I applied for a job!

United States
September 15, 2010 6:43pm CST
I haven't had a job, or even filled out a job application in about 3 years now. I've been saying for awhile that I should get something part time, to help us out financially.. but I always found a reason to put off looking. Like I didn't want a job during summer because it would eat into family time, etc. Well now school is back in session and the weather is getting too cold and icky to go do much most days, plus it's getting dark earlier so we can't be out late anyways. So hubby met a guy through work that is the manager of a gas station. He and the other guy discussed my talk about getting a job, and the guy is now practically begging hubby to have me fill out the application. Basically I'm guaranteed the job. Right now I'm only looking to work Saturday evenings. Weekdays are too tough as hubby works till 9pm some nights. He works Saturdays but is usually out at 2 and no later than 5. He's off on Sundays but at the moment I'm not willing to work that day because it's our family day where we like to go on outings when we can afford to (which hopefully with the few bucks I'm bringing in we will be able to do so more often). Anyways, I'm a little nervous about it, because I haven't had a job in so long. I'm worried I'll hate it, or worried I'll feel like I'm missing out on something at home. It's just not easy to transition from being a stay at home mom to going to work, even if it is only 1 night a week. Well, wish me luck getting the job. We all know I could certainly use the extra money, especially with the holidays coming up. If you weren't already working, how would you feel about getting a part time job? Would you be nervous or excited?
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18 responses
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
For me, part time jobs are always welcome. Especially one that's just one night a week. But, of course, it's could make me nervous and excited at the same time. I can't live without a job. The times that I've been between jobs, I was always anxious. So, yes, jobs - part time, full time are always welcome.
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• United States
16 Sep 10
I don't need it to survive, because my husband takes care of our bills.. but we could always use the extra money.
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@AmbiePam (96640)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I really enjoyed my last job, which was part time. I worked three days a week (more in the summer to let the full time people have a vacation) as an administrative assistant in a children's mental hospital. Yes, it sounds like it would be sad, and sometimes it was. Often I couldn't believe what some of these children had done that caused them to be admitted. But it was wonderful to see some of them eventually be released, and to see their parents or grandparents happy to have them back. I was disappointed when I had to quit. It was the last job I had before I got on disability.
• United States
16 Sep 10
I know it's not easy not being able to work. If I could I'd probably work full time. Even now I'm trying to think of ways to be able to work full time, but child care would completely eat my paycheck so it's pointless.
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@AmbiePam (96640)
• United States
16 Sep 10
You DO work full time. You're a mom. That is definitely a full time job. And I'll challenge anyone who says it isn't.
• United States
16 Sep 10
Oh no that's definitely true! But I meant outside of the home.. you know, different responisiblities that don't include cleaning my own house, lol.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
20 Sep 10
I loved working it kept me out of the house..and that helped me control my eating habits alot better. But now I have no car and no way of getting one..and so no way to work unless it is within walking distance. I was offered a job for 2 weeks but it is a live in job watching 3 kids. One has bi-polar, and all three have ADHD and I was offered $200 for watching them two weeks and all three go to school..it is my brothers kids, he is going out of state. Thing is I wouldn't have a car in case of emergencies,no phone, no internet, nothing..and I would be taking my own food since I am dieting and would need to have different food then they have there. I would have to get them up for school,walk them to the bus and then go get them from the bus in evenings and fix their meals help with homework make sure they bath and get to sleep..problem is the kids fight all the time and last time I watched them 3 days I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown..so not sure I could handle this..but I do need the money..that would pay 6 months net and phone.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Sep 10
Nope no parks or nothing nearby,they live a long way from everything. That is why they are wanting to move closer to things. My brother forgot to mention that fall break is in coming up and kids will be out for almost 9 days.
• United States
20 Sep 10
I'd do it. It's only 2 weeks and the kids will be in school during the day, so you have something to look forward to. If there's a park or playground or something nearby it would be good to get them outside to burn off some steam after they get home from school, that will help make them a little more manageable.
• United States
16 Sep 10
I would be nervous too! I totally felt that way when I started my pt job about 2 yrs ago and sometimes I feel that way still. I know every lil bit helps, trust me I know. And who knows maybe they'd also have you as someone who could fill in if someone called in too?
