Sarah Palin Vs. the Impotent and Limp Media…
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 12, 2010 4:07pm CST
You may have heard about or even read the article about Sarah Palin in the latest issue of “Vanity Fair” by Michael Joseph Gross. If you wish to read it now you can do so by clicking on the lilnk below:
As with everything regarding Palin, most people either hate it or love it. They either agree with Sarah’s scathing remarks about it or are applauding and saying, “I KNEW it!” However, some of us are willing to take both the article and Sarah’s protests with a grain of salt. I must admit IF this article had been in a publication such as the “Enquirer” or the “Globe” and IF the writer weren’t respected and well-known I’d have dismissed it entirely as fiction. It’s true most of the accounts were from anonymous sources who didn’t want to speak on the record, allegedly in some cases because they feared reprisal such as even losing their jobs. From reading the article and seeing the writer interviewed on TV I get that his point was that Sarah Palin is a rather intimidating person, that she’s not all that she seems in public.
Among the claims made in the article is Sarah and Todd are know to have loud fights and toss the “F-word” around; to that I say who cares, they obviously know better than to talk like that in public and I can tell you my husband and I, despite over 40 years in a happy marriage have been known to do the same thing now and then! It was also said that Sarah doesn’t really hunt or fish, that when Greta Van Susterin and her husband were coming to Alaska and Sarah had promised to make moose chili Todd was calling around in a panic trying to find some moose meat. Again, who cares BUT why make something like that up if it’s not true? Then there’s the allegation that Sarah is lousy tipper, that she’s even “stiffed” some people, but that she gave one woman $100 tip when a crowd of adoring fans were watching and the cameras were rolling. Nothing earth-shattering there either way, right? There was also the story of Sarah being handed several books to study during the campaign to sharpen her knowledge, which she accepted and then laid aside and went back to reading e-mail messages from the “Prayer Warriors” on her Blackberry. It was also said she didn’t know who Margaret Thatcher was.
My guess is that this article is a combination of truth and fiction. Some things are probably totally true, some likely have a bit of truth in them but are embellished for dramatic effect and others I’m sure are total fabrications. Mr. Gross predicted in his TV interview that if Sarah runs for President many of those who refused to speak on the record will go public. I agree that there will be many people who know or knew her or had contact with her will come out of the woodwork with stories both good and bad about her if she runs, which I’m now predicting she will.
Until that time, if it comes, we really have no way of knowing for sure which stories are true or partly true and which are totally false. To lessen some of the accusations I’m sure I’ll get of being biased in this post I want to say there is a woman who commented following the article disputing some of what was written. She claims to have been interviewed by Mr. Gross and to be the woman referred to in the article as “perhaps a nanny?”. She says she’s a doctor and the mother of a Down Syndrome boy that Piper Palin loves playing with and she has nothing but good things to say about the Palin family. She also says none of what she told the writer made it into the article.
I have a feeling, for better or for worse, this is just one of what will probably be an avalanche of “tell-alls” about Sarah Palin if she stays in the public eye and either outright announces or continues to leave the door open to a Presidential run in 2012. Since she’s a Fox news contributor, has her own reality show and has a new book coming out, it looks like she’s going to be in the public eye for some time to come whether she throws her hat into the Presidential ring or not. It’s now also a family affair since daughter Bristol is making the talk show circuit and will be appearing on “Dancing With the Stars” as well as having made her acting debut as an unwed teen mother. For whatever reason, she obviously sells magazines and guarantees that anyone who writes or even talks about her will get their own fifteen minutes of fame.
I think I already know the answer to this, but what do you think? Is Sarah Palin “fair game” as the celebrity she is and as a potential Presidential candidate? If she announces she is NOT running, does that mean she should be left alone and, if so, doesn’t that put her somehow above other celebrities whose lives seem to be open books whether they like it or not? Should she continue to fight back whenever there is an article such as this one or should she try to stay above the fray and ignore these things?
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8 responses
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
13 Sep 10
Palin the Right wing puppet Obama the left wing puppet so who really cares. I think I need a good laugh so Palin for president and watch her do the same thing that Obama is doing and Bush did. The Right and the Left are more like identical twins that some how don't want to believe they look a like. Really Palin has the same amount of experience as Obama so expect the same results.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
12 Sep 10
I can hear it now, this is just another attack piece from the eastern establishment liberal elitist media that cannot stand her because she does not fit their mold of a political figure. It is what it is. The subscribes of VF probably are not Sarah's fan base.
Is Sarah Palin fair game, why wouldn't she be? No one is forcing her to stay in the lime light. If you are going to be a keynote speaker at political rallies, or even hosting your own rallies well you are going to have to deal with negative press coverage. Sarah gets her fair share of positive press coverage, FOX anyone?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Sep 10
You know, everything that isn't shiningly positive about Sarah is seen as an attack piece, isn't it? To me it stands to reason that when someone is using Facebook and Twitter to communicate her views on a regular basis, where there's nobody to challenge her or ask her any tough questions, of course she's going to have articles written about her that aren't very flattering.
She sure can dish it out but she sure CAN'T take it!
@ddzdvd (361)
• United States
12 Sep 10
mrs.Sarah Palin is quite a remarkable woman isnt she??she scares the liberals so much.the medias in your face biase against her is so obvious now to most free thinkers that its funny to observe.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Hmm and here I thought you were afraid of foxes since they eat little blue bunny rabbits. LOL
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Sep 10
Is she fair game for what? Articles written about her or scandalous gossip that comes from unnamed, anonymous sources? I guess my question is - who is fair game to have someone, anyone, write accusations assaulting his or her character based on quotes from people who may or may not exist outside of the mind of the author? Not one source is named. They are "anonymous" "former campaign aide" "anonymous waitress", etc. Are we supposed to believe that every person in Alaska who has something to say about Sarah has only bad things to say but is so terrified of her they refuse to be named or cited?
