Talk too mcuh on the phones

September 9, 2010 4:54am CST
Where ever we are, we can see people are busy with mobiles. Now it has increased the usage. Many are just talking, some are on with their own music, many with FMs and some are with games and internet and even few with camera and movies. Of which it is interesting that few people are just speaking for 30-45 mts. and sometimes even more time by just talking. As we know that some service providers are given the facility to call free of cost, if they are of the same service provider. Is these people are just talking for the sake of talking or they are really in serious with important matter. A month back, I was in a train for about 1 hr and more. He was just standing near to me and talking over the phone. I got down at a station where I wanted to get down, even then, the guy was busy talking over the phone. The people who were seated nearby were suffering from him. Don’t you think we are exploiting the facilities that we are having. Do you got such habit of lengthy talks on mobiles, just for talking only? Your comments please. Thank-s
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17 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
9 Sep 10
Hey thanks, First, if this is the real you in the pic, you look good. But if you are not, I preferred the earlier you. :) Here in India, we have a habit of making things miserable not only for ourselves but also others. As technology gives us many benefits, we misuse it. It is not only on the roads, trains, but is is also quite common in cinema theaters, markets and almost everywhere. Then these people suffer and meet accidents and put the blame on traffic or other things. I think we should get ourselves educated for the technology that is in our hands. I do not believe in lengthy talks over phones or cells. I believe in the policy - KISSS - Keep is Short and Simple and be Safe
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• India
10 Sep 10
Hi dear, This is another photo of mine (hat with long hair). Took just before a stage program (I dressed up for a fun only and I was doing the make up for the artists), last year Ganpati festival time. As you said, many of our technologies are misused. But the real loser also we only. As the provisions and facelifts are misused there may be restrictions and controls. After introducing the per second system, my phone bill reduced about 1/6 of the utility bill. Most of the talks will end within 15-20 seconds. But there may be lengthy calls also. But there may be genuine reason. Like call centre calls etc. which we cannot predict how long we require to talk to get done our work. A perfect use of all things will make more sense and it is advisable also. Regards, Thank-s
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
10 Sep 10
I rarely use my phone at all. It is only for emergencies or quick necessary info that takes only 5 min. I think it is annoying when people are just talking to talk.. and they are not having a meaningful conversation.
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• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Yes, you are there. We should be like that. We need all the convenience around but while using it for its own purpose wisely is the right way of using the same. Not even phone, all around us is to be considered in such a way. In cases like electricity, oil products, water etc, are comes under this category. Use in an efficient manner can be use the same for long and well. Thanks for your comments. I am little delayed to respond to you and sorry for the same. Regards, Thank-s
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
9 Sep 10
Cell phones are the latest fad. Until something new comes along, we're stuck with them.
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• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, I think everything what we uses is properly used; it may have value and appreciation. But many are not like that. If we follow the basic qualities of a conversation in the appropriate manner, all will get appreciated. Thank you for your comments. Regards, Thank-s
• India
9 Sep 10
Its not like that. Even I used to talk more :). Talking more helped me to get my lover :). With friends, family, lover, relations its good to speak more. We cannot be with them always. Atleast speaking more will make them to feel as we're near to us. I'll share whole days things to my lover and parents. will update things in my day to day life. And i've many friends. If its not often atleast once in a month will call them and speak with them more to be in touch.
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• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Yes, I was commenting the fact not in the perspective that you talked about. We have conference call that may continue for 1-2 hrs., corporate discussions over the phone may got upto more than 2 hrs, (now 2 different sessions are happening behind my seat at the conference rooms, they started at 10:30, and it is still going on). This we can understand. You talk to your siblings and others are needed and we should keep the relation in such a way and make to affirm and it is from our heart to heart. I can see many are just ‘talking for the sake of talking’ only. I was telling about such calls only. Today also, in the morning when I was walking to the office, a girl, in front of me were on the line for 10 mts. and when I turned to my office, also she was talking and was going forward. Partially I heard and it was absolutely nonsense she was talking. So, this kind of trend is the one I talked about. Yes, I agree, everyone has their own freedom to talk. But if it is something irritating to other may not be appreciated. Also, many are not at all bothered of the basic manners, even they were talking over the phone. Thank you so much for your comments and sorry for the delay for responding to your response. Regards, Thank-s
@kiko14 (46)
• Bulgaria
9 Sep 10
I really speak too much to my cell phone with my friends. I have a many free minutes and sometime i spend ? hours in talking with my best friend. I hear that the mobile calls are very harmful. I seen videos in youtube how 2 telephones bake the egg.