• United States
16 Sep 10
Saturday nights are the only time I'm available.. so I would not be able to fill in for anyone. Although I'm thinking I might work a few Wednesdays here and there, as that's one of hubby's days off and with the kids in school I won't be missing much. If money is really tight I can also work a few Sundays, but as I said, that's our family day and I don't want to work too many of them. That's why I quit my last job, I told the boss I could work SOME Sundays, and she scheduled me for 6 Sundays in a row. Then my friend came to visit and I asked for those days off, but she had me work everyday until the friend came, and everyday after.. so I basically got no break. Hubby took the whole week off and I was either working or had the friend visiting.
• United States
16 Sep 10
Sounds like you already have things worked out as far as availability. That's why I like my job they are really good about working around my hubby's schedule otherwise I'd have no shot at gainful employment even if it's less than 20 hrs a week, it still keeps our bellies full KWIM? That was awful that they scheduled you the way they did at your old job. I can't go to my "old" job because it's 9-5 M-F and you can't do that when you can't afford daycare or have no form of care available to you CHEAP especially starting back at the bottom again KWIM? Things will work out! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
• United States
16 Sep 10
When I had my last job I had my in laws babysitting for me, and it was originally supposed to only be 1 or 2 nights a week.. then she kept upping my hours. Hubby was working 2 hours away at the time, and even though I closed, I was sometimes home before him. That was a long time for my in laws, who are older, to be with my rowdy kids (4 at the time as i was preggers with the youngest, but Aydan would have only been a baby at the time). Although hubby's job is closer now, and he can be home within 20 minutes, I just don't feel comfortable asking FIL to babysit on a regular basis. It's fine if hubby and I want a night out, or if I have a school function I can't bring the kids to... but I don't want to have to depend on him because he is older and spends a lot of time in the hospital. If I set it up so he's babysitting one or two nights a week, then he's admitted to the hospital, I'm pretty much stuck. My mother is out of the question because she lives half an hour in the opposite direction and doesn't drive. In a few years my oldest will be capable of babysitting for me, he's 13 now and I've been testing him by leaving them alone to run to the store for 5 minutes or so. If it weren't for the fact that he's responsible for 4 other small children, I could probably count on him now.. but I think the 4 kids are too stressful and probably wouldn't listen. That's why I say in a few years when they're all a bit older and hopefully a little calmer and less demanding.
16 Sep 10
If it is going to work you need to be more postitive about the job. Your account is packed full of reasons why you can't do the job what you need is loads of reasons why you can do it
16 Sep 10
That's the spirit
• United States
16 Sep 10
I never said anything about not being able to do the job.
• United States
16 Sep 10
Take it slow and be positive, who knows you may just end up liking it. I suppose dealing with all sorts of different personalities will make you a bit nervous. Who knows you may just very well be what that place needs. Fresh mind. If you don't like I see from your other comments that your hubby is with you in whichever direction you choose. Good Luck!
• United States
16 Sep 10
I've always worked in customer service so that does not make me nervous.. it's just that I haven't had a job of any kind in so long, it's a weird feeling to be going back to work, even for just 1 night.
• United States
16 Sep 10
Good luck to you, sounds like you will be making a great change for the place. You have the skills so take it slow. Good Luck to you!
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
16 Sep 10
If the job fits your family, and gives a little play around and celebrate money, it will probably be a good thing. It is a nice transition to show that you had a paying job while raising your family. I am with AMBIE PAM, you work constantly. This job may actually feel like a break.
• United States
16 Sep 10
Yes I'm sure the job will be a good thing, I'm just a little nervous about it because it's the unknown, you know.
• India
16 Sep 10
Heartiest congratulations on gathering your courage and looking forward to joining…as you say, the extra money would definitely be worth the effort and I also feel that meeting a few strangers and working in a different environment than home, has its own benefit. I’m sure you’ll get the job and will gradually look forward to your Saturday evenings. Personally, I’m working full time so I could really do with a part time job but right now, I cant afford a cut in pay…it’s the same old money story LOL
• United States
16 Sep 10
The last time I had a job it was beneficial for everyone, and not just for money reasons. I hope it's the same this time.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
17 Sep 10
I would be excited and if you do get the job I am very sure you will do a good job. Just from reading what you do for your kids you are a very responsible inventive person and would be an asset to any organization! Go for it!
