What is wrong with people?

@dloveli (4366)
United States
September 9, 2010 6:33am CST
On September 11, 2001 we all lost. Not just Americans. The attack or prejudice of every Muslim was a terrible thing. We cant blame all for the acts of one. We know that. That's not what I'm here for today. I have been reading and watching the news and all I hear is that some religious leader is planning to burn the quran. What is that gonna prove? One of my best friends is muslim and she's scared to death! For what? She was born here! THis man is making a fool of himself. The sad part is that there are people out there who'll jump on his bandwagon. Anything to hate someone! We all know this. I see my friend in fear for her safety and it makes me wonder if America is really the land of the free and home of the brave. I understand that people are upset but think about the message that is coming across. Dont teach your children to hate. I dont care what or whom you call GOD, None of them would want us to practice hate. Please tell me what you think about this... dl
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17 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Sep 10
isnt jjhad jsut that teaching to hate. to hate all that are what they call envidals? Sorry about the spellings And it wasnt on eperson that did 9/11 there was and is a group of them
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Sep 10
PS Sorry aobut your friend and tehe ones that had nothing to do with 9/11
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Sep 10
thanks for this info as I just never nkew what it really was. But now to this sounds like every one are bugs to get rid of if you aint of that religion. Well I know I can change my mind on things but what about people that are brain washed to do certain things!
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
10 Sep 10
Hey Lakota, My whole point is that we all have a choice. Dont judge all by the acts of a few. In EVERY religion we have the fanatics. The extreme catholics that punish themselves like they used to in the biblical times. The extreme baptists that are convinced if you dance to music other than gospel you're representing the devil. The extreme born again that use fear to recruit. NO offense to anyone of these religions. I know good people that worship in these sects. There everywhere. Someone who has to take it to the extreme. The only difference is we dont have to play into it. Dont listen, look, or talk about the extremists. Dont give them their five minutes of fame. Thanks dl
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
12 Sep 10
There's always wacky people out there, and they should be ignored. As for your Muslim friend, quite honestly, Muslims are the ones that have honor killings. The teaching of the Bible is: "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18 I have a Muslim friend myself. I more concerned with my safety, than hers.
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• Canada
14 Sep 10
It's extremely dangerous to ignore people who are attacking you (in any way). It's often said that, "All that's required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." The powers that be in the West want good men to do nothing against the evil of Islam.
• United States
10 Sep 10
I too have been watching this unfold on TV. It is upsetting to me to see someone who believes in God preaching intolerance, and hate, and any persons. That is not the God I believe in.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Why is your friend worrying about someone who is planning to burn the Quran? I doubt he'll be coming after her. Since September 11, 2001, how many Muslim Americans have been set upon by angry mobs, just because their Muslim? If the situation was reversed, what do you think would happen?
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Hopefully my friend we would never have the roles reversed. I would like to think that my country is better than that. My friend is bothered because people tend to follow fanatics such as this. You have your reasons for feeling the way you do! That is your god given right. Just as everyone else has the same rights. Yes my friend there have been angry mobs and people such as this gentleman the thinks he's proving something by this display of ridiculousness. Just as whites are afraid, blacks are afraid, and muslims are afraid. We have all been afraid and some still are. Im glad that where you're from you dont have angry mobs. There is more than one way to portray an angry mob. Sometimes its behind the scenes. If we allow people such as this to use the media to demonstrate his hate, we are no different. DL
@turist1 (175)
• Bulgaria
9 Sep 10
I totally agree. This is stupid. USA already have too many problems to deal with There is no need for more like the one here.
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• Canada
14 Sep 10
Do you mean burning Korans or sending Muslims the message that they can dictate what we can and can't do?
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
10 Sep 10
History shows that most of mankind is sick. How did WW1 start? It supposedly started with one assassination. But was that really what started WW1? The world is just looking for an excuse to shed blood. It's because most of us are sick and just looking for an excuse to harm other people. We talk a lot about love but in reality there is very little love in this world. Hopefully God will rescue us soon.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Sep 10
Thank you for reminding us of the hope we have for the future. Your words made me think of the wonderful promise in Psalm 37:9-11 "9 For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth. 10 For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more. 11 But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." (New King James Version)
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
12 Sep 10
I'm really looking forward to the fulfillment of those beautiful words. May it happen soon, may it happen soon!
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@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
Nice to have you with us Starchaser!
• United States
10 Sep 10
This pastor is trying to do just what the Muslims are trying to do, and that's to force their will on someone else. The Muslims involved with the proposed Mosque near ground zero are insisting the Mosque go up there, and this pastor is insisting that it not go up there. I wonder what either of them think they're going to accomplish?
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• Singapore
10 Sep 10
Everybody is at fault. It's the problem of generalizing. The Muslims hate Americans and all of them start to program their minds to hate every single American and thus terrorism occurs. Same thing with Americans, they also start to think that Muslims are no good people and generalization starts again and thus---the war on Iraq.