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• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Yes, we make so many calls and accept call also. But while we are talking to them, we need to be careful that it does not disturb any one. We can see that many people while talking to others, may be due to various reasons like law network, hearing problem etc. our talk may be disturbing others. Talk as much if necessary, and be secure also. As many of us know, there are a lot of side effects on mobiles, which is not expressed fully due to various reasons. Still, there are indications that continuous usage is harmful to our body as a whole. Regards, Thank-s
@mrmucc88 (13)
• United States
9 Sep 10
i've noticed this too. its kind of annoying because it seems like most people are in their own worlds. i work in a pizzeria and a lot of times people start playing with their phones while they are waiting for an order. then the order is ready and im trying to call them and they are totally oblivious to what is going on. im right in front of them like "HEY! YOUR ORDER IS READY!" and they still dont hear me.
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• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, You are upto the mark. It is true. I think people need a proper training for how to use phone and how to talk with a phone. Especially, our cultured young generation is the main group which is highly recommended. Some people are totally out of their mind while on the call. We know many accidents have met with due to such careless while they are on the phone. Thank you so much for your comments and sorry to respond to you so late. Regards, Thank-s
@eshaan (6188)
• India
9 Sep 10
yes...i have also noted this and also worried that this over use of mobiles can cause some side effects or ill effects to the health of the users...i have two sisters staying in front of me...when i open my doors early in the morning...may it be 6 am...i find one or both...sitting sticking to their mobiles....and they talk so much that the person like me also ( who doesn't care what the others are doing in their life) still i am forced to think sometimes that to whom they talk...and which facility or service provider they r using that they can afford the use of mobile for such a long time
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• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, You are absolutely right. People are not aware that how to use many things around that we are daily in touch with. Mobile phone is one among the main thing. People have so many bad concepts upon mobile uses and basic manners that they are supposed to do. As this is one of the immediate handy things for all, we should much adhere about it. In fact there is no course or guidelines are required for it. Just common sense and general awareness is good enough to understand the features. However, the misuse of phone is widely spreading and people are not properly use the real usage in the right time and right place. That is why the things are meant for good are become worse when it is not applied at right place. However, thank you so much for your comments and sorry for my late response on your comments. Regards, Thank-s
@shaggin (74029)
• United States
10 Sep 10
People do talk A LOT on the phone. When I was young I used to talk for hours to my friends on the phones. I do not enjoy talking on the phone now. I hate when an akward pause comes up where neither of us can think of something to say. I have a landline phone and I only make calls when I have to. I dont call people just to chat. I text a lot from my cell phone though. I have a prepaid track phone & the cost per minute to talk is to high. Texting isnt to bad but it could be cheaper yet. Its funny to me hearing other people talk on the phone but yes like in a restaurant its not fun hearing all the other converstaions going on with people talking on cell phones.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, There a group of people who ever fed up with these mobile phones. They want to speak and speak. It become a habit. As some of the mobile services providers are given the chance to talk free of cost if both are on the same service provider. However, I think after a long period of time people may irritated on long calls and get rid of it. The texting is the best way of another alternative. For me, the first 3 sms are chargeable and the next 300 sms are free of cost. People who enjoy sms’s can make use of such facilities. However, thanks for your concern and comments. Regards, Thank-s
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
10 Sep 10
Unfortunately, my job heavily depend on phones, or I should say an ability to communicate. There are times I just wanna throw my phone down the toilet. Typically, I go through 2,500 - 3,000 minutes a month on voice calls & majority of them are work related calls.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, You are exemption for this. Your profession is based on calls and you need to be do it in its maximum satisfaction. I commented on the other side of the phone usage. People simply chatting on the mobiles unnecessarily. They just spend time for speaking only. There are lovers romancing over the phone is the other kind of long usage. They never get bored or never even come to know the time passing also. From your expression I can understand how much you are irritated with the calls. However, as it is the part of your job, please manage in a better way and take breaks in between so that you will get energized after some time. All the best and thanks for your response. Regards, Thank-s
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
10 Sep 10
I think the longest I have haven't talked on my cell phone is about 10 minutes. I am not a big fan of my cell phone. I use it more for emergencies, or if my children need to get a hold of me.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Nice to read your response. Yes, we need to speak moderately. If it is important and urgent calls, we need to entertain them with limited time and appropriately. Also, we will be little talkative, if our children are on line. However, we know how to handle them. However, thanks for your concern and comments. Regards, Thank-s
• India
9 Sep 10
Well I am not from those who talk for hours on phone. I just cant talk on phone more than 15 minutes or so. After that I cant stand it. But yes I have seen people talking on phone for hours. May be they are taking the full advantage of the offers their service providers is giving. Well I dont find anything wrong with it , as far as person is able to talk that long and he is not creating a problem for others around.
