Thirty Day Coffee Challenge
By CoffeeAnyone
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
September 16, 2010 4:56pm CST
I know it is hard for people to give up drinking there regular coffee so I was wondering if someone asked you to try drinking healthy coffee for just one month would you do it? Please don't just answer with a yes or no also explain why or why not? Thank you.
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10 responses
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
I am sorry, but I am having a good giggle over your comment. " The answer is no. I don't change my diet just because someone tells me too"! I just want to make sure you do know that nobody is telling you to change your diet. The question is more about giving you an opportunity to choose to try a product that just might change your diet and your life. But it was a question; 'would you be willing" ? I am still giggling. I think it is because you sound a little bit like me one time in my life!
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@inedible (768)
• Singapore
17 Sep 10
You still haven't explained exactly what this healthy coffee is, so no, I definitely wouldn't. I don't try "health" foods unless I'm convinced that they can be genuinely good for me, which means having enough credible information on what they are and how they help. A lot of companies make false claims about how healthy their products are, so I'm not going to just take someone's word that it's healthy.
@inedible (768)
• Singapore
17 Sep 10
Nevermind, I scrolled down and saw some of the other replies.
So, healthy coffee is just regular coffee but with added herbs? This is the type of "health" product that I distrust. But although I doubt they'll actually do any good, I do at least believe they won't do me any harm either, so as long as it tastes good, I wouldn't mind trying it.
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@Joman122 (118)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
I still find that coffee is for old people because I've never been fond of it's taste or smell. However, I do drink decaffeinated green tea on a daily basis. But, I would say yes to healthy coffee, as long as it doesn't cover my taste buds with that rancid taste for the whole day.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
Maybe the question for you would be would you be willing to take the Healthier Green Tea test? The highest quality of green tea infused with a herb promises to cleanse your body like no other green tea you can find in the stores or even health food stores. If I walked up to you and asked you to take the 30 day challenge on this healthy green tea would you? This is why I am asking the question here at MyLot. Of course when I try to sell this to friends they have their backs up. But I am wondering if I asked them to take the 30 day challenge does that fell less like pressure for them. Not that I am putting pressure on them but it just seems people feel that way as soon as you ask them to try something. So I am testing here how people would feel about a thirty day challeng.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
Sure coffee in itself is not bad. My doctor said a cup or two in the day wouldn't bother anyone unless they had sensitive stomach. But I use to drink more so I guess I ended up acid reflux. Then I was told I should give it up. But now with my healthy coffee I don't need to. It is more expensive then regular coffee but it has many health bennefits so it is worth it. The coffee is infused with a herb that helps restore our organs to a healthy state.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Hi Coffeeanyone
I don't drink much coffee and when I do its usually decaf I don't know what you mean exactly by HEALTHY COFFEE unless your talking about the kind you can get at the health food store I saw some of that before it was make with CHICORY (not sure I spelled that right) but it didn't taste all that great. In answer to your question I would say yes I could do it for longer than a month if it tasted good that really what it would all amount to if it doesn't taste good I won't enjoy it and that is after all one of the reasons why people drink coffee
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
Oh my gosh yes that chickory stuff. That is the very reason why I didn't want anything to do with this coffee at first. NO it is genuine coffee. The difference with this coffee is it is infused with a herb. I brew my own coffee , I grind ny own beans that I buy . So I have an attitude when it comes to my coffee. But a few months back I had to go on acid reflux medication or stop drinking the stuff. I was not ready to give it up so I took the medication. Then my son-in-law said hey Mom you have to try this coffee. After two weeks of looking at it on my counter I tried it. No acid reflux. I actually didn't like the coffee first because I thought it tasted strong so I drank the mocca and latte but now I love the black coffee as well. No acid reflux great energy on a more even keal. There is also green tea that as done something for me that nothing else good. So I am sold . I asked this question today because I really want to pass this on to others. It is so great. But people get turned off just bringing it up because they think your trying to sell them something. Yes the truth is I am but it for your own good and probably cheaper in the long run. Especially if you drink coffee out most of the time. I say if we are going to drink coffee anyway why not drink healthy coffee. You might forget to take your vitamins but you won't forget to drink your coffee.
