Now I'm Really Scared............
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
September 11, 2010 6:55pm CST
Today is September 11th. We pause to remember, to pay tribute, and to say "Never Again".
Well wake up people, because it's going to happen again and again and again..............
I just read an article about Denmark and the effect the Muslim population has had on that country, especially since the 1990's. The problem is growing, and spreading and frankly, put the fear of God into me when I thought about the world today, and where/how it's going to be during the lifetime of my grandchildren and great grandchildren.
To quote the article (written by a Canadian, by the way):
"By the 1990's the growing urban Muslim population was obvious - as was its unwillingness to integrate into Danish society. Years of immigrants had settled into Muslim-exclusive enclaves. As the Muslim leadership became more vocal about what they considered the decadence of Denmark 's liberal way of life, the Danes - once so welcoming - began to feel slighted. Many Danes had begun to see Islam as incompatible with their long-standing values: belief in personal liberty and free speech, in equality for women, in tolerance for other ethnic groups, and a deep pride in Danish heritage and history."
"Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark's Muslim population grows large enough - a not-that-remote prospect.. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim."
The Muslim population in Denmark is only 4% of 4.5 million people, yet bleeds the welfare system upwards of 40%. Nearly bankrupting a country whose government services used to be able to ensure that every Danish citizen was never in need.
As I said, WAKE UP PEOPLE. Encourage your gov'ts to tighten their immigration policies as Denmark has been forced to do and Canada is in the process of doing. Close your doors to this growing threat of an ideology that seeks to dominate and destroy all humanitarian policies and beliefs based in 'love of your neighbour'.
No one likes a war. But I am convinced that a war of discrimination in this case is not so much discrimination, but self-preservation.
Those of us who are old enough to have had fathers in the Second World War, understand the horrors of Nazism. But at least that war was fought by countries united against an enemy that met them on a battleground, army against army.
The 'war' of Islamic ideology is subversive and much more dangerous, because it is raging within our borders, within our societies, schools and governments. It is creating isolationism, mistrust, and too much Big Brother is Watching You policy. And as much as we may hate the use of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the increased 'spying' by government agencies on our hard won privacy, it is necessary if we do not want to find our grandchildren and great grandchildren visiting us in burkas and carrying prayer mats instead of wearing shorts and sandels and holding onto Barbie Dolls, full of dreams of being College Professors and Lawyer's and leaders of their FREE country. In the last twenty years, Islam has become the third largest religion in terms of percentage of the world population.
"Many believe that what happens in the next decade will determine whether Denmark survives as a bastion of good living, humane thinking and social responsibility, or whether it becomes a nation at civil war with supporters of Sharia law."
Is this what you want for YOUR country?
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14 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Sep 10
What we need to get out of our heads is that many immigrants from certain places do not move to a new country to become a part of that place. They are simply taking advantage of the much easier way of living we have available....then, over time, they turn the place into where they left, including the disrespect, violence and hatred they feel toward Westerners.
When will the do-gooders realise that these aliens will NEVER assimilate?...It is NEVER their intention.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Oh, so true Ms. Tickle! Here in SoCal that is the NORM. Full disrespect of American values and ways and an expectation that we Americans will assimilate to their way of life. Incredibly rude and insulting. The biggest problem though is that the government seems to be fine with this insurgence. Printing at taxpayer cost, government forms in other languages, making special programs and public assistance that cater ONLY to these indignant people and worse of all, telling us that there is nothing they can do about it. Since when do non-citizens of any country have more rights and control of that country than the citizens of it? I suppose I should be happy about the upside of this. It is yet another American "first".
We have a Constitution that governs how this society is suppose to behave. Though it is quite general and open to interpretation, it is more than specific enough on many values/laws/rights of its citizenry. One of those laws is that the government is of the people. The people being legal citizens of this country. We need to continue and expedite a movement to force our government, both local and national, to respond to the needs of the American people. Arizona's governor has made a bold step in the correct direction. Now if we can get the feds to get back to enforcing the laws they are responsible for enforcing, the remaining 49 states won't have to follow Arizona's lead. It's not a matter of racism. It's a matter of nationalism. Pride in ones own country and its way of life. The muslims are showing it. And planning to take over the world with their pride in the way they do things. What's it going to take to get the American people to take at least that much pride in the way we do things here? If we can get the spine back in this country, the muslims and all other malfeasant immigrants won't be a problem at all. Any ideas on how to install that spine?
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Hi Sparks~ Whatever it takes to make you come out girlfriend! I
must admit, I had no idea about this problem in Denmark and I
pride myself on being pretty "news savvy". Everything you say is
I am also afraid is true and happening more and more all around
me. I see it here in my neighborhood and it does scare me and has
since 9/11. I have lived in the same place for 30 years and have
seen it totally change, even more so in the last few years. I
can now say that I am in the minority, as an American! It does
make me a bit uneasy. I don't know what to think or how to feel
anymore. It is strange being "outnumbered" in my own neighborhood.
