Should Americans be allowed to burn Korans?
By laglen
@laglen (19759)
United States
September 6, 2010 7:19pm CST
A church in Florida plans to burn Korans on September 11th.
General Patraeus warns that our troops in Afghanistan may be in danger if this happens.
Do you think that these Americans should back off or exercise their freedom of speech?
In Indonesia, Muslims are protesting the burning by stomping on American flags.
Is that ok too?
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40 responses
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
7 Sep 10
Provided that the Korans they are going to burn are their personal property and they are obeying local fire codes, yes indeed they should be allowed to dispose of their personal property as they see fit. Frankly, I prefer it when bigots identify themselves clearly.
As to General Patraeus, if he's under the impression that our troops aren't already in as much danger as it is possible to be in Afghanistan, I'm not certain he's the right man for the job.
I'm unfamiliar with Indonesian law, but if they were in the US, the same rules would apply to burning a US flag -- be sure it's one's own, obey local fire codes.
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@hvedra (1619)
7 Sep 10
I'd be more impressed if I thought the Koran burners were any better than the people they allegedly oppose.
Yes, people shouldn't get their knickers in a twist over a book or a flag being set alight, they SHOULD however, have a long hard think as to why someone thinks it is a good idea.
Extremists of any flavour are just hate-filled idiots who go through holy books and political tracts LOOKING for excuses to hate.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I don't think this is really going to do anything good just piss off one side or the other. Personally I am on the side of George Carlin. If two religious fanatics or even a group of them want to go kill each other I say give them an Island and let them kill each other in the name of there gods. Christians acting like well followers of Jesus might actually make me consider that there is a actual god. But hasn't happened all I see with most religions in the recent history and well the media is religious group A wants to and is killing Religious Group B. Or if nothing else they are trying to piss each other off oh hey I wouldn't mind it if they would stop dragging the rest of the enlightened people of the world down with them I mean really they just prove scientist and the intellectuals of this nation that religion is so on its way out.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I cannot believe that Fox News put that out. Papers all over Fl. have printed retractions on that Damn story because it is not true. This story has been going around and around. There is no church...did you happen to notice that no church has ever been named in any of the stories? It is because it does not exist. It is a smear campaign by muslims against christians. Open you eyes people. I am not even a christian, but I think this is really nasty propaganda.........
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I sent them an e-mail telling them what I thought of their idea. I suggested that they should stop and think about what their Jesus would do. I doubt it will make a difference, but you never know. I did let them know that I was a Jew also. LOL
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
7 Sep 10
Anything that feeds the fire of hatred is a danger to our troops. I do not buy the *official* reason expressed by this church for wanting to burn the books and I believe that this is extremely ugly. I hope common sense prevails.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I doubt they plan to go after Jehovah's Witnesses and burn copies of the Watchtower next. This is religious bigotry...nothing more.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I agree but I think the reason for the target of the muslims are the terrorist attacks. I can understand the anger and frustration. But offending ALL Muslims for the actions of some is not right. It would be nice if in the year of Our Lord 2010 we could show "Christian" actions.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I think that burning books and burning flags are just stupid.
Instead of burning a book, just the knowledge and information in that book to debate people who practice that religion.
For example, people will always debate the Bible because there are some people (like me) who think that the Bible is a great work of FICTION, but there are other people who think that it's fact. Now, people can say that they know how to interpret the Bible, but that's not always true.
This can be done with the Koran. Have a debate about it. Find what you don't like about the Koran and debate it.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
8 Sep 10
I think that this would more logical because what you doing by burning that book? Nothing.
Truth be told, I don't like religion, any religion, at all. I think that religions are ridiculous and I think that people take them too far, but I think that people should see both the pros and cons of each religion. Some religions start with good intentions, but they get taken to a point of being cult-like.
I think that people should see what is in the religions that make people tick? Why do people hate or love these religions? What is it about certain religions that give them a positive or negative image?
I think a debate is the best way to go.
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@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
13 Sep 10
I think its hypocritical of any Americans to burn the Koran- The largest religion here is Christianity and I'm sure Christians would be in an uproar of Muslims decided to burn a bunch of bibles.
I don't see how this action would solve anything- let alone even make a point. Burning the Koran is just ignorance against someone else religion/ beliefs- which we in America pride ourselves on religious freedom.....just a damn shame in my opinion.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Of course they should be allowed to burn any book because it's a free speech issue, but it isn't a smart thing to do and will hurt more than help our present relationship with Muslims. Since we Christians know how it feels to be denied access into certain areas and freedoms, how could any of us do that to anyone else?
Christians don't need to be afraid of Muslims. The worse they can do is kill us and every Christian knows, absent from the body is presence with the Lord. We can't lose.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Yes those people may be free to behave like Nazis, who burnt all types of religious books, but that doesn't make it right at all. It is disrespectful to all of the Muslims who are not extremists and just want to live their lives in peace. Not all Muslims are terrorists just as not all Christians are conservatives, all Jews are not cheap. As for the terrorists over seas stomping our flag they do it anyway, they just are hoping to place the blame on us.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
8 Sep 10
I do not think it is a wise idea to burn Korans at this time. It makes us sink to the level of those who have attacked our country.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
It's a NO NO NO!!! I am Catholic... Whatever happens in 9/11 its not because of the religion..It's the ideology of man.. Burning the holy scripture ,Quran, is a tasteless action and could provoke anger to Muslims.. Oh please don't dare to do that...Muslims will surely gain religious people and be the grave of America.

