So My parents spoiled our dog since it was a puppy.

United States
September 12, 2010 2:02pm CST
Since they spoiled it, it doesn't like to eat dog food anymore. It likes to eat meat my parents give it, is that a bad thing?
4 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
12 Sep 10
If the only thing your dog is eating is meat; that is bad for it. Small amounts of cooked or raw beef, lamb, or chicken are fine as long as he is eating other things too. Just like people, dogs need a balanced diet. Eating only meat would be like you only eating hot dogs with no buns, condiments, or anything else. You would survive; but, you would not be healthy and you would not live as long. Actually, packaged pet food is not the healthiest option either - just check out some of the recalls that have occurred in dog for over the last few years - salmonella, e coli, melamine, etc. If you want to keep your dog healthy add some fresh fruit and vegetables to the meat. Dogs actually do have a sweet tooth so things like apples and peas appeal to the dogs taste once you get them to try it. If you really want to keep him healthy - here are some sites that have recipes for homemade dog food and dog treats. Plus, you dog will find this more appetizing that the store brands because it is fresher.
1 person likes this
• Canada
15 Sep 10
It is not a bad thing unless there is to much fat involved. As the dog gets older, it will effect wheight, heart and overall out of condition. I am a trainer, to much fat kills in many ways. I don't know what dog food u r feeding, try a higher end. They have more fish and vegi's. REMEMBER ALWAYS LUV/ CARE/ TRAIN YOUR DOG/ PET, THEY WILL ALWAYS LUV U..
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
12 Sep 10
It is a bad idea to give any pet table scraps. They come to expect these table scraps instead of their normal food, and this is a hard behavior to train away. Good dog food has the necessary components to help keep your dog both satisfied and healthy, whereas human food does not. I strongly recommend that you go to your local vet and discuss which method would be best to reintroduce your dog to the recommended diet. Your local vet can also provide better information on just how harmful it is to give a pet human food. Parents are more likely to believe a professional than something read from the internet.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Hi Thatguy I have to say I don't agree with giving dogs human table food although when I was a kid we used to give it to our dogs and then they come to expect that as their food of choice in some cases. I would imagine that dog food is especially formulated for the nutritional needs of a dog and shouldn't be changed for the sake of the dogs well being . On the other hand some people give their dogs people food on a regular basis and say their dogs are healthy and happy animals I gues it depends on how its being done if done rarely it might not be that bad at all but on an ongoing consistant basis I personally don't thinks its a good idea