Browser help please.

@speakeasy (4171)
United States
September 7, 2010 10:59am CST
Just downloaded and installed Firefox. I was very careful to check the box that said to make Firefox my default browser; but, when I turn on my computer and go on-line it still keeps bringing up IE. OS is XP. Is there a way to change default browsers after they have already been installed or do I need to delete Firefox and try to reload again?
4 people like this
2 responses
9 Sep 10
it sounds like you are using the link at the top of the start menu and that link is IE not firefox on your machine. you may need to create a shortcut to firefox then try using that shortcut instead of the current link you use
@shira0524 (482)
• United States
7 Sep 10
Try going into the Internet Options link (under Tools, maybe, on the main menu bar?) and look around in there for where IE would still be defaulting to be your main browser. IE is so stubborn sometimes! I installed both Safari and Chrome and had quite a time getting IE to stop popping up. Also, if that doesn't work, go into Control Panel to Network Options and look under there. Maybe someone else has a more specific map for you, but I know it can be found under there, somewhere, haha.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Tried but it didn't work. Also checked under "Internet Options".