I had a fight w/ my brother & I hate him..What makes u hate a person so much?

September 16, 2010 6:45pm CST
I had a fight with my brother and I feel like I really hate him right now. Because of a text message I sent to my mother.. I had a big fight with my brother. I sent a message which was not suppose to be seen by my brother, but he did because he is so nosy.. It's about her girlfriend who is on my opinion is not a good person at all. She always do things that put my mother and brother into a fight. My mother is old already to see her always upset makes me upset too. The woman that my brother is with is always making up stories so my brother will be angry and get into a fight with all of us... I was really nice to her at first but she also lied and told my brother that I sent her bad messages which is not true.. That started my hatred to her.. She is not the person I thought she is. She is also the reason why my mother is suffering right now. My mother had to take care of the baby she left and the responsibility which is supposed to be hers and my brother's.. My brother originally have a baby from his first marriage... it failed so the responsibility og taking care of the child and financing her is already my mother's.. My brother did not finish school and does not have a job. So, my mother takes care of all the obligation that was supposed to be his. To cut the story short.. I had a fight with him.. And I really hate him because he said things that aren't true and was really insulting.. Because I hated his girlfriend he threatened me that he is also not going to care about my husband anymore. He also said that my husband took things from my mother's computer and I just covered it up for him... Urgggghhhhh!!! The nerve... My husband fixed it and replaced it with another one not took it away..I was there when it happened.. and to hear him say that simply means they already concluded and my mother and brother thinks that is true.. I just hate it..There's more that are just not true but they never believed me, ever so I don't care anymore.. My mother always believed that brother of mine even though he is almost always lying.. He was a liar as a child and a liar as an adult but my mother believes him anyway.. So I don't care anymore. Just hate him so much!!!!
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10 responses
• United States
17 Sep 10
Hate is a very strong word, if you let resentment build up inside you it will only hurt you, the best things to do is to keep your opinion to yourself and be nice no matter the situation then the people who are mean will realize they are not accomplishing anything and they will eventually drop the act.
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
thank you.. Yes that's what I m doing right now. I don't want to say words that they can say against me in the future. So I just keep quiet even though I know it wont make them shut up I mean my brother is like a girl, he is so good at spreading words and gossips which he is not even sure if it is true.. Hope he realizes his mistakes too..
@blessyme (33)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
Being in your situation is difficult. What had happened cannot be undone. What can be done is what's important and choosing to continue hating your brother or someone else will never be the best option. Forgiving is hard when someone hurt you that much but forgiving becomes easy when we come to realize why we should forgive the person and that we choose to forgive. The reasons for you to forgive them is up to you. After all he is your brother, the kid you once shared laughters with when you were still also a kid. And that girlfriend is the person that your brother loves. There's nothing you can do about it. Forgiving doesn't onle come in verbal form. You can forgive them in silence. Lastly, pray for good things to happen to them and let God fix your broken relationship in His time, not yours. You will never be happy if you harbor bitterness day by day. And I'm sure your mother doesn't want to see both of you torn apart.
• United States
17 Sep 10
What makes me hate or dislike a person is their actions and behavior. If I don't think that their actions or behavior is tolerable, then I don't like them. I think that you have every reason to dislike your brother, but here is my suggestion, don't rescue him, and tell everyone else to stop helping him out, and just let him fall on his face. The reason I say this is because your brother is never going to learn unless you all let him fall. The more you keep bailing your brother out, the more likely he is to start taking advantage of people, don't let him get away with that. Sometimes, family can be hard to deal with, and you know that no family out there is perfect. Some people just don't listen to reason. Your brother had his chances and he blew it, so now he needs to suffer the consequences.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
17 Sep 10
Well yeah things like this do happen and sometimes we feel that we really hate a person because they have done something to anger us a lot. Like me and my sister have also gotten into arguments because she has done lots of things that I just hate, but yeah the best thing to do is to always keep on looking forward and to not be so angered by a person and to just forgive. Holding grudges is never good because than we just are holding a lot of hate and anger with in ourselves and that's never good for someones health because than we just get overfilled with it and than we have trouble controlling it. That's why now a days I tend to stay mello.
@gazdac (36)
• Romania
17 Sep 10
I have lots of fights with my brother and i feel like i hate him. But after time passes i realize that he is my family and i cannot hate him. I was just upset and in a few days we were back to how we were before. Of course there are some situations when you really hate someone but with brothers have to be some important fights to really hate them. I don't think i could stay mad at him more than a week i say, but who knows. Of course is hard for you to see him acting so bad with you, and your parents, but i don't know, i advice you to think twice before you do anything because you could end by doing something you will regret after, and this only because you are angry now.
@mhalds (5)
17 Sep 10
dont mind him.mind your own life.. in the end he's the loser not you.coz you know how to stand on your own.just do what you think is best for you. dont hate him, instead thank him for teaching you how to be strong..
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
Your brother is a creep in that he believes everything his girl friend says because he is so enamored of her. That's all there is too it and your mother would never believe anything bad about your brother no matter how much evidence there is, because he is her baby and can do no wrong. What might have to happen is if the girlfriend does something when you and your husband are someplace else, so that your mother sees that she is really not a nice person. I know if a parent does not believe one of her children and only believes the other one, eventually the first one has nothing to do with the parent and only keeps in contact at Christmas and Birthdays and maybe not even that. in other words, giving up. That is a horrible way to go and I hope that does not happen in your case. Maybe having a personal talk with your mother face to face, and not using the cellphone might be a good idea. Or having someone with you who knows you and your husband are honest people and whom your mother knows and trusts so your mother will realize the wrong that was done.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
i hate my brother also, he talks too much but does not walk his talk. he is just good in blaming others for his short comings. i am not talking with my brother for almost a year already, he lives abroad and think that he is a better person for he is living abroad. so what you feel hate i know where that is coming from. that wont end there until you wont put an end. i no longer talk with my brother and my life is much easier. living without stress. if he thinks he is the better person then its okay. i live my live the way i wanted it to be. since i am older than he is i dont think he has the right to talk with me that way. in your situation it is not only you that he bothers but your mother as well. this is all up with your mother. if she will let this happen or not. but you have to make something to end this. you dont deserve this. it is also disturbing to see that a parent take sides. maybe thats the reason why your brother grows up to be an effective liar for your mothers always believes in every crap he will be saying.
@Ramaditya (1226)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 10
Oh my God, what a terrible situation! I myself ever experienced it, but in different case. Just like what the first poster suggested, I will do the same. Fire cannot be defeated with fire, but water. He is your brother, right? So, show him your love and caring. If you truly believe in it, his heart will melt someday. And, if you believe in God, ask his help everytime... Do not worry, the truth will reveal itself. As long as you are honest, I am sure it will be.
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
..i don't know.Its only i just hate him.