Can anyone give a proof the existence of God?
By Syahlan
@Syahlan (75)
25 responses
@soloandi23 (21)
8 Sep 10
If you are looking for proof that God exists, you should not be asking man. You should be praying to God. If you love God, and you ask for proof that he is there, he will make himself known to you. If someone were able to give you physical proof that god existed, we wouldn't call it "belief" or "faith." There would be no point. Nobody knows for a fact that anything is true, we simply believe. I am a believer in God, and it is not because of any book, building, or man. It's because I was raised believing, and as I got older I began to question God's existence. Before I gave up completely, I sincerely asked God to show me. I asked with my heart, not with my mouth, and I received. I don't take everything in the bible to be literal, and don't believe that it's credible because it is contradictory. I am spiritual, not religious. I agree that it all sounds ridiculous, and I totally understand how people question God. Personally, I just think it's all taught wrong. It's taught in a manner that makes people think of things in a literal way, when it's all very abstract. Everything in the bible is a metaphor. You are not going to SEE God, God is not a MAN.. but I know that God will send you messages through people. God does not "exist".. "God" is simply spirit and love. Someone gave IT a name, God did not "speak" to the people in the bible, nor are those "God's words." A spirit could never write anything down. People should be teaching spirituality, rather than religion.
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
7 Sep 10
In the Bible it says that those who don't see and believe are happy, because they will inherit the Kingdom of God. If you search after God, you will be much further from Him, then you were ever before. It is your own option, you can search for proofs as long as you want, but God chooses random people to give proofs of His existence. I never search for proofs of His existence, I accept the fact that God created the Universe and everything that is in it. If you start accepting Him and believe in Him, maybe you will find a proof of His existence.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
I'm not really sure what rappeter13 is talking about. I think (s)he has got their Bible mixed up. It actually says, "Seek and you will find."
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
I don't really think that I've got the Bible mixed up. I am positive that Jesus told this, but I am not sure to who He said it. But if you think that I made a mistake, it is your opinion.
I never said that I happy all the time, but this statement is meant to be like I don't need a proof to believe. I just feel that God exists and period. I am not a religious fanatic at all, but I don't see any point of digging after God. If I feel that He exists, I accept Him and that is all. It is everybody's business if he believes or not, but those who don't believe shouldn't mock believers and believers shouldn't mock non-believers. If you have a certain personality, sets of beliefs, that's fine, but don't expect for others to be the same.
@Galena (9110)
7 Sep 10
there isn't any proof.
and this from someone religious.
people will say that the existance of the universe proves that there is a God, but then how would you decipher which one it was? after all, people beleive in many different Gods.
and if the wonders of nature prove your God exists, they also prove mine does.
it's not proof. it's amazing, but it's not proof.
you may look at the universe and feel that it can't have happened without divine intervention from some deity or other, but that's still not proof.
it may be enough for you to beleive, but it is not proof.
we just all have to look at the universe, look inside ourselves and work out for ourselves whether we beleive in the existance of Gods or not, and which you think are most likely if you do
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
Let's see, the universe has three dimensions of space. Matter is composed of three types of particle: neutrons which are heavy but have no charge, protons which are equally heavy and positively charged so they attract negatively charged things and repel positively charged things, and electrons which have very little mass but are negatively charged and are largely responsible for the atom's interactions. Does this sound like any particular God?
To be philosophical, we can't be absolutely sure of anything. Maybe you're the only thing that really exists and everything else is an illusion. Maybe we're in something like the Matrix.
You just have to look at the evidence and decide what's the best fit.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 Sep 10
Hi Syahlan, There is no proof for the existence of God. Religion is based on faith not fact.You must decide for yourself and I feel that the best way to do that is to go within. Others will tell you something different but satisfied in your own mind. Blessings.

@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
15 Sep 10
No. It does not mean "if someone said there's no God, it may be correct..."

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
9 Sep 10
God is a spirit. No man has seen God, but we know that He exists because of the things He has done. We cannot see the wind, but we can see its effects. That is how we know the wind exists. God tells us about Himself in the bible.
@Syahlan (75)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
1. God Is spirit, it mean we cannot see it. We cannot see evil also, that's mean We cannot see both Satan and God. The problem is, may be we worship Satan everyday instead of God?
2. According the believer, God tell Himself in bible, but bible made by a man. God do not write it down, or God do not appear before a man then tell the man to write a bible right?
@vedanta (304)
• India
7 Sep 10
yes there are many proofs . first is u and second is me .you want to feel hes existence this is third proof .
but u r in 3d world. gravity is pulling ur body down so u have to break this barrier gravity .
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
9 Sep 10
Ok then, I want to feel the existence of being brought to our parents as babies by pelicans, like they show in cartoons. There's you, there's me, and there's my questioning of it, so therefore, we must have been brought to this world by pelicans.
See how that sounds kinda crazy? well.....
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
7 Sep 10
While many will give you reasons that they believe in a god or gods no one has ever been able to provide proof of the existence of one or many gods.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Sep 10
One of the more intriguing aspects of the universe to me that makes me ponder whether or not we're a coincidence is that the entire universe can be decoded as if it's a computer program.
