Killing or hurting farm animals is ok?
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
September 6, 2010 2:27pm CST
My sister in law's boyfriend is a dairy farmer. They came over for supper last night and he started talking about his farm.
He has about 300 cows and runs the family farm with his 22 year old son. They have NO respect whatsoever for the animals. They're just cows they say.
He started saying that his son has no patience with the cows and if they move too much or dont do what he wants them to do, he'll hit them with a baseball bat on the head or kick them in the stomach
. I think my eyes must have been popping out of my head when he said that. I tried to tell him that maybe the cows try to kick his son because he keeps hurting them but it was like talking to the wall.
Then he goes on to say that when the cows have babies, he has to kill the babies (sorry not sure what they call baby cows!!) I asked him WHY on earth do that???
I didnt know cows had to be pregnant in order to give milk (silly me.....he said Im a town girl and thats why I know nothing) So they artificially inseminate the cows and then kill the offsprings!!!!
He kept on telling us other "violent" things they have to do to the animals......I couldnt take it anymore so pretended I had to go to the bathroom. I could tell my sister in law wasnt too comfortable with him telling us all that.
Why be so violent and why cant they understand that even cows have feelings and can feel pain?

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14 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Sep 10
Right, that guy is breaking the law and needs to be removed from his animals. Report him anonymously to the local animal cruelty authorities immediately.
It sounds to me as though he is mismanaging his cows. He does not need to get the cows in calf so often because cows produce gallons of milk and like humans, if he keeps on milking them regularly they will keep on producing milk. Dairy cows are chosen because they are good milkers. Obviously, his mistreatment of his animals is causing their milk to dry up. Please, please report this guy.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Sep 10
Hi, I'm not sure how your Govt. works but we have a local member who works and looks after us where we live. If we have problems we can tell our local government guy and he basically has to do what he can to help or to right the wrong. I know how much this must be hurting and offending you and I know how frustrated you are. I live in a rural area and I see things too that turn my stomach and make me want to scream with rage. Sending you hugs.

@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
Thanks for the hugs!!
We have Provincial and Federal levels of government for the agricultural section and both have large budget cuts presently and both say they cant monitor what goes on in every farm. They just dont care!! Im also thinking that they probably bribe the few inspectors going around. I do remember him mentioning this before. He's also part of the organization for his city, very chum with the mayor and many locals.
I know my SIL doesnt approve.....Im going to try and talk to her so she can talk to him.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
Ive tried to report him but they say they have had budget cuts and dont have the necessary inspectors. They acted as if I was making it worse than it is.
Im in shock to be honest with you. I cant believe this is being tolerated here in Canada!!!!!! I feel like Im being left down by my own country and government.
Theres still one person I can contact and this is what Im working on now. He used to be a Hockey player and he's now trying to educate people about what goes on with farm animals......he has NO power per say but Im going to try to contact him anyways.
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
7 Sep 10
First of all gross!!! Go figure that I would read this right after I got through eating dinner...yuck! Anyways, I can't believe this guy would have a discussion like this while eating dinner. Further, I never knew that cows had to be pregnant in order to produce milk...guess I am a city girl too. I think I would have this guy reported to the farmer's association, or whatever place would take care of something like this. I understand sometimes farmers have to do stuff that isn't all that glamorous, but you don't have to be out right cruel to the animals. Makes you wish the cow could hit him over the head with a baseball bat!!!!
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
Yes gross is the right word. Im a city girl also and I didnt know cows had to get pregnant to give milk. He sure had a not so nice way to tell me, but I dont care what he thinks.
He used to have a bull to inseminate the cows and he was cornered by the bull, nearly killed him too. I wont even repeat what him and his son did to the bull after but they dont have it anymore. I know the cows corner them to get even or to let them know they're in pain, but they dont see it that way....they think the cows are being "difficult" !!! Theres no way to make him understand that if he were nice to them, they wouldnt be "difficult" as he puts it. I felt like hitting him while he was bragging about hurting the cows......but Im more civilized than him.
