Chance left for our planet?

September 5, 2010 8:52pm CST
The destruction of our ONLY home today cannot be denied, the excessive cutting of tree's on forest, using of dangerous chemicals to get minerals that kills our rivers, the oil spills, the factories, the plastics, styro materials thrown everyday that takes hundreds to thousand of years to decay, the radioactive and nuclear substances being launch and tested everyday. do you think there is still a chance for our earth to become healthy again?i mean is there still a chance for our world to be saved against this human made calamities? give your opinions about this.
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10 responses
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
6 Sep 10
BAsic math calculation human race consumer alot of stuffs and produce alot of waste.The earth is doomed when the first human cilivation is establish until now.It is the matter of time whether the human race die first from natural disaster,disease or wars only , the human race need to reduce the population then only the earth got chance to survive.Humans are just like virus tht will spread and consume its host like earth until the point it will consume or destroy itself.
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• Philippines
6 Sep 10
i agree with you my friend, we are now rapidly increasing, i don't disagree about the reproducing of human race but the problem is more humans that are self-centered, than the humans that think of others before themselves, they are like in a ratio of 1,000:1 or even 10,000:1 even in our own street there is only i think 2 or 3 neighbors that think before others before theirselves.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Sep 10
hi jeremy we need to remember God gave us this world to live in and care for so we should go back to reforesting to cleaning u p the air and waterways, to quit killing endangered species and let nature rebalance herself as she has for many years.She is a tough lady and mom nature with our help can put our world back in shape. now we need to work on ourselves too.
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• Philippines
6 Sep 10
for every 1 human that thinks like you there are 1,000 humans that think to make money than to save the earth.
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• United States
6 Sep 10
If humans come together to educate themselves and find ways of saving the planet, then yes, it can be saved. If people practice what they preach, and save on everything, then they can save the world.
• India
6 Sep 10
What all you’ve mentioned is very correct. However, I feel that there is a genuine chance of our recovery in the future. all around me, I see so much awareness these days about the minutest destructions being caused by some of our actions. Century-old practices are hard to give up, also the poor will have to be given alternate viable sources if they are to be weaned from using our natural resources indiscriminately, developing nations will need more time to install cost-effective nature friendly systems and the first world countries would have to be made habituated to cut down on their own consumption…it’s a mammoth task but I feel that the start has been made. Even kids these days are taught how to take care of the environment and they actually participate in such community programmes which creates awareness. So yes, hope is still there.
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@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
6 Sep 10
I agree with dombific. You're believing a lie perpetrated by environmentalists and politicians. I don't know much about the styrofoam cups and the trees that are being replanted but I do know that there is absolutely nothing that can be done to affect the climate. Climate change, or global warming if you prefer, is something that has been going on for centuries, long before industrialization, the automobile, and even the reliance on fossil fuels for energy. The environmentalists claim that manmade carbon dioxide(CO2) is the main cause of global warming. But, they don't tell you that manmade CO2 accounts for only about 3% of all CO2 in the world. That means the other 97% is created naturally. They also don't tell you that there are other factors that contribute to global warming such as volcanic eruptions, the oceans, and solar flares(solar flares being the most significant). And all of these are clearly beyond man's ability to control. No, the environmentalists and politicians aren't trying to control the climate they're trying to control you and your wallet. Don't believe their lies.
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@rautrahul (267)
• India
6 Sep 10
I think we are still having a chance to protect our earth from global warming. But it defends upon us how we help to save out planet from this. It is our responsibilty to save our planet. If we all will fulfill our responsibilty then we will save our palnet.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
6 Sep 10
I think all the damage we do to the earth is mainly damaging the human race. The earth will probably be healthy as soon as humans leave. But I think it is always best to be responsible and clean up after your owns mess.
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@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
6 Sep 10
yes situations are very bad day by day.. because where we found green land.. before 2-3 years .. today their are many big houses are now.. and it is very very bad for our planet.. because green land is the main reason for avoid flood.. but now their are no green land at mostly places so.. now the floods comes mostly time ..
@Sphinx30 (286)
• Philippines
6 Sep 10
Well. it's good to talk about that...Anyways, what's happening now with our environment is the price of development, I guess? but I think there is still a BIG CHANCE for our environment if the people itself unite and commit themselves to give importance for the common good of our environment. People now are aware about the importance of our environment but the question is When should this people be united to act as one in preserving our environment. I hope it's not yet too late for all of us in saving our environment, our mother earth and our home.
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@kaspas (37)
• Greece
6 Sep 10
I think that we have polute a lot our planet and the damage that make is very big. I hope to have chances for our planet but without change our mind about polution i think that things will be worse on some years. It is better to hope to the god and not to human mind.