I'm not entirely sure if mankind's capacity for "numbers," even the most brilliant among us, could have somehow coincidentally developed a code that happened to fall in line with how the universe works. The fact seems to be that numbers are universal and that the universe is a sequence of code that, since it can be decoded, carries the possibility that it was coded.
Of course, it's much more likely that "code" is just how everything works because it's how is has to work per universal law - and that would also include our technology.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
7 Sep 10
Hello Syahlan,
I can only tell you that you can feel the presence of God. Now, whether one makes fun out of it or not doesn't really matter to me because i am go stand to my point. Most people don't believe in God because they either have never tried to, or have never found a proof for God's existence. So, it all up to you.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
15 Sep 10
The question should be "Can anyone give a proof of the existence of God to me?" Some people can give me proof of the existence of God while others who think they can give me proof, cannot. If you do not believe in the existence of God, then no one is going to prove it to you. Over the last thousand years no one has done it, so the answer for you (as seen by your postings here) would apparently be "no".
As a believer, I believe you will find out on your own. We live in an existence of infinities and possible other dimensions. Although we can't see them, there are other beings out there or here. We have existence of a star that is so large that we are practically non existent, if we could be placed next to it. In terms of infinity, we don't exist. In terms of infinity, it will appear as if you never existed. But as a philospher said, "I think, therefore I am. So you do exist.
If you're looking for physical proof, He wouldn't be a God if we had the instruments to prove that He exists. And for those who wonder why He doesn't show Himself, we have enough problems understanding each other. I don't mean to be insulting. But an African might ask, "Why do Europeans act like that?" A European might ask, "Why does an African act like that?" We can't even understand ourselves. So how are we expected to understand a supernaturally superior being?
@vbpujara (646)
• Rajkot, India
7 Sep 10
It is very easy to get understand for believe in GOD,and difficult to get understand not believe in GOD.
But I can say you with proof,GOD is everywhere in universe.
Who is changing day into night and night into day,
Who is changing different seasons at different time,
can you change it?
there are unlimited proof of god's existence.
@Jiuwei (29)
• China
9 Sep 10
Yes,I believe. You will be too. Sometimes we humanbeings are not sure of this, just because we are got stack into some trouble without any help from others or the God. So if we have Him in mind and remeber Him whenever we have a deep think of life, then we will do sense the existence.
@sinliong (88)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 10
There is one condition for you to be able to find a proof of God's existence. You must open minded, willing to accept the truth, even if that truth is beyond your knowledge and has a contradiction with your faith. You must have a good intention and give your best effort to find God. Because sometime, God has own will about who will accept a guidance. You must think, not just expecting a physical prove about God's existence. Use your head, use your eyes, and use your ears. Be open minded. And then you'll perhaps will find God's existence prove. Don't ask others, find it by yourself, cause everybody has their own chance to find the prove of God's existence. That way, you will have more faith rather than just hearing others words and experience.
@Syahlan (75)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 10
Actually we cannot believe something beyond our knowledge. Why? We now nothing about beyond knowledge, and you just made it out that there are something beyond your knowledge. the point is HOW CAN WE BELIEVE THERE'S SOME TRUTH OUT THERE, AND YET WE NOW NOTHING ABOUT THOSE TRUTH? IT JUST NON SENSE RIGHT?
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
9 Sep 10
Open your eyes and look around you. God is everywhere.
God has different meanings: Energy and Love are the best known.
Universal Energy is most common. In the bible it also says God is everywhere and in everyone. What to me means God is Energy. Nothing lives without it. God is Love, we all need Love.
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
9 Sep 10
God is just a faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen Hebrews 11:1." How can anyone give you the proof of God's existence?
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
9 Sep 10
You do not neeed to go outside of yourself to get an answerrr than youself. What you think and feel.? Do you thing that you are the only biological being that you are born and live and if something goes wrong with you body, yo get what you called sick and di and disintegrate into another biological matter- that soil. You have to search deep and find there is a power outside of you greater than yourself and you feel that all your body functions etc are put there by this power. You want to find out that there is a God, you will find out that life has to end sometime and someday, you too will die. That is when you will see that there is God who created you and I who is contrlling this. Look at the intricate of body make and how they function and so forth. Who would create such? God wou.ld. Religions are just expression of view to express this unique being God. The proof of God is yourself
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
9 Sep 10
If you hear a piece of music on the radio, you may never see the composer, the writer, the musicians, but the piece of music tells you they exist and something about them.
If a sunset tells you nothing, if your body tells you nothing, if a bird tells you nothing, then there is no proof of God's existence. Everything in the universe is shouting at us that God exists, and that He is wonderful and that He cares for us. The proof or lack of proof, is in our own mind and our own heart.
@ergfortes (516)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
Your existence is already a proof of the existence of God. You don't need to see Him to know that he exist. I remember a conversation between a Christian student and his professor. This professor also doubting the existence of God. And he said that you only need Faith to know that God exist. I'll give you the link to the story and hope you'd understand what i meant.