter.Love is such a beautiful feeling that it can change the most toughest thing on this earth.I believe there is some strength in love that you feel blessed and privileged from life.I was very scared of so many things in life but my hubby taught me to be neutral in all circumstances and maintain ypur peace of mind.Love taught me not to bother about what others think of you but concentrate on what you want to achieve in life.love is a bliss and should be maintained by all of us.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
so u got a true companion...in the form of ur husband...wish u good luck to experience this bliss
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
love can make you weak and strong, dependent and independent, selfish and giving.. i guess love can bring out the best and worst in you. i say this because i'm in a 5 yr old relationship. we've been through a lot, fought over petty stuff, broke up couple of times... back when we were just starting i thought "love isn't supposed to make you cry." but i think differently now. cause as the relationship gets older you will face a lot of reality checks. there will be times when "who's right, who's wrong?" wouldn't matter anymore. yes, i thought of giving up several times but what keeps me going is the choice i made a long time ago. and i still choose to be with the same person.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes...i too feel that there should not be severe punishment if its true love...it should not be that each one has to be perfect...we should accept each other, even after some faults ...thats true love what i think
• India
5 Sep 10
hi i thought i have been in love twice but it never worked out. i think love needs to grow.... marriage may be a good way to held two person to let it grow but if they dnt marry the are chances that love may die off.. we try to change or being dependent on one another but without marriage its just a waste of time i feel.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
5 Sep 10
yes marriages keep people together...but it should not be compulsive i think...they should be really happy
@ergfortes (516)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Love made me hope, made me strong, and gave me faith... for myself, i would know i'm beginning to love someone when i start to consider him in all my decisions, when i start to care less about myself and care more about him. I didn't notice how love hit me this time, it came so fast and so beautiful as well. I am in a relationship with this Syrian guy for about 9 months now and forever counting. :) i never really thought that i would love him as much as i love him now. I am a filipina and the difference in culture is very visible. Though this is the case we never had a problem with it. It is because we both love and respect each other. We always look into things that will make us grow together (more inlove) rather than those that will be a hinder and make us falter. We look after each other and never forget to make the other feel that we care. When you truly love you don't actually look for too much reasons to do great things for your partner, your feelings of love for the person gives you all the reason to give what's best. Though in love, you don't have to be perfect, you just have to be yourself and love it. Imperfections are also included in the package of love, that's when you know you love true because you can make not so perfect things, perfect in your eyes. :) Now i'm just overwhelmed with happiness, i can't see myself a day without smilling coz' i'm inlove... :)
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
oh oh oh...too deeply in love...yes i know that people smile and are happy in love...the thing that makes you cry...is not love at all....
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
7 Sep 10
Love has changed my life to a content state I have never known. It has created a safety and security I have never had. It has not been smooth sailing for my husband and I and it has taken many years for us to get to a place where we both feel loved and appreciated by the other. The union I have with my partner has also given me a child which of course has strengthened us and our love. Love gave me growth and contentment
@eshaan (6188)
• India
7 Sep 10
may you be happy always my friend..i know that path of love is not that easy as it seems to be...but once you have reached their ...now u both r strong enough to let any grief come to your life ...
@jadmari (125)
• Philippines
6 Sep 10
As for my experience, I learned how to be strong and vulnerable at the same time. There were so many tough times a long the journey of loving someone. It taught me a lot of lessons in life. There were also some things that love has thought me. I became warm to the people that matters to me especially when I had a partner. I learned how to be affectionate and most of all I became so independent most especially in decision making. The experience itself taught me things which I just realized it later in life.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes...love teaches you a lot....your becoming independent is very necessary according to me...coz true love gives you strength and not weakness ..if there is fear of losing then its not true love...
@Sphinx30 (286)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
For me love made me strong and become more better than who I am before...I've been in love for the first time when I was at age of 23, I felt so happy and everything is okay. I was thought that girl is my first and last woman in my life until such time she broke my heart and I've tried to work out things to save our relationship but she failed me. It hurts me so much because that was the first time I've fall in love. I felt down that nobody loves me, I've cried so much and never understand why she broke up with me. I've come and confront her but she doesn't listened to me until I've grabbed a blade and hurt myself and the blood keep flowing with my hands. She was surprised about what I've done to myself and cried. To make my story short, it made me realized that girl doesn't deserved my love and I've learned so much about that experience. I never blamed her or whatsoever instead I'm thankful because he made me strong and better person by breaking my heart. So, When I've fall in love again to another woman, I've never give 100 percent so that when it would not work out it would not affect me so much.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
7 Sep 10
but now when u have got the second love and she is with you for long time....try giving her 100% and then you will experience the bliss in love
@Mintlin (322)
• China
6 Sep 10
Good questions. First,Falling in love is a great experience,indeed! But love is so complicated as well.Love made me unindependent,made me jealous sometimes,made me not confident in myself sometimes..Yes..Though it made me feel better in myself most of time.By the way,I'm single now.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Sep 10
being single doesn't mean that you should not fell in love ....don't be jealous to enjoy the happiness of love...u need to be away from it...though i know that it is very hard to change the nature God gave you...but you can control ....
@ankster (273)
• India
6 Sep 10
Love has made me a very good person.I was a bit pessimist and nervous and shy before marriage but love and simplicity of my hubby has changed my perspective of life in many ways.Iam trying to become more smart and bold.But yes offcourse love has made me dependent on him in many things.But still love is very beautiful if managed in a balance way.