Why America will LOSE the war in Afghanistan if we don't change
By goldeneagle
@goldeneagle (6743)
United States
September 13, 2010 9:13pm CST
This morning on my way to work, I was listening to a commentator on the radio. I don’t remember what show it was, but the guy was talking about the war in Afghanistan. He made several interesting points. He made a reference to the wars America has been involved in over the past several decades. I am not going to do any quoting here, because I really don’t remember his exact words for most of it, but I can paraphrase it.
Before I start discussing the topics the man was talking about, let me say that I am not writing this just to bash President Obama. In all honesty, I am going to bash every president we have had since the Korean War, because in reality, America hasn’t really won a war since World War II. However, I am not going to take the time to single any one president out, and I don’t need to, because ALL of them have screwed our military men and women over, and their lack of guts, along with the lack of guts in some of our high-ranking military officials have caused the needless deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers over the past few decades…
One of the things he said that I happen to agree with is that the reason the war in Afghanistan has gone on for as long as it has is because American politicians do not have the guts to use the American military to its full potential. The people in Washington who lead the American military from the comfort of their offices do not have the guts to let our soldiers do their jobs. In reality, there are very few (IF ANY) countries in the world that could withstand the full onslaught of the American military if our men and women in uniform were allowed to attack them with their full potential. Our armed forces could win almost ANY war in sixty days OR less if our men and women in uniform were turned loose to kick a$$ and take names the way they are trained to do. The problem is that the people who pass the orders down to the soldiers on the ground are trying to fight wars WITHOUT KILLING THE EMEMY. The whole point of going to war is to KILL THE ENEMY!
In World War II, the last war America REALLY won, our airplanes, and the planes of our allies such as England, bombed Germany and other enemy territories day and night for weeks (even months) at the time. The bombs fell almost continuously on cities and some rural areas alike. It was obvious that we were there to KILL THE ENEMY, and it worked. We took away the enemy’s will to fight, and they eventually quit fighting.
Korea was not fought this way. I admit that I do not know as much about the Korean War as I know about other wars. I guess Korea really is “the forgotten war”, because there are very few movies about it, and unless you take a history class dedicated to that time in history while you are in college, very little is usually mentioned about the Korean War in most schools. However, from what I can tell, our politicians didn’t really allow our military to fight to win in Korea, and for this reason, Korea ended in a so-called “DRAW”.
In Vietnam, it was rare that our bombers bombed any worthwhile targets. As a matter of fact, bombing was restricted over MOST of North Vietnam, the very people we were fighting. As a result, the war needlessly drug on for ten years, and well over 60,000 of our soldiers needlessly lost their lives. As a result, America got its a$$ kicked in Vietnam, and our troops eventually scrambled out of the country on helicopters that were lifting them off the embassy in Hanoi. Instead of restricting the bombing of North Vietnam, we should have been bombing the hell out of Hanoi and other major North Vietnamese cities from DAY ONE of the war. We should have been bombing the hell out of every potential North Vietnamese military target on the map from day one of the war as well. Most of the places in Vietnam didn’t have running water or flushing toilets during the 1960’s and 1970’s. This was a third-world nation against the strongest military in the world. American soldiers died DAILY for TEN years; killed by people who lived in thatch huts because the U.S. GOVERNMENT LEADERS didn’t have the guts to bomb the hell out of a third-world country and end it way the way it should have done. What we should have done is bomb them back to the stone-age (not that they were that far from it to begin with), leveling that country from one end to the other until they lost either their will or their ability to fight. Hanoi should have been “carpet bombed” DAILY until they were either all dead or they surrendered. We could have won that war in a year or less if our political leaders had had the guts to kill the enemy, and our losses in that war wouldn’t have been anywhere near as bad as it was.
Now, let’s move on to Desert Storm. OK…so we did OK in Desert Storm, but I don’t think we won Desert Storm. The reason I say this is because Saddam Hussein was still in power when we left. We should have killed him the first time we were there, but our politicians wouldn’t allow it. That is about all I need to say about Desert Storm, because I feel that I have made my point.
OK…now let’s talk about the war in Afghanistan. We are fighting the so-called “War on Terrorism” there. The terrorists are our enemies. These people live by no rules, and they don’t care what they have to do to kill Americans. They killed well over 1,000 AMERICANS on 9/11, and they are now killing their own people in the streets of Afghanistan trying to kill American soldiers. These people go out in the streets and shoot at our people, or target them with suicide bombers during the day, and at night, they go home to their families and teach them to hate Americans. They are fighting in the towns they live in; often taking shots at our soldiers from the houses they LIVE in. WHY are we not bombing the hell out of these cities from the air instead of forcing our soldiers on the ground to fight a deadly street war??? Now I hear all of you out there screaming about not killing women and children. However, I am going to let you in on something that most people don’t know. According to people with higher security clearances than I have, the very first American soldier that was killed in Afghanistan…the very first American to die in this war…was killed by a 14-YEAR OLD SNIPER! I have also heard that there have been instances of women shooting at our soldiers, and of female suicide bombers. SO, I don’t give a rusty F-word if we kill women and children over there. We should start dropping bombs on one end of that country and not stop until we get to the other side. If we would have dropped enough bombs on all those caves over there during the first few weeks of the war, Osama Bin Laden would probably be dead right now. I don’t care if this pisses you off, but for every one of our people they kill, we should kill a THOUSAND of them. If we had done this from the start of that war, we would have won that war in a year or less…
OK…now that I have illustrated our political leaders’ lack of guts, and their lack of willingness to kill the enemy, I am going to move on to ANOTHER reason that I feel has contributed to the United States not winning a war since World War II. This is another point covered by the man on the radio this morning, and I am going to try to illustrate it similar to the way he did.