Its no use to report him....they cant do a thing about it unless we have proof and even then, Im not sure.....he also brags about paying the inspectors. I believe in karma and I told him that if I were him, Id be afraid of coming back in my next life as a cow!!!
Thank you!

@slothgurl (569)
• Enumclaw, Washington
6 Sep 10
So he is talking about all of this during supper, and tells says you know nothing?? Most educated people would not be having that conversation during supper! I live in a small town surrounded by dairy farms. The farmers I know guide their cows around by tapping them with a stick, never hurting them. They also sell the calves at auction, they don't kill them. Finally, thay act like gentlemen, and would never even have a conversation like that PERIOD especially if they knew if was offensive or made someone uncomfortable.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
Yes he did during the supper and he's got a chip on his shoulders about feeling like "city people" think badly about farmers like him. Ive never been that way and he keeps thinking of me as someone who would be offended by the smell of the barn but Ive seen his barn and it wasnt the smell that was offensive to me but the fact that its very dirty and full of spiders.....what scared me the most was the spiders all over the place.....not the cows or the smell but he doesnt understand that.
His cows never go outdoors, they're tied indoors and .......I hate to think of what they're going through. At one point, I told him he might come back in his next life as a cow!!!
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
7 Sep 10
The following response is taken from Farm Sanctuary Kidz Club:
Does a cow produce milk for rest of her life once she's given birth to a calf? If yes, what happens to the cow's milk when her calf doesn't need it anymore? - Matus
Hi Matus! Thanks for your terrific question. A cow does not produce milk for her entire life. Like a human, she only makes milk to feed her child. Female cows are made to be pregnant about once a year to keep them producing milk for humans. On factory farms, calves are usually taken from their mothers within a day or two of being born and aren't even allowed to enjoy their own mother's milk. The mother cow is then typically milked by a machine. Cows today have been bred to make 10 times more milk than they would make for their babies in a natural environment. As you might imagine, producing so much milk is very tiring for the cows. They become sick very easily and are usually killed when they are only about 4 years old! These are just some of the reasons why we believe people should consider giving up cow's milk.
We are the only creatures who continue to drink milk into our adult life. Most mammals are weened and only take in water after their infant days. Your story is just another one that makes me question giving up all animal products, though I know that it will never become that extreme. This is a call for moderation. If we only took in just what we need there would be no need for such abuse of animals or over working of animals. We are such a greedy society, and a wasteful one.
I would politely explain to him the next time he's over that you don't care to hear such talk at the dinner table. It's your home and you have a right to be comfortable.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
Thanks for sharing this!!
I dont drink milk and I was once told that humans are not made to digest milk and its true in my case.
I know that if I ever tell him to not talk about this he will make life miserable for my sister in law....he's that type of man......but next time.....if there is one....I do plan on having ear plugs nearby and put them on and not be ashamed to show him that I dont accept his treatment of animals. I never let my dog near him either.
I believe in karma and its in God's hands now.
Thanks for replying!
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@Mymill (42)
• South Africa
7 Sep 10
The statement he made saying that they have to be pregnant in order to get milk is to my knowledge far fetched. Certain breeds of cattle, such as the Jersey breed, gets bred for the purpose of giving milk 365 days a year. There is no way that any female animalcan be pregnant 365 days a year for several years in a row. Secondly, it makes no sense to kill the calves at birth and sell tham for veal seeing that you would most likely get double to triple the amount of money if you sell them st an auction.
I think he was just mentally abusing you, knowing that you would be gullible to believe him. Some peolple do this to make them feel better about themselves.
@elmare0699 (163)
• South Africa
7 Sep 10
I agree with you.
My Dad had a small farm and his cattle were like children to him, most of them had names. He had two Jersey cows that gave milk everyday and as you said they didn't need to be pregnant to give milk. Most farmers that I know who have cows for milk production use breeds specifically breed to produce milk.
My Dad did milk the other cows when they produced milk but that was only when they had just had calves and the calves were never killed. They grew up to be sold once they had reached a satifactory size for slaugther. They were never treated cruelly.