The woman who was "perhaps a nanny" didn't just speak to Gross, she told him she was that child's mother and that the child was not Trig. That's not just forgetting to include good things she had to say about the family, that's a purposeful lie. It's not an omission of information, it's a lie since Gross put forth in the article that the child Piper was pushing in a stroller was Trig and that he was whisked away by a woman who was unidentified. She was identified - before the article was written.
"The mother of that child, conservative activist Gina Loudon, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she told Gross during the rally that the child in the stroller was her son, not Palin’s. She said she tried to make it clear because the two children look a lot alike.
"I told him that. And he ignored it," Loudon said. "It’s not even like he didn’t fact check – he just ignored facts."
There are a lot of stories within the article, none of which are based on any verifiable source and cannot be fact-checked or substantiated. I don't care if the fellow has been published before, he's obviously got his own agenda.
Just think about this scenario. A previously published and somewhat known conservative author writes a similar article about Michelle Obama. He writes about her throwing temper tantrums over her wardrobe, stiffing waitresses, yelling at Barack and tossing cans of green beans at him when she's arguing with him. All of his sources are unnamed and unverifiable and you have no way to check any of the accusations in the article. One person then comes forward to say that at least one part of the article is completely untrue and the author knew it. Do you ask us if Michelle is fair game, or do you dismiss the entire article as probably a smear campaign?
Interestingly, I remember a big story during the primaries when Hillary didn't leave a tip in a restaurant. The story only got worse when she tried to rectify the situation. Apparently, journalists who support Obama go to waitresses first as a main source of information about candidates.
"I have a feeling, for better or for worse, this is just one of what will probably be an avalanche of “tell-alls” about Sarah Palin". I think this and probably most of those tell-alls will have the same credibility as the ones we've already had from the likes of Levi Johnston with his latest "I lied when I said I lied and so I want to tell the truth now that what I said I lied about was really true and I was lying when I said it was a lie and I just want to tell you that now so you won't think I am a liar".
I knew you would love that article.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Sep 10
People will always believe what they want to believe. In the words of HL Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Reality TV, gossip mags, celebrity gossip - these things are all profitable. And I guess if I were going to write celebrity gossip it would pay me to make it up occasionally, because these people really aren't very interesting 24/7. So if people choose to believe all the stories from "unnamed sources" and those who "speak on condition of anonymity", then they will get the stories they paid their magazine subscription to read.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
13 Sep 10
As a person who has completed ghost-written works about "celebrities" for blogs and low-rent magazines, I can say with 100% certainty that it's common practice to invent something when you don't have it and tag it with "anonymous."
The idea, of course, is to have the reader focus on the main character and plot--the celebrity and the situation--and not necessarily the details.
Your target audience is never going to question a source for a fluff piece. This isn't "news"; it's entertainment.
This happens on a massive scale. Just look around at all the celebrity articles out there posted just today.
Whether it's true or false, I don't know. But I do know that there was a time--and I'm barely 30 years old, ffs!--when this "anonymous" crap didn't make the grade.
Now, everybody's King when it comes to writing. It's just the world we live in. It happens to everyone from all walks of life. The humor comes in who preemptively excuses taking it as gospel and who talks around it to give it hypothetical credence.

@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Sarah Palin is not a celebrity by accident. She thoroughly loves the limelight. Anybody who chooses that lifestyle must accept the detailed examination of their personal lives that goes along with it. I have no interest in the inner workings of her household, but as long as people pay attention to the drek they call journalism, we will continue to be bombarded with stuff most of us do not want to know.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
12 Sep 10
Seriously, you are giving her more attention than President Obama. Although, I wouldn't exactly call Vanity Fair a very reliable hard hitting news organization. Especially since Vanity Fair is right up there with the "Enquirer" and "Globe" on fluffy, gossipy, celebrity pieces.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
13 Sep 10
Well, its had its fair share of "gossip news" turned scandal.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
13 Sep 10
Hi anniepea,
Unfortunately, when you are a public figure, which Sarah Palin has become, you will get scrutinized by the public and the media. Whether the majority likes or dislikes you there will be opinions, like it or not.
I listened to Mrs. Palin, two Saturdays ago, on a live radio show. Even though I am not a big fan of hers, I was impressed with the strength and confidence she seems to have gained, more so than when she was running for office. She went somewhere(within herself) and found her "sea legs."
As I said, I listened to the entire interview with her and was impressed because she did not waver nor stumble over any questions. She give fluent confident answers whether they were truth or lies, she held her own.
Some people still hold their old opinion of Mrs. Palin, that she could not serve our country in a hierarchy position such as president or vice president, but I think she is a force that would throw a wrench in the mix. The opposite side, in my opinion, really has something to worry about if she chooses to throw her "hat" in to the ring of candidates in the next big election.
I am neither pro nor con, when it comes to Mrs. Palin. But my impression of her has change slightly. Would I vote for her? I don't know. Would she make a good President of the United States? Only time will tell. They all make promises that the can't or have not intentions of keeping.
Since, I heard her live, I will bypass the article. I realized that Mrs. Palin has learned to let the media have their say. They will print lies or not, it is their right to print, but she has learned to take it like a public figure.
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. I think Mrs. Palin has learn to stand close to the stove.