@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
7 Sep 10
there is freedom of speech, not freedom to be a moron. I do not think that they should do it regardless of what people think of a religion, a little respect goes along way.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Sep 10
Actually, people are free to be morons. If they weren't, we'd be seriously busy building jails. I don't wish this fellow wouldn't burn the Qu'ran because it will be offensive or dangerous, I wish he wouldn't burn it because of the fact that Americans are being brainwashed into a state of mind of fear and this story gets the media all stirred up. So he burns a Qu'ran on 9/11 and so our soldiers will be in danger if he does. Our soldiers are already in danger. What puts them in the most danger is when the enemy perceives they have won the psychological war and our resolve is non-existent. Be scary and we'll just back down, give up our rights and beg you not to hurt us.
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@Royalty10 (196)
• Guyana
10 Sep 10
Have either group broken any law in this? Not as far as I can see. They are both exercising their opinions on a sticky subject in graphic details. A picture is worth a thousand words.
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@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
13 Sep 10
listening to Obama speak on the subject recently- the very same question was asked..and apparently the only thing that can be done to these people if they go through with the burning of the Koran is a citation. In other can ticket the culprit- but that is about it.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I have a real problem with this issue. We are to be tolerant of Muslims killing people, we agree to be understanding when they become offended by something one person writes and they riot killing people and destroying property and we are to be tolerant of this. In many muslim countries it is against the law for me to bring my personal Bible into the country. They want us not to offend them by any action yet they say we are wrong to be offended when they want to build a Mosque near the site of their attack on our country.
When the World Trade Center was attacked how many Christians took to the streets and burned Arab Business and killed Muslims? At the same time how many Muslims took to the streets and cheered at the disaster? When the Tsunami struck the Muslim country of Indonesia it was the Christian Nations that sent aid and help. There was very little sent from Muslim counties and then only after a reporter pointed out that there was no aid from Muslim countries. Eleven Christian countries gave more as individual nations that the total dollars given by all (3 Muslim nations gave money).
I disagree with the idea of burning the Koran but can understand the frustration of having to accept what they do to us and say and do nothing in response and they we are to be understanding when they go ballistic when there is the least little perceived wrong done to them.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
7 Sep 10
Political conservatives - always hiding behind holy books to accomplish their crazy agendas! This is more like the Christian loony who kills an abortion doctor because he/she believes he/she is doing God's work, or like George W. Bush who believed in unjustly invading Iraq and unnecessarily sacrificing the lives of thousands, he Bush was doing God's work -
This burning of other holy texts was a ploy often used by so-called Christian missionaries during the colonial period when they fancied a land or group of people they wanted to dominate: They would burn any sacred text or recorded history the natives had and allege they, hypocrite missionaries, were they true godly folks. Besides the history of some African nations/countries, the I-MAX documentary "The History of the Mayans" will be a good briefing for those who may not understand what I am saying.
I think that these so-called godly folks ought to learn to respect the views of others and leave others alone! If your God or your godliness is that superior, then poeple will eventually be drawn to it!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
7 Sep 10
I think the Americans should respect other religions and burning the holy books of the muslim will definitely anger the Muslim communities all over the world and it might trigger another unwanted happenings similar to September 11. The Americans should exercise some tolerance as the acts of terrorism have not been totally wiped out yet all over the world. It is better not to incur anymore hatred amongst humankind if peace is what we wanted to see in this world. Though we might not be able to see total peace unless these fanatics changes their ideology.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
7 Sep 10
To be honest with you, I don't care if they do it or not. The muslims have been burning our flags over in their countries for years. Apparently, they feel it is OK for them to burn our flag, but it is wrong for us to burn the koran. The local news station where I live has been following this story closely. They actually just aired an interview with the pastor that is planning to do this, and while I do not necessarily agree with what he is planning to do, I do agree with him on one thing he said in this interview. He asked a question of the person interviewing him. While I am not going to quote him, because I don't remember everything he said word-for-word, the question basically was, "When do we stop backing down from islam?". While I don't think that burning the koran will be pleasing to God, I do believe that islam is evil, and I to have wondered when we will stop backing down from them.
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@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
They say that two wrongs don't make a right. I believe in that saying and what the church should focus on is helping people get along better. A church is not supposed to allow burning any kind of religious items whether it's from a different religion or not. They should serve as a role model.
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@cinjhoxmyltc (334)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
No, in any ways, American should not burn the Korans. The Americans should not burn this Holy Books of Muslims. Imagine the opposite one if the Muslims will burn our churches and Holy Bible? What might happen? It will be a Holy War between Christians and Muslims.I think we should respect each other religion and those things consecrated and holy in their belief. We should always think that no matter what happens we are still one brother, one whole family.
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