odesk tips

@oscar6 (1938)
United States
September 14, 2010 2:09pm CST
Do any members of odesk have some tips I can follow in order to get a job with companies on this site? I have only applied to three different peoples postings but im still worried I will not get hired for any jobs. Any comments will be great!
4 responses
@mauve02 (133)
• Philippines
21 Jan 12
Me too! I have applied so many times but there is still no one wanted to hire me. It is so frustrating. But I will not give up and try to apply many jobs as I can until I get hired. Good luck to you. I hope by now you already have an employer. :)
@lalay1976 (330)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Hi oscar6! Maybe you need to check your resume. Is it too short? Are the details not comprehensive enough for the reader? I checked some contractors' profiles and compared my resume with theirs. I had to objectively assess how my resume was doing and I had to check it from a buyer's point. You need to write a good cover letter too and take oDesk tests to show how knowledgeable and skilled you are. Just keep on applying and in time, you'll get your first job. Good luck! :)
@vedanta (304)
• India
29 Sep 10
keep applying for job. in free time pass testes .
@swa5tica (81)
• Bulgaria
14 Sep 10
You will be hired soon. Don't worry. ;)