bothers me but not her
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
United States
September 16, 2010 5:28am CST
So my kids like to play with the neighbor girl who is the same age as my middle. The other day they were over there playing in their drive way... all 3 of mine. Wich is typically not big deal as they are between here and there a few times a week. So one of the kids comes in the house and says "a man gave me this magnet".... I'm like WHAT MAN? They don't know. WHere? How did this occur? They were in the neighbors drive way by the fence that runs along the neighbor on the other side of them as well as a barber shop. They said a man from the barbershop or said vacinity came up to the fence and gave it to them. They don't know the man at the barber and I only went over there once for DS to get his hair cut.
So it's bugging me that 1 we've talked about stranger danger 2 we've talked about accepting things from strangers 3 where was the neighbor?!?!?!
I asked her about the magnet and all she could say is that's what her daughter told her and shrugged it off. I told her I thought it was strange. Why a man would talk to some kids that were unfamiliar to him or w/o parent visable? Was he testing them? **worried** So I stayed with them while they were in their drive way. I told the kids they were not to be over there w/o an adult present. Otherwise they can play with the neighbor girl in our yard where I can see them! I can surpervise! I don't like how passive she is about this.
So I dunno... I'm thinking ask hubby to go over to the barber shop and find out if it was the owner or ??? I don't want to start trouble but there's no reason for that man to talk to them or anything KWIM?
tell me I'm not over reacting?!?!?
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18 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Sep 10
If it were 40 years ago then I'd say you were over-reacting. These days with all that goes on, it is so hard to know who is safe and who isn't. How old are the kids? I'm asking because it really makes a difference in judging whether or not your neighbor was being lame and negligent or if the kids were just being too trusting. What hour of day was it? I have a 16 yr old that works at Wendy's which is a stones throw away from where I live. You could actually walk there quicker than it takes to drive out to the highway and get there in a car. Still, on Saturday nights she works some pretty late hours. At 3pm she walks in and I feel that she is pretty safe but at midnite when she gets out, i would rather take the time to pick her up than to have her walk the route she would have to take to walk home.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
19 Sep 10
The ages of all the kids over (including my 3) 2-7yrs around dinner time.
I don't blame you for picking your daughter up. I wouldn't want her walking home at that hour either. I ask my hubby to let me walk to work, he won't let me either even if I work a day shift because of the traffic I would have to cross w/o sidewalks, but in my mind I need the exercise + the gas savings.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
19 Sep 10
It absolutly does! Plus the person who owned the house before them had BEAUTIFUL lilac bushes that were a good 8ft+ tall to block out the street view from his yard. It also happened to block the view from the street of my yard, now I can see people come and go along the road, from the barber shop, the bus stop.... Now these people cut them down. I don't care for it... I don't care for people seeing our swing set / kids from the road KWIM?
Things happen so fast and when you give them examples of stranger danger, who'd think a magnet be something to mention? you know typically they say things about their parents asking to pick them up, find a lost dog, candy ect...

@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
16 Sep 10
You are acting appropriately in my opinion. I will say, in defense, that there are men like my hubby who would think nothing of giving a little trinket to a child, etc. When hubby and I first met, and got married, we would go places and he would talk to all the children in carts and everywhere else, just as he talks to puppies and cats we meet on our walks. I had to remind him, lots of times, that in this day and age it is not appropriate and he can be accused of things. He had an uncle in Rhode Island that roamed the streets with a backpack full of candy just to give to the kids, and everyone knew him and he even had a hat that said "The Candy Man". So, even though I know there are harmless, friendly older men, like you, I would be cautious. That is why my kids mostly played at my house as well.
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
17 Sep 10
My husband is like yours Gerty...he plays ball with the neighborhood children and have fun. However, I do tell him that now days you need to make sure that the parents are aware of that. Of course my children are always around as well. I, as a parent, am always concerned when a strange adult is around a bunch of children. And yes, I am sure it could be very innocent, however, you never know for sure. It is sad that we live in a world where we have to questions everyone's intentions, but we do.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I would be worried to. I would of tossed the object that was given to the children & again tell them how dangerous it is to take anything from anyone.
I go over this with my daughter all the time, but sometimes I don't feel she listens because she is still all about stopping & talking to stangers. Sometimes I take away play time outside because of this. TO many nuts out there.
I would watch even more closer & see if you see anyone that is standing around watching the kids play... then I would report it. Let police know what he gave your children & that he is lerking around.
What person would give kids he didn't even know an object? Like you said... testing?
You never know what this man has planned... you can't be to safe these days... don't be one of those relaxed parents who think parents like us need to chill... at least we are doing our part & a lot of parents out there wish they would of never stpped away for that short time... it takes a wink of an eye for something to happen... even in groups.. sad, but true.
Better safe then not... right?
Go with your gut.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I'm such a "What If..." person I tend to over think things. But sometimes it's not a bad thing especially for the safety of your kids. Who know's what the intentions were. And there are more than a few nuts out there, there are groves!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I guess it depends on where you live. If your neighborhood isn't all that secure then you'd have plenty of reason for worrying over this. Though I would probably just assume that the guy is an older man who still thinks the world is the way it was when he was a kid, safe and healthy and perfectly ok to give gifts to little kids you see playing in the neighborhood.
Where we used to live it was quite common to walk out front and see my kids talking to somebody who was in a car and pulled up to the curb. I'd freak out and yell at the kids to get away from the car, then the driver would get out and introduce themselves as the child's bus driver, or teacher, or someone else they knew through the schools. Actually at the time their bus driver was the father/grandfather of the family across the street from us so he came by quite frequently. We also at one time had a complete stranger come to our door to welcome us to the neighborhood, and she even baked us some ziti.. I found that totally odd. That's just the kind of neighborhood that was.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
16 Sep 10
If I knew who it was forsure then it perhaps would not bother me so much. Plus the fact that the neighbor lady should of been watching better if the kids are on her property as I do when they are on mine. And that I've told them about stranger danger and they should know better!