I am not saying that my neighbors aren't friendly and so am I,
and they come from many cultures, and that is fine with me, but
I wonder "what they are thinking"?Is this what has happened
to us now since 9/11? It is even more difficult living in the State
of New York. I live 45 minutes from Manhattan. There are Muslims
in my neighborhood. Today is the 9th Anniversary of 9/11/2001. I
am having a hard time remember that day. I was at work when I took
the first phone call with the news of the first plane strike to Tower I.
I couldn't wait to get home, why? To see it over and over again for
I don't know how long. There was alot of people I needed to check
on who worked in Manhattan. Sorry for digressing, like I said it's
a tough day here. There is alot more I can tell you about my "neighbor"
who was Muslim and lived across the street from me and told my girlfriend
(who I was just talking to) that "he hated Jews and they deserved to die".
I'm Jewish by birth-Thankfully, he moved~
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
Hello lovely Opal!
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when we got the word about JFK.
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the morning of 9/ll.
Two days that will 'live in infamy' as Churchill said.
I can imagine how you must feel,(I had a relative killed in NYC that day), but I can't imagine living where you do. I'd be gone with the wind..........
What really came home to me when I read the article about Denmark, was the blaring fact that the Muslims immigrate to 'open hearted' countries but instead of becoming part of that heart, they tear it apart with their own prejudices and hatreds. As you illustrated with your comments about your neighbour.
To my mind, if you are going to a new a country for a better life, then for God's sake, embrace that better life instead of turning that country into a facsimile of the one you left!
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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Amen Sparks! If I move to a new country, I would not expect them to learn English, to accommodate me, I would either learn their language before moving, or as soon as possible after I got there. I would not expect them to change the God they serve to keep from offending me, and I would not rub my God in their faces, I would still worship my way, but privately or with others who were like minded if I could find them. I would not send all my money to the USA, I would do the same as I do here, support our local economy. (Which by the way is getting harder and harder to do since our government is seeing fit to send all our jobs over seas.) Would I go to this country and make fun of their customs, giggle behind their backs, because I am speaking English and I don't think they will realize what I am saying? No I would try to learn more about their customs, and embrace the ones I could.I would not demand that every product I purchase have the name of the item written in English, a picture usually suffices, nor would I expect them to have to press 1 to hear a message in their own language. OK I will stop there, I think I have said enough on my soap box, LOL.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
I like your soapbox. Very informative.............and we've lots of room here in Canada for soapboxes. Have a few holding up the right back corner of my house in fact! LOL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Sep 10
hi sparks its scary but you know the United States is not going to take this crap lying down for we will fight to protect our life style and our beliefs of freedom for all. I am not s aying I am not cocerned as of
course I am but I do believe we will win out as our country was built on the f reedom to worship as we pleased and that is not Islam at all. we will fight it and we will win. 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
I have complete faith in the American people Hatley. I'm not so sure I have that kind of faith in the government though. And if the Muslims of America take up arms against non-Muslim Americans on American soil, that's civil war. And only the government can prevent that through a restricted border policy. And that, to the mind of the right wing liberals smacks of discrimination. So you are caught between a rock and hard place and that is always, always a scary place to be.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
Well dammit dude, I'D be waging war if someone tried to steal your heels! lol
Good to see you. Nice legs! lol
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
12 Sep 10
This is good, though I have a small suggestion in just the way you phrase things, and I attribute my suggestion to Mother Teresa, not to myself, just to be clear.
Could we perhaps promote self preservation, Christianity(free religion), free speech, and just promote it so much we don't have to consider it a "war" against something else.
Mother Teresa would never to go a "War against Terrorism" rally, but she would go to any "PEACE" rally, she was invited to.
Could just be its new age law of attraction mumbo jumbo, and it could be there is more to the way you think about things, then you think.
As for the rest, I have heard quite a bit about Sharia law, in recent days, I imagine I missed some major news or some other such media blow up over something that some people consider quite major. I am curious, just how many Muslims are Sharian...don't take it the wrong way, if what I heard is true, I do believe it to be a threat to what we want our countries to be. I just think there may be as many different types of Muslims as Different types of Christians...I guess that was more then just one thing....Ah well.
Sincerely and With Appreciation.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
I understand what you are saying completely CJ and I agree with you. But frankly, after doing some research I am now convinced that the time for 'soft phrasing' is past. The Islamic ideology has no room for it and sometimes you just have to 'meet the enemy on their own ground using the kind of language they would understand', and not dismiss as easily as they have to date. As for how many Muslims are Sharian, I can't tell you. But think about this.......if those that are are willing to take on the Christian world, do you not think they would also take on there own differing sects and force them too to conform? Of course they would. They're doing it now in the middle east.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 Sep 10
Going by what you have mentioned above, I should be feeling scared. I do not know what future has in store for all of us but what I know for sure is that the world needs peace and love and brotherhood. People should realize and stop misusing the texts and people for their own sake. The wars should end and people should forget and forgive all of the miseries caused by these... Only then the dream of One World would be reality....