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• India
10 Sep 10
Hi dear, Yes, if the talking subject is get over, then what more to talk. I have seen some girl, they just talking and talking.... How long, no idea. It is their habit. Not necessarily, but they will carry one. The guy I was talking about also was the same, with an up normal voice and all the unwanted subject and just boasting and all the ..... and all the people on the train at that money were cursing him. However, if we use the facility for better and useful things, the real needy will not get in trouble. Thank you for your comments. Regards, Thank-s
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
I'm no guilty of that...I don't talk much on the phone.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Why you need to be guilty? I know a few people only do like that. They are always like that only. Mainly they want to be little bit of 'Show off' and that is the reason why many are doing so. Not every one can be like that by making call for all the day. Thank you for your comments and response. Sorry, that I could not respond in time. Regards, Thank-s
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
there are people who like talking to phones because of unlimited calls or they just don't have anytime to talk to that person they are talking to. we all have different reasons why we do have long talks. well,i guess there are also people who just like someone to talk to,and they have nothing to do. for me,i had long talks on phone when i was younger,i loved talking to my boyfriend that time,that we don't even care what things to discuss,as long as there's the presence.well,that was really long time before.and i think that was the last time i had really long talks i even felt my ears got hurt because of that. i don't dare try that again,unless it's really important.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Yes, many calls are important and we need to talk more for a better resolution for the subject matter. Especially official calls, business calls etc. But some personal calls also important as they may be depend on the subject. Many people cannot meet each other every day to resolve their problems directly. If that is the case, they need to discuss and end up with decisions. In such cases, calls may take time and it is needed. Also, family problems, etc have need more time if it is important. As you said, there was a time for you to talk with your b/f for long hours. As now the phone is an unavoidable factor, we speak often times. But many calls will not take more time, because for every reason, we make or accept calls. However, nice to hear from you with your comments. Thank & regards, Thank-s
@genevy04 (793)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
Hi there thank-s.. I don't like talking on the phone that long.. I am not a techy individual, and I don't usually use my cellphone for unimportant matters.. I only call my family members for something important that I have to say and it is very seldom that I do that. I only text usually because I can't stand talking on the phone for a long time.. It's like my ears will heat up if I do.. And I am a person with few words, so I think that would explain it..
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, I like the way you do. Most of my calls will end up within a minute. If something is so important and urgent, and need to speak more are depend on the matter it concerned. There may be some issues related or need more explanations on the subject etc may take time. But in such cases, I will take care of that others are not disturbed and try with a minimal voice, so that no one will annoyed or disturbed. I don’t like much on texting. But interested in reading others text mails. However, thanks for your concern and comments and sorry to late for come back my response. Regards, Thank-s
@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
10 Sep 10
I think mobile phone have been change every persons life.. and it is also very very important part of our life.. but if a person is too much talking over phones then it can affected their health.. and also some bad deceases may attack on persons..
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, As you said, it has been observed that use of excessive mobile for long time and regular usage is harmful to our health. Knowingly or unkindly, people are so much of addicted to mobiles. As we are aware that talking is important and communication to be done, but finish those conversations within the limited time and convey the message within the limited period. Thanks for your response. Regards, Thank-s
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
10 Sep 10
Hi thanks, i even noticed students will use mobiles for many things, they will be going on talking to too many people over cell phone, i will not advice people will use for hours together. I read in some article it is not that safe to use cell phones frequently because it carries the radiation. It may also effect the brain too. Even the towers should not be there nearby schools, colleges or residential areas. I will not use cell phone unless there is a purpose.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, People know that it is harmful to use mobile phones for long time. Means, by knowingly people tempt to talk more. If we use moderately it is fine. But at many cases, people never think of the impact on long time calls that are harmful to them as well as others who may get annoyed with their conversation. It is better to know the basic formalities of the phone conversation also. Generally, it is advised that if someone got a long call, if that is important, be in a safer place so that others may not get disturbed. Also, if the call comes and need to give proper answer with in a crows, better to tell that they will call back in some time or inform the importance of the time and call within a convenient time. However, I think people should be little more self educated in these areas. Thanks for your response and comments. Regards, Thank-s
@yeyelee (370)
• China
10 Sep 10
Because there isn't former college classmates and friends by my side,so whenever i feel lonely due to experimental research or some other annoying things,i will always call one of my friends to pour out my difficulties and grief,which really makes me better.Certainly,sometimes we just talk about trifle things,but we wouldn't do it in public,coz we know it will annoy others.So i don't object to talk too much on the phones,but do not trouble others.
• India
14 Sep 10
Hi dear, Yes, we need to speak for our purposes. Like conference calls and meeting calls are having duration of 1-2 hrs and it will last for some time. You like people are good and know the importance of the matter. If it is unavoidable, we should speak. You case is genuine and need to be done. I am talking about the people who just talk to talk. That also for no reason and without considering any botheration of others who are around. Thanks for your response and comments. Regards, Thank-s