Health is Wealth

September 9, 2010 5:22am CST
It is correctly said that "Health is Wealth" because only a a healthy person can enjoy the pleasures of life,keeping oneself fit and fine is essential as the state of body effects the state of mind.A healthy person can look at life positively and without prejudice.His actions and decisions are logical and practical so he needs generally more successful in life.A healthy person is more energetic sociable confident and self assured. But now a days people pay less attention to their health even though they have sufficient money and time.Instead of having fresh and nutritious food they prefer to have junk food and soft drinks.Our body needs sufficient amount of rest and relaxation but people stretch themselves upto midnight working hours or watching television shows .It leads the health to a pathetic condition.One gets irritated .There is lack of concentration.One more drawback is lack of physical exercises. Most of the people hardly move their bodies for proper exercise,heart attacks,hypertension have become the keywords of modern world. To avoid all these things some simple roles can be followed if we treat our body as a temple of god and maintain it properly it goes on working for years together without any complain.We should have fresh fruits and healthy diet.We should do scientific exercises or a simple but regular morning walk would also help us to a great extent strictly avoid late night programmes and sleeping for at least 6 hours. In this way we can keep ourselves fit and fine and lead a happy and successful life. Thanks Happy myLotting
3 responses
@carpediem17 (1315)
• Singapore
10 Sep 10
Definitely health is wealth. If you have good health, you don't need to spend a lot of money at the doctors and therefore save money. Otherwise, if health is weak, you would have to spend much money on doctors consultation and medcine. We must be mindful of our mental and physical health as over a long period of time, bad health habits can accumulate and is very bad ultimately. In this stress world if we are also working, we have to take care of ourselves instead of waiting for the body to collapse of exhaustion.
• India
10 Sep 10
thanks for the response............"health is wealth"
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
It's really so true that heath is wealth. It is the best wealth we do have. That's why it's important to keep watch on out lifestyle and diet always. Let us eat nutritious food and have time to exercise. Let's avoid sedentary lifestyle. Go for natural and less that of with preservatives. Also, let's avoid stress and take time to unwind sometimes. Like what you have said, let's treat our body the temple of the holy spirit. Let's take good care of the body God has given us.
@yeyelee (370)
• China
9 Sep 10
But you should realize the reality that why people live their lives irregularly is resulted from the living pressure.They have to make money for residence,clothing,children education,assurance and general care.They also would like to sleep at least 6 hours a day and do know what.Don't misunderstand me,i'm not going to offend you here.I just hope people should not have to do a great deal of work after they are 45.However, thanks for your suggestions to keep fit.Happy mylotting too.