religious tolerance

September 9, 2010 11:00am CST
in human life, we always have a front on which conflict is brewed- the religious line, ethnic line, racial line, political, business or/ and gender. Recently, i heard a news of a pastor that is planning to publicly burn a copy of the Qu'ran. You may be very quick to condemn him but if you look at your life critically, you would observe that there is an element of religious discrimination. If you claim otherwise, then lets see your honest reply to the following questions. Would you go into a relationship with someöne of a religion other than yours? Would you be comfortable to assist a person who is not in your religious class, would you honestly donate to promote another religiön? Would you allow your child to take lessons in other religiöns? After answering these questions, you find out that you are a long way back. I for one thing used to think i had religious tolerance until my uncle decided to be attending a hindi temple. I got so disgusted at him. Now i realise my flaws and hope you also do. Without religious tolerance, there cannot be peace
1 response
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
I don't know what is your point really is. I admire your questioning about religions and my only wish is for you to know the answer your looking for.