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@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
Is this a marketing strategy of yours? hehe
I am loving coffee over my favorite milk..
There are many healthy coffee in the market and they offer a lot of things related to health benefits.. If it tastes good and proven by BFAD why not. I'd love to.

@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
The thing about this coffee is that once people try it they will see in one day there own health bennefits. If they drink the green tea they will see amazing healthy bennefits. If they drink the Hot Chocolate they will sleep well . I am drinking the tea in the afternoon to clean out my insides. A pain I had in my left side is gone, the pain was there for 3 years. Before I started this product I had test done on my gullblader and looks like I might need operation, I am now drinking this tea because it has the power to help restore my gull bladder so I won't need the operation. So hey I am going to give it a good try because it already as done so much for me. It is real coffee not vegetable mix to taste like coffee. I am not a salesman, I can't sell but I understand as I couldn't be sold easily either. I have been talking to a couple of people who sell this coffee as well and we came up with the 30 day challenge. So I thought I would test the question out here to see if it is ofensive or not. Or does it make people feel like yes I would like to try it. I mean it is not cheap so I guess that is another reaon I don't sell it well. I find it painful to spend a lot of money on something and most of my friends are the same. Oh well. Maybe as time goes and they see more of a change in me that will encourage them to try it.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
Yes correct I am personally selling this product. But as you can see I am obvioously not good at it or I wouldn't be posting a question here on myLot to see whow people would feel if someone approached them with a thirty day challenge instead of will you try my coffee approach. Thought this would be a good idea to bounce the idea off . I am new at doing any kind of a business. Not that I have not been approached by many product companies but this is the only one I have felt like I want to promote because it has helped me in a big way. I know other people are out there like me. Tired all the time, don't sleep restfully , need to loose weight and things like that so yes I want to promote it. I am just not good at it so trying out the question here. If people said that question would turn them off then yes I know not to use it the next time I try to talk to someone about my coffee. I wasn't trying to present a format I was trying to ask a question so now I guess I know just how bad my writing skills are and I should be careful to reread everything I write and try make sure all the puncuations are in order.
@Lauriedk (49)
16 Sep 10
I don't drink coffee myself so I really don't know personally. But it has been said that if you do something repeatedly for 21 days it becomes a habit. So if someone took this challenge at the end of the 30 days they would have a new habit of drinking healthy coffee. But I would be interested in knowing what determines that it is 'healthy coffee' and what is 'regular coffee'.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
Maybe I should of added the details to the discussion but the real purpose of this discussion was to see how people would feel being presented with a purposal like that? Some asked me to try this healthy coffee and I was kind of negative about it. After trying it and I didn't get acid reflux from it I was impressed. It isn't just the coffee there is an amazing green tea as well. So let's put it this way. I am so impress with these products. So of course I want to sell it so other people can have the health bennefit like me and yes of course make some money doing it. So what makes this coffee different is that it is infuse with an herb that is nick named the king of herbs. The company is an award winning company with about 23 of them being from the certified organic industry. I left that all out I guess because it is hard to get people to try this coffee so I was wondering how they would feel about a challenge. If my Lotter's feel positive about a challenge then maybe people I talk to in person will feel good about taking a challenge as well. You see I dont' want to convince the people by telling them what the coffee did for me I want to convince them by their own personal testamony of what the coffee did for them.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
17 Sep 10
Yes, I would give up regular coffee if the doctor said it's something I shouldn't drink each morning. Although I think coffee is ok on most diets unless a person has a problem with caffeine. I do drink my coffee black so it's basically harmless unlesss I would drink 10 cups in the morning which I do not.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
The coffee I drink is regular coffee but it is infused with Ganoderma a herb with many possibilites to help a body restore itself. So I have switched over to this healthy coffee and it really does do what it say it will.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
What constitutes healthy coffee? I drink one whipped cream filled, chocolate covered mocha latte a day, six days a week (I'm busy on Sundays), and that's all the coffee I drink, except for the rare occasions when my husband makes a pot at home, or I'm in someone else's home. Then I'll have one or two cups of regular.