• United States
17 Sep 10
Aww, thank you!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Sep 10
If you hate it, you can quit, right? I'm always nervous about any new job, part time, full time, doesn't matter. it's the unknown, and that's always a little bit scary.
• United States
16 Sep 10
No reason I can't quit.. Hubby keeps saying over and over that I don't have to do it if I don't want to.. so he certainly won't hold me to it if I decide not to stick with it.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Hi kats! Just do it! Fill out that application girlfriend! How can you even hesitate! This is the perfect situation for you. It is being handed to you practically on a "silver plater"! It is one evening when your kids will be with their father and you won't be missing much at all and you will be making money! You will be making your own money! You have absolutely nothing to lose and plenty to gain so just do it! And please let us know how it turns out because my fingers are going to be crossed and I don't want to have them that way for long! And please tell me asap because I am leaving for Florida on Tuesday for 10 days!
• United States
16 Sep 10
I filled out the app earlier today. I will let you know soon. Have a great time in Florida!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Sep 10
Of course you are nervous and that is to be expected. But I am so happy for you and after the newness has worn off I am sure that you will like going there each Saturday and will start to o forward to it as well as the extra money. I am so happy for you. Many congratulations.I definitely would be both nervous and excited. The extra money will come in useful too. Wonderful news Kat - wonderful news.Blessings
• United States
16 Sep 10
I will let you know forsure if and when I get the job.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
Good on you for deciding to have that job! And lucky you that you didn't have to look too hard. If I were on the same boat, and have that opportunity, I would do the same. Like you said, the holidays are coming, and some extra cash would certainly not hurt. I have a regular job, but I would like to find something part time that would fit into my free schedule!
@Jifrauen (24)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Working (even part time) will make you feel productive or like you are accomplishing something. The extra little bit of money is always helpful. There are so many alternatives if you are not sure about working at the gas station. One option is to join one of the many multi-level marketing companies (ie Mary-Kay, Candle sales, Avon, Pamper Chef, Stampin Up) All these do require upfront costs, but you would be able to work your own schedule and could do one or two evenings a week. It sounds like your kids are in school now, so you would have a few hours during the day to put the orders in or sale more, to make more money, plus there are tons of benefits. I think everyone has a little bit of nervousness/excitment/anxiousness when starting a new job. We have fears if we are going to make it, if we are going to like it, ect. Just remember, you are not locked into it. You can quit and search out something new. Just find a job you love and you will enjoy going to it and making the extra money. Good luck!
• United States
16 Sep 10
All of my kids are not in school, otherwise I would be working days while they're in school.
@snowy22315 (186984)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Congratualtions and I hope you get it. I am sick of working, and plan to work at home if at possible. tradtional jobs don't work out for me very well, and I think I would be much happier working at home.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
We all can use some extra money now. Christmas is fast approaching again. I think it's just natural to feel a little bit nervous because as you said, you haven't worked for a long time. I remember when I just graduated from college how nervous I was when I had my first job interview. I was really tongue tied, so I didn't get the job. I succeeded on my second try, but in a different company. When I started working I felt really bad because I didn't like the job, but I also felt empowered because I was earning my own money. I hope that even though you don't like the job you will still feel it worth your time to work. You can always try to find a different job that will suit you better. Good luck.
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
...i strongly believe it is normal that you will either get nervous or excited..for me, i would feel both..excited because of the new environment and experience, nervous because, i might don't like the job as what you said, or we might not be suitable for the job or other things that will concern us with regards to the new job...even people who is switching from one job to another will also feel the same thing, although there are those people who were born with much confidence but normally, we feel nervous with new experiences..plus on your part, it would be tougher since you are used to stay at home for quite sometimes,..good luck to your new job, hope for the best!
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
for me, nervous and excitement goes together especially in an interview, but always have presence of mind, pay attention and focus. drink a glass of water if you're really nervous it will help you calm down, and pray. everything will be alright then. wish you luck! and i hope you'll get hired. have a little faith in yourself :)