In the first part of the movie SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, we see a very graphic recreation of the D-Day attack at Normandy. From interviews I have read from people who fought at Normandy, this is at least a decent illustration of how horrid and violent the combat was on that day. However, during World War II, there were no reporters out on the battlefield taking pictures and videos for the people back home in the United States to see. In Vietnam, and in every war since, there have been reporters present, and the reports have come in for everyone to see on the nightly news. In Vietnam, Desert Storm, and in the present wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there have been reports and pictures of the fighting DAILY, and I feel that this is part of the problem. The press has NO place on the battlefield, and the American people do not need to see the horrors of war. In World War I and World War II, our troops had the full support of the American people. There were no anti-war protests in the streets. People hated the fact that our troops were fighting and dying, but they supported the military. The women left their places as housewives and went to work in factories to build military items for the war. Most of us have seen the posters of “Rosie the Riveter”, a popular representation of the women factory workers of the time. We should ALL take a little inspiration from “Rosie”. We, as a nation need to stop whining about wanting our soldiers to come home, and we need to get out there and do whatever we have to do to support them, and that includes putting pressure on the politicians in Washington to stop spending their days drinking coffee and checking their stock portfolios on their blackberries and get back into the war. We need to put pressure on the politician to allow our soldiers to do the job they are trained to do. Although I have gotten a little side-tracked here, I can quickly get back to my point by again saying that the press has NO place on the battlefield. The reason we won World War II is because there were no nightly news reports showing pictures of the war and telling how many soldiers were killed and how many of the enemy and civilians were killed over there, meaning that our troops had the support of our people here at home, and the reason we won World War II was because our political leaders let the military leaders do their job…they let them KILL THE ENEMY, and when they couldn’t tell who the enemy was, they killed them all and they let God worry about sorting it out.
In order for us to win the war in Afghanistan, we are going to have to fight to win. We need to get the cameras OFF the battlefield, and we are going to have to KIL
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5 responses
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
14 Sep 10
World War II and Korean, for the most part, were the last wars were you could really identify the enemy. Okay bomb Afghanistan from one end to the other, then guess what? You'll need to do Pakistan next. Then Iran. Then Yemen. All the while you'll just get more Muslims around the world p****d at us. The problem with Afghanistan is we should have finished that war and never gone into Iraq. All we got from Irag was a large deficit and too many body bags.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
15 Sep 10
The mistake we made in Iraq was trying to baby-sit them once Hussein's neck got stretched. Once we had him, we should have pulled out of there and left them to kill each other. They are never going to have a stable government over there, because islam is not a peaceful religion. When they run out of infidels to kill, they turn on each other and keep fighting...
I don't think we would have to worry about Pakistan, Iran, or Yemen if we did the job in Afghanistan correctly, and they saw the end result...
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
14 Sep 10
Goldeneagle. By far the best discussion I have ever read on this site. I admire your guts to say what most have to know is true but yet won't say themselfs. Yes, war does suck but its high time we got to the business of war and stop all the pussyfooting around and do what we are more than capable of doing, killing and destroying. Our "leaders" should hang their heads in shame to have allowed and continue to allow these third world countries to push us around as they have so very successfully done because of the lack of guts on "our" part. As you say, the media needs to get the hell out of there and Obama and friends need to let our very capable military do what it is they have been trained to do. It could all be over just that fast and then they could spend the money bringing our boys home, alive, proud and victorious.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
15 Sep 10
I have never been known for my ability to keep my mouth shut LOL
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
15 Sep 10
That is a good thing! I've always thought so and cringe when I think the inability I have to do the same as gotten me in trouble. I call em like I see em and so should everyone. In any case, you wrote an extremely interesting piece and I shared it today with a couple of people who asked me for a copy of it...just thouht you'd like to know that! J
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Sep 10
You are exactly right, there is a need to fight to win and that is the reason that this war has been going on for so long. I will admit that I am proud to be an American and I have a lot of pride for our country. However, I think that the power that we hold in the world will be eventually taken away if we don't fight to kill the enemy. Holding them back isn't doing any good at all because it is only giving them the opportunity to think of more ways that they are able to harm us.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
16 Sep 10
What we are essentially doing in Iraq is helping to set up a government and train a military, that is going to use what we have taught them against us in the future. Only the American government is stupid enough to equip and train our future enemies...
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
14 Sep 10
This is what kills me. Here is a fantastic opportunity to have a great discussion about our Country and to get the feelings and inputs of folks from all over the U.S. and nobody takes it. It's sad and frightening.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
15 Sep 10
We have laser-guided bombs that can hit a circle the size of a baseball painted on a door, and we also have bombs called "bunker busters" that are intended to penetrate the ground before they explode to take out re-enforced concrete bunkers and other fortified positions, so the terrain over there shouldn't have been a problem if our soldiers would have been allowed to use all the weapons at their disposal...