Steven Hawking: No need for God in physics

United States
September 11, 2010 12:02pm CST
Steven Hawking's new book "The Grand Design" apparently proves that although physics has not and can not disprove the existence of a deity, it *has* proven that no such deity need exist to explain *our* existence. I have't read it yet but I watched Hawking's Larry King interview and he and his co-author are pretty emphatic that their newest book deals with the 'something from nothing' problem. Does this affect your view of religion/spirituality at all? Do the two have anything to do with one another?
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11 responses
@ruperto (1552)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
Interesting. It seems Hawking has yet to show us something substantial and concrete. Or has he already? Someone please enlighten me :) Einstein showed us atomic energy and it is powerful enough to destroy mankind - but it was controlled ... (because destroying mankind does not make money? :) ) It seems Hawking has received vast and extremely impressive awards in science and astronomy. But it seems all for theoretical work, can we see something (of Hawking) perhaps as impressive as atomic power ? What do you think ?
• United States
11 Sep 10
I'm buying the book this weekend, I think, so I'll have to let you know how specific he is with 'concrete' evidence. His co-author used words like observation and experimentation and seemed quite certain they'd proven what they set out to prove. Obviously we're talking theoretical physics with a lot of this and that lives, essentially, in advanced theoretical math... a land I have no desire or capability to visit. lol I've read several of Hawking's books but I have to admit that all I come away with is a loose grasp of the overall idea. Even with that being the case, I find it all fascinating. I think the last one I read was Black Holes & Baby Universes which posits that energy may be travelling through black holes in and out of sort of 'attached' small universes. It's been years and I could have expressed the idea badly. If I did, I'm sure someone will correct!
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@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
11 Sep 10
I don't care what Steven Hawking's belief is. I don't know who he is, but maybe he is famous. Even if he lived a life without God, it is his own problem and should keep it for himself. As long as he lives in a state that is christian by law, he should respect it and keep his other type of belief for himself. At least this is how I feel about this topic. If you are a citizen of a Christian country, even though you are atheist, you should respect that the majority is christian and don't make such a categorical statement, that there is no need for God in physics.
• United States
12 Sep 10
So... we should only speak our minds if it's in conjuction with Christian beliefs??? I don't know what country you live in... but here in America we can say and practice pretty much whatever we wish. He is not disrespecting any religion by publishing his book. They still teach evolution in school dont they? Shouldn't the school districts take into consideration that this is a Christian state? Or are they teaching science. If he has a scientific theory or whatever, why not let other people know about it? obviously, there are enough people out there who either agree with him or are at least interested in what he has to say because this isn't his first book. But anyway... to say that he should keep his theories to himself because he lives a life without God is rude, and unChristianlike.
• Romania
12 Sep 10
I don't think that protecting Christianity in a Christian state is unchrsitianlike. But nowadays everybody is too free to say anything about God, and we should respect him for that. In America you can say whatever you like, but aboriginal people are not treated as they should. Their language should be the official language not other, but hey, it is freedom, no? So I think that everything that is so old as Christianity has to be protected, and agree with everybody who creates a sort of religion by publishing a book. Of course, he can do it, but I have the right to don't agree with him and to say that this is against the law of a Christian state. That's all, nothing more, nothing less. And I feel sorry for everybody who spends a dime on this sort of books, like I did for those who bought the code of da vinci. Everybody who has a strange theory and has the right publicity can become a millionaire. This is what I find strange and not at his place.
• United States
12 Sep 10
Well, I think that Stephen Hawking isn't entirely right, and I say this because our universe could have been created by a greater being or it may not have, we don't know this. Many people believe in a hybrid theory: Something created the universe and then evolution took over.
@urbandekay (18278)
11 Sep 10
It is an empty claim by Hawkins, he proves no such thing all the best urban
• United States
14 Sep 10
Is this his gravity theory? Didn't gravity have to have come from somewhere or from someone? I confess the dimension of time is beyond my comprehension, but the eternity of God is more believable to me than scientific theory. Science may be right about many things, but the beginning without God is something I have no faith in.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
12 Sep 10
As far as I can see it, design needs a designer and something cannot come from nothing. Nothing cannot explode and cause a big bang and cause an orderly and amazing universe to appear. He may be smart but he is barking up the wrong tree on this one. The future will prove him wrong. It is only a matter of time.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
11 Sep 10
I actually agree with Ruperto. I am not sure what has Steven Hawking really given to science and physics except for theories. Regarding the need of God in physics, I think there have been umpteen times when science said something cannot happen and is just a myth. Then somewhere down the line, science itself has come up with exactly the thing with proper proof!! Anyhow I think it is one way of popularizing the book. Make an extra ordinary claim and people will definitely buy the book!! Cheers! Ram
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 10
To have the ability to create universes, God has to be very very smart. I find few people really understand God. Life is the education of God's children. God created the universe to unfold and grow into what we have today just like a seed grows into a tree. The remarkable part is that it was created in such a way that mankind in time will be able to figure it all out. That's learning at it's best. Some have discovered parts of this unfolding then claiming to know it all. There is so much more left to be discovered that we have not reached yet. It will all lead to God. In time, scientists will venture science beyond that which simply is right in front of us.The more knowledge we acquire; the more we will see there are still more doors to knowledge that can be opened. When we attempt to box it all up, it shields us from future possibilities. So many times one must get out of the box or comfort zone to really discover. Let's all be a little more willing to do just that.
• India
12 Sep 10
Okay so there is another discussion about the same topic. I have already replied to a few of them. So He says GOD did not created the Universe.. Well Its a good thought for the atheists But I dont seem to agree with it. May be he is able to figure out the reasons for how this Universe was formed, and he perhaps is supporting the law of gravity for the formation of universe. Okay, There is always a reason for everything. Like when we drive a car , when we push the race pedal, it accelerates. So shall we say its due to the fact that engine makes it accelerate on pushing the pedal. It is governed by a law of mechanical engineering and the person who made that engine and invented the car has nothing to do with it, because now e have a simple law 'push the pedal and it will accelerate' and so we can just forget about the one who designed it so and made this law work. Would it ever existed if that mechanical engineer didn't created it? Same is the case with God and Universe. . We can give a reason for every activity of universe, like it is so due to gravity..but who made the power of gravity so versatile that it is controlling the whole Universe? Day & Night are due to the fact that earth rotates on its own axis.. Fine. But who rotated it for the very first time?? Weather changes are due to revolution of earth around sun..okay.. But who set this revolution for the very first time? So that is the problem, we just try to neglect the God the very moment we feel that we have figured out the reason for something. The universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. That is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something that we can understand.
12 Sep 10
Firstly I would like to say that I a surprised that this issue has not really been mentioned much in the news, because what Mr Hawkings has said could be percieved as being quite dramatic by many religious people the world over. To answer your question, no it has not changed my viewe on religion because I do not follow any religion myslef but I do ebb on the side that people were created out of the evolutionary process and that our current place in space and time is all down to a unique set of spectacular circumstances.
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
12 Sep 10
.... i am not the type that will be influenced with other peoples ideas, thought and belief is my belief and I stand on my own decision and choices, be it right or wrong..personally, i believe in God, but i am open-minded enough to understand that there are also people who don't believe in the existence of God..