My doctor sees no problem with the coffee I drink, or the way I drink it, and I CAN go a day without coffee (Sundays when I don't go out), or even a few days (if I am sick and don't feel like going to the cafe) with no consequences. I am not one of these people who drink coffee to wake up.
I had a cup of coffee at Starbucks yesterday with Mom, and it affected me horribly!!!! There's too much caffeine in their coffee. I prefer Second Cup, where I go every day, for a little study-break, and some alone time.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
What constitues a healthy coffee is the herb that is infused in this coffee. It isn't just coffee it is mocca, latte, green tea and hot chocolate. There are so many health bennefits to this coffee I could write you the largest note. I asked the question here on mylot because I wanted people responses as to if they would say yes to a challenge. I have been trying to sell this coffee to people and of course they are like me with there backs up. I understand it. So I was thinking would asking them try a 30 day challenge would they go for it. To tell you the truth they don't need 30 days. They will no in one cup of coffee if it works for them. Like me their acid reflux weren't act up. They will still get great energy but it is more even because of how the herb affects the coffee and the body. The mocca is subperb, the latte delicious, the Hot Chocolate is something people do ask for because after one cup at night they see they sleep through the night with a peace ful sleep. So hot chocolate they do agree to try. The green tea people can't believe what I tell them about it so they won't try it and say well I will buy green tea at the store. Not understanding or believing that this green tea is subperb to anything in the stores. Took a pain away I had in my left side that was there for 3 years. So ya I am excited about this product. So anyway today I thought hey I will see how this question flies with MyLotters, If a stranger or a friend as them to try a 30 day challenge would they be more inclinced to say yes then by me asking will you buy my coffee. My motto is if you are going to drink coffee anyway they why not drink healthy coffee. You might forget to take your vitamins but you won't forget your coffee and this coffee as many antioxidents great for your body. I was saying to someone else I will never go back to regual coffee. It as changed my life. I met a lady the other day she said she was not a seller either but won't drink anything else. So she buys it whole sale and lets her 20 year old son sell it for her to his friends. So it helps him with his rent and stuff. I guess she doesn't need the money. But anyway sorry I go on and on because I am pasonate about the coffee. Maybe my question is stupid. I am thinking now whether I say to my friends or anyone do you want to try my coffee and they get there back up would still probably get there back up with a 30 day challenge offer.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 10
Hi CoffeeAnyone, I'm a coffee freak as well. I take coffee everyday. I still could refrain myself from taking excessive coffee daily. As what I know, taking certain amount of coffee daily is good for the health of our heart. I wonder why I'm so addicted to coffee. It smell so aromatic when it's served fresh. You know it's quite cruel for me to stop from sipping the fresh coffee served right in front of me just for the sake of health
It's really a great pleasure to know that there is challenge of drinking healthy coffee for one month. Of course I would like to participate in this wonderful challenge as coffee is always my favorite beverage. I always feel energetic after taking a cup of hot coffee. I enjoy all kind of coffee so there is no problem for me to try it. Moreover the coffee mention is healthy coffee
Happy posting 

@elmiko (6630)
• United States
17 Sep 10
no, i wouldn't want all those extra ingredients in some healthy coffee because i don't know how it would make me feel. i'm concerned it might make me feel too jittery or give me a yucky taste in my mouth as well as reduce my appetite. some of those jittery ingredients i've taken before that reduced appetite left me with a yucky feeling in my mouth. personally i don't even care that much for regular coffee unless it has some of those sweetener creams i can add to them but they can be quite expensive and i use them too fast because they make the coffee taste so good.