I do not think that farm animals should be treated cuelly even though they may be breed for slaugther. And I think that goes for any animal.
By the way, it has been found that a diet of only fruit and vegetables has it's own problems and can cause certain vitamin and mineral deficiency because the diet lacks certain catalysts to activate the vitamins and minerals.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
I dont know about cows and now you two are saying that its not necessary to get them pregnant to produce milk? So they're doing all this, killing the calves when they're born for nothing?
Its even more cruel than I thought then. Im speechless!!
@mimining (203)
• Philippines
6 Sep 10
When all people would abandon eating animals, this would probably stop. People need to eat in order to survive but as long as it has been legalized to kill animals for food, animals will be JUST animals to those who sell them for food. I only give away my puppies to those people I know who love to take care of dogs. Would you "give away" your sister to people who don't share your principle in animal compassion?
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@dharma1 (35)
• United States
6 Sep 10
To say that's the world we live in and shrug it off like its no big deal is the reason why the world is so cruel. For those people whom think that a dog is mans best friend and a cow or a pig is dinner. Its really a case of ignorance and lack of true empathy for all living beings. I agree with the free range or local organic farms if you one that believes they need meat dairy eggs ext. But really we as consumers need to realize our part in this violence if they is zero tolerance from buyer then the farms behaving this way would be put out of business. Just like we would not take our children to a violent baby sitter once exposed we should be just as out raged at the violence out animal friends suffer as we should be their protectors as well. As for the original post I'm happy to hear you were sickened and shocked perhaps now that your eyes have been opened you will become more educated on whats on your dinner plate or who is invited to your dinner table for that matter.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
@ Mimining: I would be very careful who I give my dogs away to like you. I wont even leave my dog to be "babysit" by anyone. I told him at one point that now I understand why society is becoming violent......we eat meat that has been raised violently.
@ Earnwithme: I do get your joke lol, at times Id like to do the same but not just to anyone, she doesnt deserve that kind of treatment. I know its being done, but I still cant accept it.
@ Dharma1: Oh yes, Ive learned a lot and Im sure it wont be the last lesson I'll learn from him. I tried to explain that being nice to the animals is the way to go, but he said that all farmers do it!! Ive never liked him but out of respect for my husband, I have them over but we dont go there anymore. Yes we need to be the protector of the food we eat. Problem is, even if you call the pertinent government agency, they do nothing about it!!
Thank you all for replying!
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
7 Sep 10
Cows are pretty dumb animals I recall reading a story about some college kids thought they were going to free them from being butchered by cutting the wire and pulling up posts. Well they found out that the cows were in no hurry to leave and just stood there and eventually they got arrested for it. I get the feeling you and your brother in law don't get along it seems to me he was just saying stuff to offend you. I call baby cows Veal! They taste really good.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
Well maybe cows are dumb animals but even dumb people can feel pain, dont they?
So it doesnt excuse him being cruel to his animals Id say.
Yes he must be trying to offend me as he thinks Im a "dumb city girl".
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
7 Sep 10
Dear friend,
It is really pity to know this, hope these should be stopped. They too have pain and what if these are done to a human that too a reputed person, can he tolerate it or his relatives and friends. I hope there is not many to talk for these innocent animals, what if these was done to our own family members, will we tolerate it. I hope government should take strict action to safeguart the protection of these animals.

@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
Its not supposed to happen. Farmers dont have the right to hurt their animals, but our government has cut down on inspectors and thats why he can get away with it.
I dont agree with what he's doing at all. I think he should be tied to a post and suffer the same as he does to his cows.....see if he likes it!
I know animals can feel pain. He said so himself and yet he still hurts them.
I have NO respect for this man at all anymore.
