International burn a koran day
By edohusnull
@edohusnull (195)
September 7, 2010 11:56pm CST
As a moslem, I'm very sad and anger to see there is a group of "shallow" people that coming from a sect from christianity trying to show their hate to other religion with their plan to burn moslem holy book.
Not just in moslem community the oppose reaction against is rising, but from others, christian, budha, hindus....
And the fact is the dove world outreach center has disributed the quran (not koran) to the community and they already burn it before sept 11.
I was hurt and angry, and if I do the same thing to their holy book, it's not a proper thing to do since it's only can be done by a barbarian and idiot people.
I'm not going to came to those people with a bomb or loaded AK-47 or a granade launcher, but I will ask to God, Alloh SWT, to show them the truth about islam from the right side, not from the hatred eyes.
But, if then they using military forces, I will come to them with my sword & my bows.
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16 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 10
I'm also very sad, if our Al-quran were burned. This is an insult. But we do not need to show excessive anger. Show them, that Muslims are people who show patience and love peace. I'm curious, where did you find this news. And where is our Al-quran will be burned?
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10

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@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
@ Indahfth: I received a short message from my sister and others mentioned for this matter.
I'm asking "is it true, is this news is shohih?"
And they point me to dove world outreach center (now the server was blocked, I don't know, may US government blocked it out) and yes, there is statement from their chairman about 10 reasons to burn quran.
They said, islam is demonic teaching, quran is from evil and on and on..
@ Letranknight: Yes, it's just a book, but it is a symbol and source of islamic teaching.
You know, the big matter is come from small matter, you're not pay attention to the small fire that start to burn your windows, and you'll find that your house will turn into ashes.
You get my point?
@emarie (5441)
• United States
8 Sep 10
I can say that MOST of the US and possible world is with you on this.
And as a Christan, I'm ashamed at these idiots. And I'm not ashamed to call them idiots because that's how they're acting.
I actually only heard of this today since I don't watch the news over the weekend and I had responded to a topic here on mylot about burning of a religious document. And I said there that it's a bad idea to burn anything ANYONE deems as 'sacred' no matter what it is. It's not our right to judge others and I think this stupid protest will start something very big and a lot of angry people, not just Muslims, will show some serious back lashing towards this church. What I hope is that people understand that because of one group of stupid people doesn't speak for the whole kind. I know that very well because I've seen one group of people stereotype a whole group.
I agree that they're STUPID for doing this and I heard on the news that their explanation is because other people burn the what. To sink down to someone's level would just pathetic and of course childish.
But it may be a waste of air just to try to talk them out of it. I do wish we could arrest that pastor, but of course that would cause some outrage as well. Good or bad, I don't know, but I do know there will be a lot of talk about it. I just can't understand how anyone can see this as right and that other people are backing him up. It's really mind boggling. All I can do is apologize to anyone who was offended and say that no one should judge anyone on how they are.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Sep 10
Hi Edohusnull,
Please don't react to this very small group of people and they are a very small group of people. Most Americans are against this whole thing and are speaking out against it. Our media people don't help matters by publicizing these stupid things and making sure that the world knows and gets worked up about it. They are burning the Koran in order to get a rise out of the Muslim people and hopefully it won't work. All they are doing is trying to spread their hate. Let's hope that it doesn't work.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
Hi Sid556,
We are have the same hope, I'm not afraid of my reaction, but I'm afraid to the others shallow people from moslem communities, I'm afraid they will become outrages and do the worse thing.
So please let hand to hand together to prevent this happen.
Thank you very much
@blindmoongoddess (426)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
The Dove World Outreach Center, which is said to be a non-denominational charismatic Christian church.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Oh so it's a church. Does anyone know how many members they have? I could only find out that its run by Dr. Terry and Sylvia Jones.
