DO YOU SING while you’re having a shower?

September 7, 2010 2:19am CST
I used to sing when I did my shower way back when I was in my grader years. I also remembered I memorize the table of elements also while taking a bath when I took my chemistry classes because I felt fulfillment when I memorize the 118 elements. I recalled I was able to memorize the table of multiplication too while taking a bath. It seemed like an advantage to me whenever im in the shower room because I can do some other things as well. I am not ashamed of my experiences. I just laugh at the thoughts now when I remember them. How about you?
7 responses
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Sep 10
I used to do that, singing in the shower, when I was younger. That's the place I could sing any way I wanted. If I would sing somewhere else, like in a party, everybody would get up amd go home ! Ha ha ! That's how much people like my voice. So, better sing in the shower, so nobody can hear, and nobody would go home right away !
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
7 Sep 10
Mine may not be a great comment here but this was a real thing. I was forced to keep singing while in the shower. The latch of the door was frozen and there was no way to keep the door locked from inside. It was a common bath room and about 15 of us shared it. Yes, I am referring to the college days when I was at a hostel. Now, if I didnt sing, the chances of someone bumping in at the wrong time was sure to happen. So it was more out of force rather than a matter of choice. But this became a habit and I sing even today... My wife had several issues about this at the start but now she has realized that I am a much better singer in the shower
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
not my nature. even when i was young and i was a member of the choir, i just couldn't get the habit of singin in the bathroom.
@crazy100 (71)
• India
7 Sep 10
cant stop .... and , i don't want to
• India
7 Sep 10
That's the only place when i can sing and where no one would throw any stones at me or break my window! I love singing in the bathroom. I also do some small stunts sometimes and i have slipped many a time and once i even fractured my hand! Sounds silly but still i love to do so. Cheers!
@dayness (11)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
yahhhh i also sing while i'm in my bathroom. it 's actually my habbit..jejeje it enhance my voice to be better and i admire my voice to... i sometimes think im a professional singer..hehe
• India
7 Sep 10