Really? 40 miles already?

United States
September 13, 2010 2:38pm CST
I had no idea I had done 40 miles in the last ten days or so. I just been riding my bike to run errands and to TaeKwonDo classes and things around town like that. I have been logging it as cross training in my running log on Today I logge my trip to the post office and back. When I added it all up I've ridden 40 miles since I started logging the miles about ten days ago! That's just crazy!! Ever been surprised by what you've been doing like that?
6 responses
• United States
13 Sep 10
Amazing, I remember one of your previous discussions about the additional help. I see you are really determined. Good for you girl keep it up, your happy heart will appreciate this in the end. I ride a bike but it is my indoor exercise bike. I know I have broken some sort of record, as although I was not big at all in 5 months I lost 60 pounds. I always feel great after riding my exercise bike, so keep it up, it such a stress reliever.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Sep 10
Hey, 60 pounds is great success!! That's good! I hope I shape up pretty soon, right now I am just sore and not sure I will ever get my joints straightened out! lol!
• United States
14 Sep 10
Well sounds like your joints are pretty fine, and the more you continue the better hey get. Good Luck toy you and great accomplishment.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
13 Sep 10
Wow, that's truly amazing. I guess it all adds up. I have been surprised at times to see what I have accomplished in a short period of time, off the top of my head though the only thing that comes to mind is when I first joined mylot and made pay out in less than 7 days. That was truly amazing to me, especially with so many people saying that it took forever to earn. That has been a number of years ago and it does take longer to earn now than it did back then. When I first joined mylot, mylot only had 88k members now it has 215k so no surprise as to why it takes longer to earn, more members to divy the money out too. Congradulations on your newest acheivement.
• United States
14 Sep 10
You made payout in a week!!!?? that is amazing! Well, we are eventually rewarded if we keep working huh?
• Grand Junction, Colorado
14 Sep 10
I did and by the time we received payout it was over $30. Wish it was that easy now. Although mostly my fault I just don't respond to a whole lot of discussions in a month, infact I go weeks not responding to anything and then all of a sudden I start responding all over the place. Like today, I think I have responded to 10 discussions in 1 day.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
13 Sep 10
Now I'm envious! I wanted to get a bike this summer so I could start riding it in going to the many everyday errands. I even had ambitions of maybe forgoing the car in the future and just opting for the bike. I've just been putting it off, and money has been tight, so I keep delaying it. Anyway, good on you! I hope to get my bike too anytime soon, and I would also like to be surprised of the distance I hope to log.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Sep 10
It really works out well. I save on gas and those kind of expenses. i am seriously thinking about not replacing my vehicle... but winter is on its way!
• Philippines
4 Oct 10
we are often surprised with how much we can do when we don't keep our mind on how much we've done but just concentrate on what we're doing. i'm also a biker and never realized how much i biked in my usual routine until i tried to look at my bike computer and was amazed at how long i've biked.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Oct 10
I have been pretty impressed at how it all adds up, just running errands!
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
14 Sep 10
You are really doing well and enjoying riding your bike. Nice going!
@kjones505 (271)
• United States
25 Sep 10
Iv'e had my bike since august and it has over 200 miles on it already. I am not surprised in the least bit. I take my bike out to trails that are 3-4 miles away from home. The trails are 15 miles long. I can easily do 40 miles in one day.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Oct 10
I haven't done any trails yet. I just use the bike to do all my errands each week. Then I was riding to class on Saturday too, but I'm not going to go to class anymore. I did ride over 8 miles today just doing the things I had to get done!