I know this is insane of me to think this but it is what I feel and think.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
Well said and hold onto that belief thesids. If more people thought that way your dream would be realized. Sadly human nature is not really all that kind and understanding or forgiving......
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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Sep 10
As if New Yorkers haven't been slapped in the face enough about what happened on 9/11, now our leaders want to let the very religion responsible for it to build a place of worship close to the site. No matter how much the American populace says no, our leaders say yes. Yes we will let them build, yes we will allow anyone to come into this country, yes what Islam thinks is more important to us than what our citizens want, YES! YES! YES! Let them all come and crap on the American people, What do we care, our pockets are being lined.Our President has hidden agenda's all over the place, and he is so enlightened, that he thinks all our leaders in the past had it wrong. All I can say and sorry to those who don't have the same belief system I do, "Come Lord Jesus, come." Right now I am still allowed to write that, who knows what tomorrow may bring.....
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Sep 10
Hey Olive........Amen Sister! Amen!
I am soooooooo glad I don't live in America. No offence. But like I told Oreo, when you're ready to immigrate to Canada, we'd be glad to have ya! We are tightening our borders, but at least we are being sensible about it..........
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
12 Sep 10
I think our country, should institute these changes in immigration policy that Denmark has;
"If you wish to become Danish, you must attend three years of language classes. You must pass a test on Denmark's history, culture, and a Danish language test. You must live in Denmark for 7 years before applying for citizenship. You must demonstrate an intent to work, and have a job waiting. If you wish to bring a spouse into Denmark , you must both be over 24 years of age, and you won't find it so easy anymore to move your friends and family to Denmark with you."
A large thorn in the side of Denmark 's imams is the Minister of Immigration and Integration, Rikke Hvilshoj. She makes no bones about the new policy toward immigration, "The number of foreigners coming to the country makes a difference," Hvilshøj says, "There is an inverse correlation between how many come here and how well we can receive the foreigners that come." And on Muslim immigrants needing to demonstrate a willingness to blend in, "In my view, Denmark should be a country with room for different cultures and religions. Some values, however, are more important than others. We refuse to question democracy, equal rights, and freedom of speech."
I am concerned about our gov't trying to change our Old Age Pension. Currently an immigrant must live here for 10 yrs prior to being able to apply, but the gov't is proposing it change to only 3 yrs! (Bill C-428)That is absurd as someone could move to our country after not contributing to our society nor our finances at the age of 62 and collect at 65 for the rest of their life.
I'm getting pretty sick and tired myself that we have left the doors to immigration too wide open for abuse. It drains our financial resources that are for our native citizens. I mean, I am all for helping others, as most of us good natured Canadians are, BUT...there has to be a line in the sand, limits to our 'hand outs' for self preservation of our own society.
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• United States
12 Sep 10
Good for u for writing this good discussion. Hope people everywhere on mylot takes time to read it & let it sink it to the problem this is.It is past time for people to open their eyes to things like this . People are so self centered & live in their own little world & then when something like this happens they are shocked.Thanks for writing this & i hope it causes alot of people to think about what's going on in their world. Have a great sunday. hugs.
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@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Sep 10
Hey gal, haven't seen you around in quite a while. This Big Brother policy in our country is very scarey. The new laws in Arizona i think are a good start IF IT CONTINUES. Spying by government agents has its value but if very careful not to go over board which it already has. Our country has always been a melting pot but this is getting rediculous. Where do you stop and put your foot down. The rights of free speech and religion can hurt us in the end.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
12 Sep 10
hey Daffy,
This was very well written. I pray that you at least got through to the people here at Mylot who know and love you, and know that you would not write something so major as this if you did not believe every word as I do. If each and every one of us would stand up and vote with every bit of knowledge you can gain. then we have a chance.
If I could express myself as well as you do, I'd be doing so at every opportunity.
Miss You Daffy
Love Ya
@happiness2012 (13)
• China
12 Sep 10
Are you an American ? I think you're. for every American ,the memory of "9·11" is,it's acceptable that you have such feeling and scary about Muslim.Maybe,you have the same worry about the extend of Communism,it's also an ideological problem.moreover,with the rising of China ,the view of "threat of China" is popular among some regions around the world .for this issue,what about your attitude?
I just want to express one point that we can live a more relaxing life except ideology diffrence . we confront the same problem and have the same feeling.for instance , when we're sad ,we will cry ;we will be angry for the inhumane phenomena.
Severy days ago,I watch a movie called «My name is han»,made by India.It describles the misforture of an common family of Muslim because of the happen of "9·11".it's worthy of watching .
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