On a side note any church leader that refers to themselves as Dr. is usually a fraud. What they mean is they have a doctorate in something. Which means really nothing. It's about impressive as having a phd. And then deciding that you are such a genius that you can lead a group of people.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Anger breeds anger.... extremists on all sides think not about the innocent but only the perpetrators. I am a christian but grew up with many friends of different religions and I have more fear of the extremists of any religion then the religions themselves. All I can say is to not take what this man says or does personally he does not know you. If the media had left this alone it would not have the effect it is having. If no one knew he was doing it then what would cause anger at it. Like a small child misbehaving for attention.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
I'm agree with you. But not the media who spreading this news, the dove world outreach sentence does, they release their statement about 10 reasons to burn quran in their websites.
I believed there are millions good christian in this world and can share side by side with others believer.
There is always bad seed in every community, and because of this matter we (moslems) will not say that all christian are bad. It's not fair since there are nice, good, and humble people among the christians.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
10 Sep 10
Well I am Christian and I have never heard of that site. Even in the newscasts I have seen about this and the news articles I Have read I have not even seen mention of the site until now that you have posted it. Therefore I would have to say I am not the only person to know about this not via their output but by the media in one shape or form, see what I mean. He is flip flopping on decisions now and making a bad tantrum worse as I said a child who wants his 15 minutes of fame. Such a sad man.
@atleverton (12)
• Poland
8 Sep 10
It's just a book. I can't imagine anyone getting upset if I decided to burn my dictionary.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
Dear friend, it's our holy book, it's contain with God words, and it can't be compare with dictionary, is the bible has same level with dictionary?
Or the simple example, is the medicine book can be compare with dictionary?
No my dear friend, even a medicine book can be compared with a dictionary.
I hope you are understand.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
8 Sep 10
What is happening in the muslim world with the anger over a small minority (50 People) doing something that is hateful is also wrong. The American people have been the target of a small group of Muslims doing hateful things to us and our way of life. You anger is understood, but don't blame us for the actions of a few "shallow" people. We are speaking out against them and what they are doing. It is just like the American people should not put all Muslims together with the few who are trying to kill all non believers as they put it. It would be nice to see more Muslims speak out against the violence done by a few "shallow" Muslims.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Exactly 100% correct, bobmnu!
A few idiots deciding that burning the Muslim holy book has brought about more outrage from myLot members alone than have multiple, multiple terrorist attacks carried out by radicals hiding under the Muslim religion.
I'm waiting for anyone to answer that question for me.
The lack of outrage--hell, even voiced concern--over the latter tends to make some people think that Muslims do not care about the latter so long as they're not offended in the process or, ultra ironically, type cast. I'm certainly not saying this is the case, but appearances are everything since perception is the only reality.
On this site alone, I've seen countless people from America, many of whom are Christians, speaking out against burning the Quran. Not to mention many Muslims and also others from outside of the US.
I have to wonder: if a group of Muslims planned to burn the Bible, would myLot's Muslim and non-US members care to type a word about it?
That whole "do unto others" things works in many ways.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 Sep 10
Hi edohusnull, I agree with you, this is a terrible thing for anyone to consider doing, and it is only a few radicals within Christianity who support this. All religions it seems have a few extremists. I'm sure that the majority of Christians are abhorred by the thought that such action might take place. Blessings.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
Hope this will not happen and they can hear to what mrs hillary clinton appeal.
Thanks pose123
@blindmoongoddess (426)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
I am sorry. I, too, am sad and angry that some people are planning to do such a despicable act. They have no right to burn the Quran. That is not in keeping with the teachings of Christ. Those people are not just "shallow." Those people who plan to burn the Quran are INSANE.
I just hope and pray that all Muslims and Christians will someday treat one another with love and respect. We may be of different faiths, but we can live together in peace and love if we really want to.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
@blindmoongooddnes: Thanks for nice commentary, the same hope is came from me and all of moslem, the true moslem in the world.
@Starchaser: If we all do that to you, to what was you say, then why you still stand up in Indonesia?
And why the highest christian authorities in Indonesia never release the statement to the international community that so many church was burnt down and the christian was beat up by the moslems in Indonesia?
This is the big case, people should know the truth if this is the truth, and now the media is wild open in Indonesia, and we know the christian international network is most better then islamic network, we admit it, there are a giant mass media in this world and it was belong to the christian, so please if you feel there is so many many harsh action from moslem to christian in Indonesia, you may telling to the international community by send your report to them, not to person by person, sue us and bring us to the international court as the criminals in humanity.
