Would you give up your life for a pet?

United States
September 11, 2010 8:43am CST
I have a friend that just gave up on everything that he had, just because of his cats. I have to say that I was in shock, as well as horrified by it. He knew that he would have to move in 2 months, and the apartment wouldn't accept cats. He had 5 cats, and he up and quit both of his jobs, and then he threw all of his stuff away, and has now moved into a friends barn with all 5 cats. He says he did it for the cats. Would you give up everything that you had in life, for your pets?
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16 responses
• Philippines
12 Sep 10
It is truly depends upon the situation. HMMppp... but if that case happen to me, i could say i wouldn't. We people are indeed different from each other..we have different point of views in life, different likes and dislikes .... Maybe that friend of yours really just got too much attachment with those cats, that he could give up everything he has, just to be with those cats... and we should not judge him harshly. Let's just accept, that's how he views life. living with those cats. :) and besides we are all out from it. That's his life..... God bless everyone :)
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• United States
18 Nov 10
Well, I have to say that some people do have strange ways of living like in his case, the problem is that 2 of the cats he had not even had for 2 month, so I really can't say that he was that attached to those 2 cats.
@jinghan (133)
• China
12 Sep 10
i was shocked too. First,it is so difficult for me to give up all my things just for a pet.I was kinder selffish .so i can't understand him. and then ,i was chocked for the firm and deep emotion between he and his cats.I think he is a man with a nice heart.
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• United States
18 Nov 10
A nice heart in the beginning, but the problem is that with that many cats you have to feed them and with no job, he can't do that.
@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
12 Sep 10
Materials and stuffs,you can still buy them,money,you can still get them,jobs,You can still find one.Everything got purpose and I can say his true pet lover.I do have 5 hamsters and doing the best for them.Somehow,It feels different and these pets are just like family and maybe for him,it's just making they are the reason to live.
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• United States
18 Nov 10
Yes he is a true pet lover, but in this economy it is way to hard to get a job, so how is he suppose to feed the cats? By the way he still has no job after 3 months and is still living in a barn.
• Vietnam
12 Sep 10
Honestly, I cannot give up my life for a pet, In my life, I have to do a lot of things for my family and my self. FOr me, family is the most important, and I will do everything to make my family happy and have a great life.
• United States
18 Nov 10
Happy to see that you agree with my way of thinking on this, to me family comes first not cats or dogs.
• China
12 Sep 10
These cats maybe the important part of his life.There are many people who looks their pets as the members of their families. The story reminds me of the recall.When I was a little girl,I have a special friend,she is a dog.Every morning she wound keep me company when I was running.When I was doing the homework ,she wound sleep quietly near my desk.After Ifinishing the homework,I wound play with her.Whether I have delicious food,I like share it with her.Unfortunary,she too old to die.At that time,I cried many times and I was in a bad mood some days.Even I told myself that I wound never feed pets anymore.Because I wound hurt when my pets leave me oneday.Now I have no pets but I want to have one oneday.Whether you ask me why,sorry I dont know. Is it conflict ,right? Yes, I often do something conflictly.
• United States
18 Nov 10
I think that we have all lost pets in our lifetime at one point or another, but he could have even found someone that would foster the cats until when he could find a place where he could move them to along with himself.
16 Nov 10
Well animals are cute and fuzzy wussie and humans are not,animals are loyal to their owners in ways that other people are not to each other. If people did not need to bar others from owning pets then pet lovers wouldn't have to move into barns.
• United States
18 Nov 10
But why give up the job? You have to feed the cats, no money and you can't feed them. By the way he still has no job, and is still living in a barn with no heat.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
i will have too be honest here - i think i won't be able to give up my life for anyone (pets or person) other than my mom. i would really not even consider right at this very moment... i only have only my mom in my mind now that i am willing to give up my life for.
• United States
11 Sep 10
I sold most of what I had in Maine to move here to North Carolina, just to keep my son safe from a predator at school that took advantage of him being challenged. But still I would do it for my kids, not a pet.
• United States
12 Sep 10
It's odd but I don't think I would give up all of that. I would find a way to make it work like some other people already said about apartments. That's the only thing that I can see myself having to give up for my dog. But I live in a place where the landlord accepts dogs so I'm happy about that. On the other hand when I move out and get my own place I'll make sure that I get an apartment where they accept dogs because I don't think I would be able to give my dog up. She is just way too dear for me to give up. She's my baby and I would try my hardest to find a suitable living situation for the both of us. I don't really see any other situations where I would have to give up my family for her or my job.
• United States
18 Nov 10
I believe that that is what bothers me the very most. I am sure that he could have found a way around it so he could have kept the cats some place, But to give up everything for a few cats. No. I can't understand that at all.
