Mind of a Suicide Person

September 9, 2010 8:23pm CST
i'ts my first time to post here so, hear me out. this is about my friend who take a suicide last August 2010, i don't reallyunderstand why he did it, how he did it. but it happen. He is a happy person and it seems can't have problem's he usually told us how proud he is in his work, it seems no one can beat him n his line of work,he was hardworking and a breadwinner to his family. thier was a time when he went home from his work he seem's to be different, he dos't laugh anymore. and our friend ask him "what's wrong?" and he replied eventually "there is someone following him.he tought it was the police after him. we were troubled in his condition i thought it will just pass. but in our dispear, we just heard from his neighbor that he hung him self from the trusses of his neighbor's house. What is he thingking? how could someone soo nice so good person could think like this. i still can't believe he take his own life. i want to nkow what he really think's at that moment, at the sametime i am afraid because if i will found out what he really think, i might like it.
2 responses
• United States
10 Sep 10
Sometimes depression hit people in many different forms. There are those that refused to let the world know how they feel either because of pride and or shame. Then there the others that express their feelings openly and it is immediately noted as depression. Your friend and God are the only ones truly know happened in his mind and I am sorry that your friend did not seek some form of help or perhaps did not recognize he needed help. It is really difficult to surmise what exactly happened. All you can do at this point is pray and wish his soul well. Pray that his surviving family can accept and treasure his memory.
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
Thanks for the opinion, I'm just scared because I thought of it everyday and thinking it might happen to me, if i get a huge problem, that i couldn't handle by my self. I do have lots of friends but I don't usually express my problems to them, having friends is only for fun and I always think they have problems of their own, so its hard to share your problem to them. I don't like them to show petty on me. so it's better to share it to the person who doesn't know me well. like you. I appreciate the opinion you given me, I am hoping that he is in peace. thank you so much, my mind now is in peace. because i realize that we all going to die anyway, it's up to us how we handle our precious life.
10 Sep 10
I am sorry to hear about your friend. From your description it sounds like he may have had an onset of a mental illness. There isn't away to know exactly what he was thinking in the moments when he chose to take his life. How would knowing what he was thinking help you?