But the fact is, you are health enough to telling your false story till this second, because there is no moslem ever and never beat you up.
@roelsonguitar (105)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
That news saddens and angers me.
You see, those people who claim they are Christians are deluded, because Jesus Christ never taught that kind of thing to do to other people or other religions.
Those people making hate against Muslims should be put inside a vault!
@jasmeena (846)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 10
I am a Moslem too, and I am against terrorism. Bombing places in the name of GOD is NOT Islam. Unfortunately, just because some people did that, the rest judges as if Islam is a religion of violence. Let`s say if I were not a Moslem, I am against that act. I am not that religious, but I can`t stand that action. Islam is a religion of peace, even my non-moslem friends admit that. Sometimes mainsteeam media associate bombing with Islam, that`s even worse
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
9 Sep 10
We want to see more and more ordinary peace loving tolerant Muslims come out on the streets and denounce terrorism and terrorists the same way as majority of non-Muslims are denouncing the burning of the Koran. Till then, I don’t buy the story of ‘Unfortunately, just because some people did that, the rest judges as if Islam is a religion of violence.’… it’s a shadow of a pathetic and hollow apology for all the atrocities the terrorists do in the name of Islam and a community which wants to project a global tolerant image but knows too well that the concept of the ‘ummah’ wont allow any Muslim to publicly come out and denounce the terrorists as un-Islamic… your own life will be in danger from your own brothers, if you do so.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
Please read my last sentence again carefully.
I show you an example, would you be just stand and do nothing if there is someone, or a bunch of group taking a military action against you or your faith?
What will you do? Give yourself to be shoot or kill?
No, the common reaction is you will fight back.
So am I doing wrong to protect me and my community or even my faith if we were under attack?
So I said, please read carefully.
@lutheranish (8)
• United States
8 Sep 10
I, too, am sad and angered to see people planning to burn the Koran. On one hand, as a Christian, I want to apologize for their actions. However, their actions are not in line with Jesus Christ, therefore, their actions are not "Christian" at all.
There is so much bigotry and hatred in this country right now, and it is really fueled by ignorance. People need to learn about Islam, rather than going by what some fringe group pastor is saying or what a conservative media outlet is saying. Knowledge brings understanding. Knowledge is power.
One question, however. What is the difference between Koran and Quran? I noticed you differentiated between the two in your post.
@edohusnull (195)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
Thanks for the nice comments Lutheranish.
I will try to answer your Q, the Q was "what is the difference between Koran and Quran?"
You see, when Abel Tasman came to Indonesia archipelagos a centuries ago, he hired native people from Maluku (Ambon) to guide him in his expediton.
One day he (Abel) saw a land and asking to the hired man from maluku "what is the name of the land", the man replied "mana?" (meaning: where is it) since the man could not see the land, and other mand said "ose tra lia?" meaning "don't you see that?"
So Abel Tasman took his book and write the "name" of the land AUSTRALIA.
You see, Abel Tasman was misheard of, he heard word OSE TRA LIA with his western ears, so the sound OSE TRA LIA was heard with AUSTRALIA for him.
The same thing happened to the name of Qur'an, western people heard it as KORAN (which mean newspaper in Indonesia) as they spell UMAR with OMAR and it makes sound horrible.
Qur'an is the name of holy books of islam.
And you know, so many words in english was derived from arabic language, one other example, word ADMIRAL, it came from AMIR AL BAHAR meaning THE LORD OF THE OCEAN, AlGEBRA from ALJABAR etc..
I hope my explanation can be understood.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
8 Sep 10
I don't believe in burning books because I believe that it is stupid. What does burning books accomplish? Nothing.
Now if they want to debate the content in the Quran, I am open to that, because my friends and I have debated content in the Bible and in the Torah and in other books, but to burn a book makes no sense. What kind of message are these people trying to send?
I am always reminded of "Fahrenheit 451" when I think of things like this. Where will book burning end? We burn one book, won't society want to burn them all? That is what I see in all of this. No good can come out of burning books.