Birth of terrorism....
By vanny
@vandana7 (101504)
September 13, 2010 11:53am CST
I think somewhere an immature person constantly undergoing or watching some hardships is more likely to become terrorist.
I dont know how to express this. But my feeling is - if there are economic hardships for a long time, the person is more likely to revolt. So charity (I hate that word) is not for others but for ourselves. Likewise, justice is essential.
What do you think?
Are you always fair?
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13 responses
@eshaan (6188)
• India
17 Sep 10
my view is that no man is so bad....circumstances make him the way he one at least initially thinks of doing such activities, there is reason of being bad...regarding justice i try to be as much as i can...and if its for betterment of someone then i may go a bit partial.
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@vandana7 (101504)
• India
18 Sep 10
Hi eshaan, actually there are psychopaths who are born with cruel tendencies. These tendencies of course evolve over generations. This may be because of one generation too many undergoing hardships leading to genetic predisposition to be defiant of social norms. Having said that, I also agree that not every terrorist is a psychopath. Circumstances make him so. If we try to be just in our actions, there will be ripple effect. Thanks for participating eshaan. :)
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@rautrahul (267)
• India
16 Sep 10
Terrorist believe that they have no alternative options for their political, economic, & religious grievances & oppression. As a result, they kill & maim random civilian at random places & at a random times to give publicity to their causes. They believe thsi publicity would cause more violence & uprisings. They believe this will ultimately force changes in favour of thier political, economic & religious demands.
I dont think that some hardship with people are making them the terrorist.
@vijayanths (7877)
• India
13 Sep 10
vannie, I think economic factors can make a few people violent. If children are brought up in a good environment, they can become good citizens.
Vannie, why do you start discussions on such heavy topics today?
Sweetie, I am dark from birth, nice to note you are always fair.hehehe

@vandana7 (101504)
• India
18 Sep 10
I agree. At times, both sides of argument seem so right. Even the people who are doing wrong may not be realizing it. It takes a lot of analysis to decide who is or was right. Even then, ego conflicts may surface. But if we do try to be just as far as we can be, I think we can bring down a feeling of mistrust and hatred that comes up.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
13 Sep 10
I don't know, Vannie.
Even if that person had seen many hardship in life and gone thru it as well, can't they use their common sense to know what is wrong and right?
To always blame society or the bad and hard life we had when growing up, just doesn't cut it for me, you know.
And yes, i am always fair.

@vandana7 (101504)
• India
13 Sep 10
I think saphy - the sense of right and wrong goes haywires when the person undergoes hardships. While many people dont think, there are quite a few whose sense of right and wrong is wrongly wired. :) I have an aunt, who took a lot of convincing by outsiders about her beliefs that she held since childhood! In her case, her father was a gambler, so financially they were in doldrums. So when she borrowed, she thought it absolutely alright not to return. :)
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@babygirl313 (11)
• United States
13 Sep 10
the way my family once said its not your situation what makes you you are what you make of yourself. there are a number of people who have strayed down the wrong path in the beginning only to make a right turn onto the right path. there are a lot of people that say they lived in a terrible neighborhood the parents didnt love them people picked on them but in the end i agree with saphrina its all about common sense if you dont like where you live then do something to change it dont do the same as others ruining their life. and i as a mother of two children have to remain fair and unbiased i feel i am and that i give a person a second chance
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Sep 10
Terrorists are insane people. They are brainwashed and harvested by the people who believe that Sword is mightier than pen. Economic constraints, Injustice have a role to play but they are not the major factors. The major factors are illiteracy and the generated feeling of being hated (the preachers of terrorism are masters when it comes to inducing this feeling into anyone). If it were not the case, a couple of Financially Sound people would not have become terrorists. I don't remember the names but there were some IT Top guys who became terrorists.
Again the weaponry that these terrorists use, indicate that they have great amounts of funds being pumped into. Had it been a financially backward set, where would they have got the funds.
It is more about how you think and how strong you are to stay away from these orthodox and inhuman people and their preachings rather than being a victim of injustice and economic hardships.
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@vandana7 (101504)
• India
17 Sep 10
I think insane is not the right word. Insanity does not essentially culminate into cruel actions. Being brainwashed is something even armed forces are. I think of people in middle east. Especially the richer nations like Saudi, and Kuwait. They never seem to fight or have any major squabble. That makes me think that it must have something to do with having enough. I cant say those in Saudi are the most literate. If the general feeling of hatred needs to be considered, Saudi should have been a major force in the world dictating terms. Instead, it is truly lost in its own contentment. I am not sure sound people dont become terrorists. In fact, chances of sound people becoming terrorists is more because somewhere under all this is love for somebody, and consequently love for money.
Yeah, I too heard IT top guys and their terrorist links. But it could also be because they have taken some obligations in the past, or are or were coerced into it.
I think they get their monies out of extortion. Remember we had the December 25th hijack? :) That money cannot reach the bank through any single individual as numbers could be traced.
As to preachers, and orthodoxy, I am with you more than 100 percent. 