Thank you !!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Sep 10
Hi MagicalBubbles,
Wow. That is horribly cruel and there is no need in treating the animals like that. I didn't know that they killed the calves just to kill them. I thought and I could be very wrong, that some of them were sold and were killed to be eaten as veal and some were raised. To kill them just for the sake of killing them is wasteful and cruel. I also knew that the cows have to be pregnant in order to produce milk which is then sold for human consumption. My uncle ran a farm when I was growing up and I was shocked when I first learned of how cruel the animals are often treated these days. He was always very kind to the animals and it was hard not to get attached to some of them, knowing that eventually they were going to be slaughtered for food. Times sure have changed.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
Yes times have changed and not for the better!!
I sure hope that not all farmers treat their animals this way but I have no way of knowing this.
I asked him why he had to kill the calves and he said the price was too low on the market now so it wasnt worth it. I then asked him why not give it away then to some family who would love to raise it but he doesnt like the idea of "giving" something. Money is all he's thinking about.
If I had the space I would take those calves and raise them but Im not allowed to have farm animals where I live.
@hvedra (1619)
7 Sep 10
First off, I agree with the poster above who says that the dinner table is no place to discuss this kind of thing. I suspect your SIL's boyfriend got as much of a kick out of upsetting you as he does mistreating farm animals.
I know a few farmers and they don't mistreat their animals - but then they are often smaller scale farmers who can't afford to do so. As soon as you get to farming on an industrial scale, the livestock will be mistreated because the "farmer" ceases to see them as living things, they're just machines on a production line.
Dairy cows, such as the Holstein, are freakish animals, bred to be too tall, too big and kept in milk all year around. I find it bizarre how many folk who are against veal production aren't prepared to give up milk. Dairy cows have a crueller life than a lot of beef cows - although with the advent of feedlots this is changing.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
I knew about cruelty to animals, but they kept telling us that it didnt happen here in Canada, only in other countries, so it was a real shock and a wake up call for me.
Yes I do believe he got a kick out of upsetting me....goes to show you how stupid this man is.
Thanks !!
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@sender621 (14890)
• United States
7 Sep 10

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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
I know that and I tried to tell him but he just didnt get it.
Finally I told him that if I were him, Id be very afraid to come back in my next life as a cow!!! least that shut him up!!
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@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
Training the animals depend on the owner. Our family owns few cows, horses and carabaos in my hometown. I see them tapping the butt to make them move. Yet sometimes if the animal is stubborn they hit it wit a tiny stick not baseball bat. Hitting them badly isn't good. They are also living things.
Killing the calves is part of getting some milk out of them. It's okay as long as it's not brutal.
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
Well you have animals, so you know then.
Id like to ask you something....why dont you give the calves away to some families who might want to raise them instead of killing them?
Im not judging you, dont think that, Im only wanting to find out.
Thanks for replying!!
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
7 Sep 10
That is really gross and I would have been very upset as well. I can't imagine hurting a defenseless animal like that, even if it will be slaughtered for food eventually.
I hope your sister in law considers carefully what he said about his farm and the treatment of animals. This man is single for a reason. If he can condone beating a cow with a bat merely because the animal doesn't move quick enough, what will he do to his girlfriend?
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
8 Sep 10
You're right, he keeps saying that a woman is like a cow !!! I was horrified when he said this the first time and thats when I told hubby that I didnt wish to see him unless I had to.
They also use some type of ring in their nose and they lift their heads up, he said that doing so makes the cow stop moving so they can do whatever they want to the cow after. I shiver everytime I think about this. That man and his son are maniacs. I dont know how my sister in law can live with him.
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
6 Sep 10
Calves - baby cows - are killed or sold to be killed in order to produce veal. They have to be killed because the milk that the mother cows are producing in order to feed their children is instead being collected by the farmers to sell to people like yourself. Many farms, especially the very large ones, are full of animal cruelty. That's why I'm personally a vegan and encourage those who still want to eat meat, eggs, and dairy to look into local organic and free range farms.
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
7 Sep 10
Thats what he said to explain the killing of the calves, but why not give it away then to someone who will be able to raise it and then feed themselves from the meat.....thats what I dont understand. He said its too costly to raise it for the meat, Im sure some families would be very happy to raise it. Or even some organization to feed the poor.
Theres so much we dont know about the food we eat.....Im still in shock.