I truly believe that our downstairs neighbor is holding a grudge on me!

@cream97 (29087)
United States
September 11, 2010 1:38pm CST
Remember the guy that used to bump his ceiling when he would hear any noise out of us? Well now he no longer bumps the ceiling at all. Instead he portrays the attitude of acting all "stuck" up and "cold" towards me. My husband has told me that he has talked to him from time to time when he is outside. So how come he can't be nice towards me? Hmmm. Well, just yesterday, I was leaving out of the door with my daughters. He ended up coming out of his apartment with a laundry basket that was full of clothes. I held the door opened for him. I was holding my three year old daughter in my arms. So you could only imagine how much of pressure that I had on me. Did you know that he did not utter one word to me? He just held onto the door and he walked out. Then another time, he held the door opened for me and I told him "thank you". And he did not say you are welcome or anything like that. I hope that he is not still upset about me calling the police on him. I feel that if he did not have to keep hitting his ceiling and scaring me and my family, then the police would have never payed him a visit. I know that he is mad because he cant have his way. And he won't be able to, as long as he lives out of here. I know that he may accuse me of being the one that has caused problems. But that is not true. I am a nice neighbor. I don't bother anyone out here. I will speak and smile and keep on going. He turned a good neighbor into a neighbor that made his life a living h***! It was not my intention to though. It is not my fault why this has happened. It has been four months since the police was called on him and he is still carrying this sour attitude towards me. I wonder how long will he continue to hold this grudge? Because I know that I don't have one, my issues with him have been gone for four months now.
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8 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 10
Hi Cream If I where you I would just carry on being polite and as for him, well just leave him to it Sounds like he will hold a grudge for ever but as long as you stay polite and that you are not lowering yourself to his Level
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Sep 10
hi Cream don't let him bother you anymore as he is not worth it . That made me so mad at our neighbor from hell who pounded on ceiling then we found out she was put it to this by the landlady 'who wanted an excuse to make us move.,The owners did refund our last months rent as apology for their landlady but still did not let us stay in that apartment. Hope your grump neighbor realizes that you bear him no ill will and becomes human again. hugs from hatley .
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• United States
12 Sep 10
Don't pay him any mind and get on with your life. You have no time to be wasting on people like that. If he can't let go of the grudge then that's on him. You probably have more important things to be thinking about. People just don't know how to live in peace with other people. If it was his fault then there is no reason he should be mad at you. Or like you said it was probably because he could't get his way. I don't think that he was prepared for you calling the cops on him. It must have caught him off guard and now he's mad. But whatever, it's no use wasting your time on him.
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• Canada
12 Sep 10
That is just apartment life. It is difficult living that close to other people, sharing walls and ceilings without conflicts. One must be tolerant to manage to live peacefully together in that close environmnent. Obviously, he is not. One of the reasons I prefer NOT to live in the city, and NOT live in an apt. either.
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@celticeagle (164283)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Sep 10
So what if he is?! His loss and his problem! Some men don't respect or feel warmly toward women. Women are low man on the totum pole to them. Maybe he is shy and not sure what to say. I think sometimes people seem gruff and alittle jerky when all in the world that is wrong is that they are socially definiant. Some men are not taught to respect or treat women with any high regard. Their fathers didn't so they don't. And he might very well be mad at you and holding a grudge but that is his cross to bare and something you are going to have to put up with and look beyond. He is the one with the problem. Hopefully with time he will overcome it.
• United States
11 Sep 10
Seriously cream he is should be upset with himself not you. Do not allow this neighbor to make you feel like you have done something wrong. Continue to be you and let him be the sorry person he chooses to be. Be the happy, friendly person and he will some day understand that you killing him with kindness will eat at his brain.
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• United States
11 Sep 10
hmm I feel for you. It seems people love to hold grudges. My brother in law has been carrying one for 4 years he even posted a nasty thing on facebook to express his intolerance of me. So I know what its like. You would think people would get over things but some never do. It is almost like they need someone to despise. Brings meaning to their dull lives. So carry on and kill the twit with kindness. ; )
• Canada
11 Sep 10
He is not worth worrying about. I had a neighbor several years ago who would do the same thing. My neighbor lived under us and would hammer on the floor if we walked at all in the apartment. I had three very small children at the time and I think his problem was that he didn't like the idea of three small children living upstairs from him. How can you keep three children under 5 still during the day? I think he expected us to confine them to chairs or take them out all day just to please him. This started the day he moved in and continued until he finally moved. It was hell! We lived in an apt building that was a family building he had no small kids at all. If children bothered him so much I felt he should have taken an apt in an adult only building. You are probably wasting your time being nice to him he sounds to me as if he feels he had a right to do what he was doing, my neighbor did. I would just ignore him as there is nothing you can really do about it if he will not bury the hatchet. Best to just go about your business and ignore him he will either get over it or not, maybe you will get lucky and he will move away.
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