• Canada
14 Sep 10
To solve a problem you usually must deal with it's root causes. I think the problem with how the West deals with Islam is that most people don't know or refuse to admit that the root cause if the Koran. This means that the religion itself is inherently wrong and there's no real way to live in peace with it.
@marguicha (225714)
• Chile
9 Sep 10
Thank you for a post of sanity in an insane world. We are all human beings and we are all entitled to worship in our own ways should we have a God. All this about burning the Quram is not only ansane but it is also very dangerous. Hate always is.
@marguicha (225714)
• Chile
14 Sep 10
Has it ever entered your head that Muslims, Christians, atheists and believers of any faith are God´s children? It´s the whole humankind. Let´s not divide but accept and rejoice.
• Canada
14 Sep 10
Backing down from burning the Koran and giving Muslims the idea that they can control us is also highly dangerous.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
10 Sep 10
In my point of view.any regligion should be respected.No matter what is your regligion is kinda of faith in your mind.it gives your strength to carry one.So please dont blame any of it.Just the people who did the wrong choose.That'a all the matter is
• Canada
14 Sep 10
I only respect Christianity and to some extent Judaism. All else is of Satan. However I do respect people who follow other religions and try to help them to see the truth.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Though I don't think that the preacher in Florida did go through with the burning of the quran, I didn't even understand what the purpose of threatening something like that was either. First off, publicizing this idea does nothing but cause the potential of harm to the masses. In addition to that, just because those that perpetrated the 9/11 attacks were Muslim doesn't mean that all Muslim people are terrorists. It really isn't right to generalize a stereotype based on the behavior of a few.
• Canada
14 Sep 10
Why does your friend stay a Muslim? She can change her religion, can't she? Is she afraid her family will kill her if she does that (has been known)? Why don't you suggest that she convert to something else? While you're at it, ask her where she stands on the Palestinian issue and if she thinks it's right for a man to marry a six year old!
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
9 Sep 10
I understand the fear and anxiety of your muslim friend.It is similar feeling all over the world where ever there is minority community.They are scared to live and many people are also contemplating of leaving the country where they are not safe and want to settle down in another country where safety is guaranteed. OK does the problem get solved? No.It is also not that easy and they have to overcome so many hurdles to do so.No religion teaches hatred and every religion teaches tolerence only and mutual respect for other religions.The problem appears to be caused by fanatic religious heads.The is separate God for each religion. There is only one God.I strongly feel that the parents in the house and teachers at schools and colleges should teach mutual religious respect. In many cases the parents and teachers who are themselves fanatics are responsible for the present hatred and violence. There should be universal oath taking that they would preach and teach religious tolerence.May God bless us to reach that goal.
• Canada
14 Sep 10
NO NO NO NO NO! chayapathys you clearly have not read the Koran, you have not made any attempt to study Islam (or religions generally) you have no idea what you're writing about! Well if you're not ignorant, you're lying, which is worse! Christianity and Judaism don't teach respect for other religions! Islam (and I'm talking about the Koran, which is the ultimate authority on what true Islam should be as the Bible is the ultimate authority on what true Christianity should be) teaches that followers of other religions should be persecuted and lied to, anything to get them to convert. If that doesn't work, they should be killed! It even condemns "hypocrites" meaning moderate Muslims! There may be only one true God but the gods of different religions clear can't be the same. The Christian God exists as a trinity, three persons but one God. Allah is categorically one and indevisable.
• India
15 Sep 10
Yes you are correct.I am ignorant of koran.I did not mean anything which can hurt any one in this world, I am really very very sorry. I may be pardoned if my post has hurt you or any one else. Sorry sorry again.........
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
Terrorists are the most scared individuals that ever survive in this planet. I feel sad when seeing people just to offer their lives for the sake of their wrong beliefs. Imagine, these people are willing to die for the sake of their so-called God? How come that their God teach these people to kill innocent lives without compassion?
• Canada
14 Sep 10
Are they scared? I think many of them genuinely believe that if they die for Allah, they'll spend eternity with 72 mansions, each containing 72 beds, each containing 72 virgins (or should there be 72 rooms in each mansion - well you get the picture).
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
10 Sep 10
We have too many Gods
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Sep 10
I can understand his point, that he says that if they destroyed buildings and kill people who do not agree with them, and also in Muslim countries, actually kill pastors and destroy their Bibles, how would they feel if it is done to them? However, there is this adage "Two wrongs do not make a right," so the wrong the Muslim terrorists did in destroying the Twin Towers and murdering all those people was wrong and so is the pastor's burning of the Koran. The burning of the Koran should be left up to those who converted from Islam to Christianity and I am sure that some would rather keep their former religious book to show to others along with their Bible to show why they no longer believe in Allah. As for friends who are Muslim, I do wonder why the moderate Muslims did not protest when those terrorists bombed the towers or when the Muslim terrorists do anything. I mean I am sure this pastor would not have gone to such lengths if there had been moderate Muslims in the streets protesting the horrors the radicals inflicted.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Sep 10
That's right, don't preach hatred. The last thing we want to see is Nazi Germany all over again.