Whish the hosewives are the hottest and beautifull

@medoox (40)
September 7, 2010 6:11am CST
answer me witsh is she??????
3 responses
@affios (10)
16 Oct 10
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
8 Sep 10
I like Eva Longoria Parker and Teri Hatcher. Even if Teri is getting older, she is still hot and beautiful. Eva has the advantage of being younger but they are still quite close.
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
They're all pretty, but I like the beauty of Eva Longoria Parker the most. Her face reflects beauty originating from other countries. I think her unique beauty comes from her multiethnic ancestry. According to Wikipedia, Eva is 70-percent Spaniard (the Spanish people who settled in Texas centuries ago), 27-percent Asian/American Indian and 3-percent African.