We talk to most everyone in our neighborhood and once in a while do talk while driving down the road. So I mean it's fairly safe area it's just the traffic by us and the offender the next block behind us.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Sep 10
No, you aren't over reacting at all. There are so many child predators that it somewhat makes me uncomfortable for my children to talk to someone that they don't know when they are with me. In fact, last year there was a guy in our neighborhood that was walking around telling kids that he had lost his dog and the dog tag was in front of their house. It turns out that the guy is a child molester. It made us very uncomfortable that this happened.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
19 Sep 10
OMG! Very frightening occurrance! I bet he uses it cause it still works with some line about an animal. The sad thing is you can't put these people away until they do something to your kid KWIM? I know there was no crime commited in your situation but the POTENTIAL for there being one is HUGE especially with a previous history.
I take it someone called the cops??
@amolisimo30 (43)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
I think you are right about being careful and for our peace of mind, do try to know who was that man who gave the magnet. At least if he was indeed a total stranger, you can alert your neighbors about it too. If he was a neighbor, then you can talk with him about your concerns. It always pays to be safe so no, you're not overacting.You are just being who you are, a parent.
@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
16 Sep 10
NO you are not over reacting. With all that goes on today and happens to kids being safe is much better then hindsight wishing you had. Keep the kids safe, be aware of what is going on. If it was my husband he would brush me off on this and tell me I was making a big deal, but he is so nieve about things. Hope yours is much better.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Sep 10
3 Snugglebunnies you do know how innocent a nd trusting children can be and you are smart to be worried, perhaps in an earlier era where we all knew our neighbors and trusted them I would not worry. B ut as I read that I got worried too. I mean perhaps he was just being nice and meant no harm. but again how do you know that? It would be different if you and you children had been friends with the barber shop owner but you are not so this would wave a red flag in my mind too. I cannot really tell you you are overreacting. I remember yet when my son was about three and our litle girl two, I was pushing lIsa rose in the stroller. we were in a Jc Pennys store, and suddently my son who had been right beside me was just gone. oh my G. I was scared sick and my hubby came up and saw I was frantic. He searched the store and a clerk told him she had seen our son who was lost and crying, and this woman had taken him out of the store. my husband literally flew up the street. saw the woman with our son who were luckily still waiting to for the cross the street light to go on.Our son got one look at me and his daddy and yanked away from this woman
and literally flew in to my arms. The woman claimed she was just taking a lost child to the police station but she was lying as the police station was the other direction. My husband grabbed the ladys arm and we walked her to the police station, where my husband asked them to hold her for walking off with our son instead of taking him to a clerk who could call for his parents over the intercom. She was arrested as she had a flier out on her for another attempted child stealing. oh my we were so fortunate. I made both children after that get into our new double stroller. that woman was desperate for a child of her own and a bit muddled in the head too. we were so very very fortunate.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Sep 10
It might be harmless, but you're not overreacting. I'd check it out too...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
16 Sep 10
It would be a good idea to find out if it was someone from the barber shop. At the very least it would ease your mind, and if it was someone from the barber they will be told it wasn't right for them to talk to the children without you or the neighbor present.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Sep 10
No you are not over reacting because despite saying things over and over again to children they can still find themselves getting into trouble. If you cannot find out who gave then the magnet then perhaps they should only play in your garden under your supervision. You are wise not to take any chances with your children. You would be surprised to learn how many children inadvertently help a predator by looking for the so called missing doggie with them
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
16 Sep 10
You are not overreacting, sweetie.
Any stranger who come near kids and give them something are up to something.
Just make sure you keep an eye on them from now on, okay.
You know as well as i do, that no one can ever be trusted in today's life, especially when it comes to children.
Get some big dogs to have around as well.
I hate when strangers do that and you don't know about it.

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Hon you are not over-reacting one bit. We unfortunately live a time where we can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of our children. Definitely look in to this.
Keep the lines of discussion as open as possible as our children are so innocent that they are not capable of understanding stranger danger when it comes to a friendly and or manipulative person.
While raising my children I was teased and sort of laughed at as family members use to say that I was over baering. Happy to report the Lord gave me a blessing. My children, Blessed be God have been so protected.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
16 Sep 10
I can understand your concern as a mother. It may not be a big deal; the stranger may be a kid’s loving person and gave the same for playing. As a mother I do agree with your thinking because we can’t believe anybody in this world and being cautious is always good. I think you can find out about the person through your hubby and always watch your kids when they play outside. No need to trust your neighbour if you think that she is taking things slightly.
Take care and have a nice time.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Sep 10
You are NOT overreacting! Think about it--you can outlive embarrassment or inconvenience but once your child is gone you can never, ever get them back! I'm surprised--well, not really, parents are so casual nowadays--at your neighbor.
You keep watching your children. You can never be too careful!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I know you like myself want to believe this was all innocent but e as parents cannot do that. It is sad but it is life as well. you can make a quite scene and go over and over with the kids the importance of not talking to strangers with out you present but the worries will always be there. What type of magnet was it? I mean I know local politician was wandering around our block giving things, pencils, pins etc, to the kids telling them to remind their folks to vote.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I absolutely do not think you are overreacting. If a person likes kids and would do then no harm, they know that they should not be talking to them and would not want to scare them. I am glad nothing more torrid happened, but I think we can never tell out kids enough about talking to strangers. I think for awhile I would not leave the kids unsupervised, so if that man comes around again, he will see that they are not alone.