Is it really normal to hurt other people just to be on top?

September 9, 2010 9:58am CST
This is the question my sorrowful friend asked me.. She was in the list of those who are candidate for promotion. Everybody knew how efficient she is, even I thought she will be chosen. Almost everybody congratulates her, until the result came. It wasn't she. The promotion was given to someone who used a political figure to be promoted.
4 responses
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
it's not normal behavior for a principled-professional to step on others, hurt them, just to get to the top. But in today's competitive world, what used to be abnormal, are what we can see normally in organizations, institutions and all other aspects of work environment. There are people who will do anything, and i mean ANYTHING AT ALL, just to get on top, just to have their own way. I know someone at work who had the same experience. He was devastated because in the ranking of positions, he is the next to be promoted and he really deserved to be promoted, all of us knew that. However, came this woman who was the wife of the friend of the appointing authority. She was appointed to the position. What's ironic however, is that at present, the one who issued the appointment wishes more than anything else, to take back his previous decision. The one appointed is having a difficult time coping with the demands of the work that it caused a strain to the friendship between her husband and the one who appointed her. Bad karma, we all said. well, as for your friend, just be there to support her. In the end, nothing and noone can pull a good man down. Sooner or later, someone will recognize your friend's work performance and who knows? she might go higher than the one she had aimed for. and as for the one who step on you friend, i do think karma will have its way with that person, sooner or later. What you get by bad means, will return to you a hundredfold, don't you agree so?
@sinliong (88)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
That is absolutely not right, abnormal, and dirty. I really don't like that kind of game. That is a game that should only played by a person who doesn't have any skill at all. We shouldn't allow this kind of people to playing around. That would be a waste when skillful and experienced people are thrown away just because of a little slithery trick like that. If I found people like that, It'd be a pleasure for me to lay a punch right in their nose.
@Ramaditya (1226)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
That is totally wrong and nasty to hurt other people just so we can be at the top. We can get what we want by doing so, yes, but believe me it won't be long. You can perhaps go to the top, but if you do that by hurting other people you will feel less happier. Why? Perhaps people will pray so that God will bring you down, or less people will work or follow you (yes they will, but not because they want to do it by heart). If I want to be at the top, I will be honest and do it fair and square! It will make me proud and God will surely bless me! To those who want to be at the top and you've got skills on your belt; do not worry. No matter hard your struggle, you will be taken sooner or later! People won't be blinded not to see your abilities!
@nophie (2336)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
i dont like a people like that. i hate them. only think his or her self and never understand that his action make many people suffer