You like virus?

September 11, 2010 2:24am CST
i like virus tooooo much... , because its increasing my knowdlage., you like virus.. love it, if you learn more about computers
8 responses
@yunzhbh (147)
• China
12 Sep 10
You said you like virus very much just because you can learn some knowledge from it?I want to know what do you want to do with the knowledge?what's your aim?Be a hacker or be a security expert?
• India
12 Sep 10
Dear good answer and counter question! first i want make secure my PC from hardfull virus and you ever listen it "iron can cut iron" that like... virus can secure against harmfull virus..
@owlwings (43913)
• Cambridge, England
11 Sep 10
I think you may be seriously confused. The only people who actually 'like' viruses are the people who write them and send them out. I'll allow that learning something about how they work is kind of interesting but, in my view, learning to use the computer to do what you bought it for is far more useful.
• India
11 Sep 10
Two types or virus happen, good virus and bed virus, both s working style is same but works is different, your trought is right!
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
hehehehe.... If you can't beat them, love them. Well if you just using computer at your home privately. Anyway some virus can loose some or get some of your privacies without knowing. But if its on a big large company or corporation, somebody's boss or manager can just throw a computer outside the window for not having solutions on the problems of viruses. Time is gold on every big companies or corporations, dealing with computer viruses is a pain on the neck and can cause hyper tensions.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Sep 10
Really?! I hate virus. It really slows down my computer. Before, it even crashed my computer in the middle of a project. I had to retype everything. Since I only have a trial anti-virus, my computer gets bogged down every now and then. Oh well, it's a good thing I have a friend who fixes my computer for free. The only difficulty is taking it to him since it's several kilometers away from where I live.
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
Actually years ago I love to collect viruses. I the infected files from other friends or from the net. I turned off my anti virus to compress them (with password) so that when I turned it on again it can't delete the virus and the virus is secured and unable to infect my pc. My purpose then was to collect viruses and test them on other kinds of anti virus software. Just to check if they are powerful enough to detect and remove them. As you said to increase knowledge.
@darkbox (67)
11 Sep 10
Knowledge about security software right? Just be careful man you could spread it just like fire and cause serious danger about internet user.
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
Do you want us to send you some? What's your email add?
@Ladida (17)
• United States
11 Sep 10
I never really got viruses. However, I still despise them... they like completely ruined our desktop computer. Hoping my laptop never gets any.