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@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
17 Sep 10
First of all family not caring children properly is the main reason for the children to go astray and become a terrorist. Then the society comes. Some people brain washing such children and making use of them for their terrorist activities is the second one. Whatever may be the reason, it is spoiling the peace of everyone including the person involved.
@vandana7 (101504)
• India
17 Sep 10
For family to care properly for children, it should have means. Recently there were floods in Pakistan. Many people lost their homes. How do you think they can afford to look after their families? Obviously they will be going as day laborers, and eventually their children will land with some terrorists. If we could spare at the right time the right amount so that they could find their bearings, it would help not only them, but us as well in future. That is what I meant.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
14 Sep 10
I think it's not only those who are immature, but the mature too that can become terrorist. But the complex thing is that for someone a person can be a terrorist whereas for other one it's fighting for justice. For Kashmiris it's fighting for political freedom so what he does is not terrorism, but for GoI it's terrorism. However, from third person perspective it can be argued that both the parties can stray into terrorism. For example, if a man is a terrorist/freedom fighter and the GoI kills the man's brother because they cannot the person that's terrorism. The army may argue saying that they kill the innocent non-combatant to deter the terrorist/freedom fighter, but still it's terrorism. In fact, government agencies kill more innocent people than terrorist organisation in states like Manipur, Kashmir, Nagaland. It's just that government's killing is not labelled terrorism because they have enacted a law saying they can kill, whereas whenever militants outfit kill it's label terrorist act.
@vandana7 (101504)
• India
16 Sep 10
As to the mature people, I think they get into it if they do not have enough time to think. In today's fast paced world, we are truly short of time. Whatever time we have, it is used up by television channels and socializing instead of reflecting on various issues.
I am inclined to agree with you a 100 percent - armed forces have no business to kill the man's brother - except when the brother is abetting the wrong. In any event, wouldn't it be better to maim the person - shoot at legs, or arms - take captive kinda thing instead of killing? That way the person can be told - you are from my country - you were siding wrong so though I have shot you, it is only to prevent wrong and do my duty, not to kill you. I think army errs if it kills innocent citizens, there is no two way about that.
There is one small doubt I have here. If the "innocent" is verbally provoking the others to defy the army - seditious speech - then what? If the army chooses to maim - others would definitely rise against the armed forces. Its a confusing situation. I have to think it over. Frankly, I really dont understand these separatists.
In so far as Britishers were concerned, they were taking away monies and using it for their people. Here, in states like Nagaland, Manipur, and Kashmir, Indian government is or was trying to develop them as tourist centers, and develop industries there. No Indian is allowed to hold properties within Kashmir, if you are aware of that. So definitely, we were just tourists going to that place. Whatever we paid for shikaras, and movie shootings was their earning. We bought Kashmir silk sarees. Its almost 20 years of separatist movement. I cant call it freedom struggle. Freedom is needed when there are injustices. Injustices came after the separatist movement took over the place.
Personally, I say give all these states whatever they want. I remember a book, if I remember right by G.B.Shaw, in which the ruler lets the people take charge for sometime, and people realize that it is not what they really want and return the king back to throne. So instead of using force, may be we should try that. After all, force is not working.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 10
hi vanday no not really I think those are more likely used asexcuses but people almost born in the agression of a runaway terrorizing religion that onley makes who are not too bright want to be the ones to kill maim and hurts others in t he name of Allah. I have known here in the US a lot of Muslims that lost family and friends in the 9/11 horrors and they felt just as angry and sorrowed and furious against those evil men as we Americans did.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
14 Sep 10
"I think those are more likely used asexcuses but people almost born in the agression of a runaway terrorizing religion"
People like the good Christian Timothy McVeigh?
@rksingh (4)
• India
14 Sep 10
If Everyone have a job in their hand and also gov. provide good education.Idon't think anyone will have time to be a terrorist .
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
14 Sep 10
Terrorists are just mad, crazy people, i have no sympathy for them, the so called 'maobadi' are so active in my state, kill innocent people bluntly, blast away railway tracks, is that any way normal?
They loot people, many of them are sons of well to do persons...
Thanks for sharing.
Welcome always, cheers.
Professor. .

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
15 Sep 10
What Maoists did is horrible. But what would you if Indian army raped, killed, flogged with thorns, buried alive non-combatants relatives of 'terrorists' so that these people will not attack the army? If army kill Maoist or vice versa it's combatants killing combatants. But would you attribute an act as terrorism if Indian army do similar horrible things to the civilians in militants infested area?
As a person coming from area where AFSPA is applicable Indian army has terrorised the non-combatant public 1000 times more than militants.
@vandana7 (101504)
• India
15 Sep 10
I am inclined to agree with what headhunter says. Army gets away as pampered child because it holds the weapons. When it is wrong, armed forces should be judged like any other civilian. Government is working on those rules.
@Professor, any form of picking arms is bad. Why cant we all think things in a mature way without injustice to anybody, and not doing things against others wishes? Why some people are coerced to do things they dont desire or dont want to do? We have to change as a society.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
13 Sep 10
Hi vandana, how are you? Birth of terrorism can be a cause by many reasons. If the children are not brought up in a systematic way or lack of love by the family members or frustration or some bad friendship or greedy or evil nature (like bin ladan) etc., Charity ? for whom 

@vandana7 (101504)
• India
17 Sep 10
Hi Jotomy - I am good. How are you doing? :) Yes, there can be many reasons, but I think ultimately - it boils down to love and hardships. Bin Laden comes from a very large family. He is also from a rich family. In all probability, he saw his mother or siblings being troubled. Greed may be one of the causes, but greed cant reach such gigantic proproportions, but I may be wrong. And by charity I meant - when we donate for any of those people whose homes are washed away in floods, or who have become homeless due to earthquake, we are not doing them a favor, we are doing us a favor. Because somewhere there must be one child who could have become a real bad terrorist, but we prevented it, indirectly, we saved our own lives. :)