Showing dogs

Joval Victory of the Mind - This is Binne's father, Morris, during a show in 2009 when he won the Reserve Best in Show title.
@inu1711 (5285)
September 14, 2010 4:54am CST
I'm pretty excited because the next weekend we'll go to two dog shows. On Saturday it will be Binne's first show, and mine too. I've been in dog shows for 19 years, but I have never showed a dog yet. I was only as a bystander, and now it will be my first time inside the ring. I mostly know what I have to do in the ring, but I'm quite nervous about the event. I haven't finished the coat's preparation, and we still have to work on Binne's troting. Fortunately she's good at showing her teeth and she "stacks" quite well. Anyway, I hope the judge will be understanding, as Binne is only nine months old. (Today! ) So, do you show your dogs? Do any of you have some tips for showing dogs?
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4 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
14 Sep 10
Sorry I can't answer your questions, but I am just as excited as you Will they have this show video taped? If so maybe you can share Binne's premiere as a show dog..
• United States
14 Sep 10
Oh you know she will feel something, I just hope that it doesn't affect her performance..:)
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
Yeah, I hope so, too. The one thing I fear the most is how will she behave when the judge wants to handle her. You know that in conformation shows the judge use to touch the dog all over her body, and I'm afraid Binne will think this is some kind of game. If so, she will start do the mouthing thing she likes so much.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
Oh, I hope Tavi will be able to video tape our presentation. Unless his hands won't tremble with emotion . He's more excited than I am, even if I'm the one who will enter the show ring. I hope Binne won't feel our excitement. I need her to be calm in the ring.
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@shira0524 (482)
• United States
14 Sep 10
I don't show my dogs, no, but that's very exciting for you! I know a few people who show their dogs. Seems like it could be fun. I have thought about maybe doing that some time. I used to show horses, but not anymore. Maybe I'll look into dog showing some time in the future. Good luck!
• United States
14 Sep 10
Oh, horse showing is HUGE! But it's very expensive, which is why I'm not doing it anymore. Yes, there are competitions based on the rider and competitions based on the horse. Sometimes the horses are judged the same as dogs - on their conformation for breed, their condition, etc... - and other times they're judged on their performance. Jumping competitions, dressage (like high-level training) competitions, driving (carriage pulling) competitions... you name it, there's a competition for it since there are many ways horses can be trained and used. :)
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
Oh, I knew the jumping competitions, the carriage pulling competitions, and the dressage competitions, but I didn't know there are conformation shows for horses. I'm sure breeding horses is a costly hobby. A lot costly than breeding dogs, that's for sure! I like horses, when I was little I dreamt of owning a horse. But I live in a town, in a block of flats and I don't have where to keep a horse. And, as you said, it is an expensive hobby...
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
Thank you Shira. I haven't show dogs until now, but there's a start in everything, isn't it? I didn't know there are shows for horses, please forgive my ignorance. How are they showed? Are there any specific abilities that horses have to proove?
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 10
Hi Inu No I have never shown my Dogs, it is just something I have never wanted to do to be honest I am not against it I have a few Friends who show their Dogs it is just not something I have ever wanted to do I wish you both the best of Luck and I am sure you will do just fine
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
20 Sep 10
Thank you, Gabs. Your wishes brought us luck! We achieved what we set. It was a successfull weekend for Binne. I have always wished to show my dog, but now, I'm not so sure about that. It's nice when you see the others showing their dogs, but when you're involved more than as a spectator, it's not so fun. It's quite exhausting for both the dog and the owner. Binne needs to win only one more show to become a champion. After that, I don't know if we will attend another dog show. Maybe we will go only as spectators.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
14 Sep 10
Don't show my dogs.. Although one of my dogs was a show dog.. If he could talk- he may be able to give you tips.. lol He's a collie I adopted when he was 2- he's quite a looker.. but he's just a pet now.. and he really hates having his hair brushed. So lucky he's just a pet now and he doesn't have to go through all that all the time now. :-) Good luck on your first show.. sounds exciting.. :-)
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
PM me your phone number, maybe he will want to talk to me I can understand why he hates having his hair brushed, collies have such a coat! Binne enjoys having her hair brushed, but she doesn't like when I have to hand striping her hair. We're almost done with it, I have left only a small portion on her chest.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
14 Sep 10
Yea, my Collies hate standing still or that kind of thing for more than 5 minutes ans sometimes less..
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 10
Oh, but 5 minutes of standing still is a little too much for a dog. When I comb or do the hand stripping for Binne's coat, I don't keep her standing all the time. She also sits or even lay down if the opperation last longer. I imagine combing a Collie's coat last much longer than combing an Airedale's coat. That's why I always admired people who show such long coated dogs.