Do you trust people?

September 9, 2010 4:45pm CST
Sometimes I have this thought, that it is better to trust in your dog, then in people. Dogs are very honest animals, they show what they are about, and don't have hidden thoughts about deceiving somebody. Many people deceive you during your life, especially those who you would never expect. So what do you think? It is good to trust people or it is better to trust our pets?
15 responses
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
9 Sep 10
I definitely trust my dogs more than I trust people. My dogs don't give me a reason to not trust them. A lot of the people I have dealt with, and a lot of the ones I still have to deal with, have lied to me in the past, and some of them continue to lie to me. As a general rule, most people will lie to get what they want, to make themselves look better, or to protect themselves.
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• Romania
9 Sep 10
It is funny, but more and more people say that they would rather trust their dogs or pets, then other people. I feel that it is more easier to be let down by relatives and friends, especially when we have a rough time, than by our pets. When I am in pain, my dogs sense it and bark very strangely, like they are concerned. And they are very polite too. When I am sleeping they will keep quiet and let me sleep. I think that it is more possible for me to let them down, than they to let me down. It is very funny, although they are not able to think, they can show true feelings towards their masters.
• United States
9 Sep 10
I work in a restaurant six days per week, so I deal with people A LOT. This is why the more I am around people, the more I like my dogs. When I get home in the evenings, I do not want to see people or talk to them at all, which is why I usually just hang out here at home with my dogs. They are a lot more fun to hang around than most people.
• Singapore
10 Sep 10
First of all, this's a good question. Let me define the meaning of trust: Trust is an assured reliance and dependence on the ability and strengths of an individual or an object. Alright, there are actually two kinds of people in this world. One is the downright honest and upright person while the other is a cunning and sly person. In order to trust people, we must use our judgement, which is the most important. In fact, humans are the world's most cunning creatures. I think even more cunning that the fox. For me, I trust when I feel he's trusted and before that, I'll use my judgement to gauge his trustworthiness by testing him on anything I can think of. After a period of time, when I feel it's the right time that he indeed can be trusted, he has become one of my trusted persons and I can then entrust anything to him. Now, usually, trusting other people could often result in bad endings as in those so called 'trusted' people often do the things we do not expect them to do behind our backs. They either backstab us or put a blame on us when we're not even the ones who did that particular thing. This has resulted in a kind of psychological barrier in us humans. When we want to trust people, we will think twice about his/her character, instead of entrusting something important to that person immediately. I believe a lot of us here do think twice before trusting a person right? That's the point I want to say. Now you see the difference between humans and animals? Pets are of course better. They behave a lot better, obey us and accept us as their owners although sometimes they can be a bit naughty. So, if you ask me whether to trust people easily or not, I would tell you to judge the person beforehand first. Use your sixth sense.
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• Romania
11 Sep 10
It is normal to use our judgment before trusting in someone,but we always can be wrong or we judge correctly and as time passes or because of a heavy experience the other person can change drastically. So I say we may trust others, but not so blindly, because we risk too much and it is not worthy. I always tell others not to trust too much in anybody, not even in me, because we never know how things develop and what kind of person we are going to be in a certain period of time.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Sep 10
I think that all animals are more loyal than people are.I think that there have been alot of times that i have found out that a few people are not to be trusted,aswell as they are very decietful to other people.I do not trust anyone any more as alot of them are full of lies and would not know what the truth was.
• Romania
12 Sep 10
Of course it is really hard to get over deception, but we still need to find people to hang out with, to share our thoughts, problems or happiness. Many will find that pets are the perfect substitutes, but they are only animals. They are different from us, they cannot speak, and they can't replace human contact. At least, this is how I feel.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
Even dogs deceive their master so either I don't give my trust. There are people that we may consider reliable but everyone lies. Everyone hurts consciously or unconsciously people. This leads to one after the other.
• Romania
10 Sep 10
There is very rare when a dog deceives his master, and I think in that cases the master is the guilty one, because hasn't raised the dog how it must. At least this is my experience, all the dogs I had were very friendly with all of my family members, and never did us harm.
• Bulgaria
10 Sep 10
I trust only the people closest to me,other than that I don't fully trust nobody!Trust is very easy to lose and very hard to earn,I know that for a fact :)
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• France
10 Sep 10
Hey, people. What happened to all of you. You are ready to substitute all your friends and people around for cats and dogs just because they keep quiet, never ask questions. You must have been really angry with someone while posting your comments. I have a number of cases when complete strangers in street stopped to help. Your life must be really hard if you trust your dog only. Or is that I am that lucky?
• Romania
10 Sep 10
I it is not like that I don't trust people, but I am very careful. I have a personality that I like to be between people, but I see that many people are false, have many faces and like to deceive others. All I have to say that a person has only a few true friends, if he has any. Buddies are a lot, but those who really care about you are only a few, if they are any. So of course that many trust their pets more, because they are very loyal, especially dogs and horses, but it is good for a person to be together with other people. But he has to know where the limit is, what he can share and what he mustn't.
@maylaine (441)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
i do trust people but i dont trust them easily.......they have to earned it and prove to me that they are trustworthy person
@maylaine (441)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
i do trust people...but i dont trust people easily they have to earned it...
• China
10 Sep 10
yes, i trust so many people around me .maybe thats all because of my job. i am an international trader in china. and so many good customer abroad and home. so the business need our trust first. we trust each other then business are so ok . though sometimes it's bad for trust. then we miss a lot . but we must trust some people in our life. that the good life. and you will be happy when you trust them .because life is beautiful .just do it . then you will get it .
@dealerlv (264)
• Latvia
10 Sep 10
I think that trust can the people what know a very long time. I will never distrust them that I do not know. Maybe not completely trust anyone. Pets can trust but I think they just do not understand.
@babyshei (97)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
i have trust issues so i dont readily trust people..i have dogs and they seem to be trustworthy. the only problem with pets is that we cant make a conversation out of them,...
@kiko14 (46)
• Bulgaria
9 Sep 10
I'm a very unsuspecting person and sometimes i really suffer when someone disappointed me. The dogs are very honest to their owners and my dog never disappointing me, so I think that is better to trust to our pets then to people
• Romania
10 Sep 10
When you are too unsuspecting, you get burnt many times. Maybe you presume that everybody is like you who will never deceive purposely his friends and you expect that everybody is like this. I am the same, I try to be correct with others and I suspect everybody that will return this kind of behavior. But the majority won't, but I still prefer to hang out with humans than to spend time with my pets. It is bit bizarre, but this is how it is.
• Thailand
10 Sep 10
Pets and people are different, it's true that no pet can deceive you, But can you live a life without people around you, just pets? I don't think so, I know that people are not all reliable, i myself was deceived alot of times, but still, i keep my belief in this beautiful life and people, it's just that i need to choose the right people to believe, life also means believing, so don't lose your belief. Cause besides those who is not good, there are also lots of people who is very kind and nice, they help you alot, care for you alot. Just don't lose your belief in people, as well as belief in live! Wish you happy and peace!
• Portugal
10 Sep 10
hi rappeter13! i think that like you are asking, people and pets are different. there are people you can trust or not, as to pets too. i have a cousin that had a siamese cat that was a sweet but sometimes he gets crazy and bite you... People are people, some are good some are bad...
@blueblink (246)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
actually trusting people is very hard. sometime i do trust people especially people who i know for a very long time. but when they do me something bad . they can not gain my trust anymore.