@minx267 (15526)
• Hartford, Connecticut
12 Sep 10
I would. BUT.. I would not give up my job.. because that is something I am going to need to support them. But If I lost my apartment or house. I would live in my car with my pets (or somewhere) before I gave them up. I don't understand his logic behind giving up his jobs for them.
• United States
18 Nov 10
I am so glad that someone else agrees with me on that one. I hate to say it but giving up a job when the economy is the way it is, its just stupid.
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
11 Sep 10
That seems a bit extreme. I love my pets. I have 3 dogs, but I wouldn't give up everything, sell all my belongings for them. There comes a point where you still need a livable situation. Some people consider their pets their kids. I guess in that perspective maybe I kind of understand. I would give up everything for my son, but while I love my dogs, they aren't on the same level as my kid.
• United States
11 Sep 10
I 100% fully agree. My kids come way before my pets do. His situation will only get worse he lives where it gets very cold in the winter, and with no income coming in, and I just found out this morning that he is even quitting college, just so he will be there for his cats. I mean how in the heck, does he expect to eat and to feed the cats. with winter coming on, they will all die from the cold.
@doormouse (4599)
11 Sep 10
i love my cats dearly,i treat them like i do my kids,but,i wouldn't give up everything for them as i have my kids to think about,if i didn't have kids then i possibly would give up everything for them,i don't mean leave work or sell all my worldly possesions,but i certainly would move to a place where i could keep my cats,even if i had to give up my dream house,i would also leave a partner for my cats aswell
• United States
11 Sep 10
At least though you wouldn't leave work, he has done just that. As well as has quit college, just for his cats. To me that just isn't right at all.
• United States
11 Sep 10
I wouldn't do all of that for my dogs. I mean, your friend should have just let his cats live in this friend's barn since apparently the friend does not mind them being there. Cats pretty easily survive on their own so living in a barn is great plus I'm sure your friend would be able to stop by frequently to take care of them and spend time with them. I understand that when moving we want to keep our pets, I wouldn't give my dogs up, but I'd just find an apartment that accepts animals or have a family member watch them for me until I could find a place to move with them. I had to give up my dog I had for more than 11 years in 1 day because we were moving to new apartments and they said they accepted dogs but didn't tell us they had breed restrictions until we were already moving in, so we couldn't change where we were going to move. It was very sad.
• United States
11 Sep 10
I have a cat that I have had for many years, but I would not give up my income, my home, and my family just to keep my cat. I figure if I am not working then I can't feed the cat. I have to wonder though what will he do this winter when its 20 below? There is no heat in the barn.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
Maybe I can give my life to my dogs. I love them so much. They are the only thing that makes me happy in my home. Sure that ni man is an island but I cannot live without pets, they are my relieve from problems.
• United States
11 Sep 10
But if you gave up everything for your pets including your job, then how will you feed them with no money coming in? How will you even eat?
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
11 Sep 10
it depends on my heart............ ahhahaahah i mean it depends on my situations not only situations some times AFFECTION can lead PERFECTION..
• United States
11 Sep 10
But if you quit your job, and have no income at all and the doctor says you are not sick so you can work, then how will you feed them? The worst part is that he is looking for a woman that he can settle down with and have kids. I can't imagine many women that would give up everything and live in a barn for the cats, and not be worried about where the kids will sleep. Or even what they will eat??
@chulce (1537)
• United States
11 Sep 10
If you think about it strongly, those cats may be the only family he really has. There are a lot of people that find that their pets are a part of their family or may well be all that they have for a family. I had a little old lady that lived across the street from me, she had 3 dogs and she stated regularly that she lived for them, they were her family and if she didn't take care of them, who would. She feared that they would wind up being put to sleep and made it her life to take care of them. One day she grew very ill, she had to be rushed to the hospital, the whole time she was there, she worried nothing of herself and all about her precious dogs. That is a strong and compassionate love a love that many of us feel for our children. This is an unconditional love that is felt deep. I feel that if I were in a similar situation, I probably would give up everything for my family to keep them with me and near me.
• United States
11 Sep 10
This is the whole problem, he does have a family. In fact he was taking care of his niece who is 4 years old, up until he moved into the barn, and now he isn't allowed to even see her because his sister said if he could give up everything because of his cats what would he do if something happened to one of them and her daughter was there? Leave the child to take care of the cat? I personally feel about the same way as she does, because he wanted me and my children to move clear across country and move in with him a few months back, and now this?? I am glad now that I didn't otherwise, I would be living in a barn with my kids.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
12 Sep 10
I can understand that friend of yours and I feel sad about the dogs we abandoned many years ago just because the owner of the place we were moving to did not allow pets. At first we visited them almost everyday, then life became so hectic for us and we just neglected them totally. I feel so bad about it even until now. I know I should have fought for them. I am not going to let that to happen to my pets now.