what is a good way to confront a man who is lying?

@nikramos (698)
September 17, 2010 9:27am CST
this is a bit shallow but i just need some opinions on this. here goes. i'm presently in a long distance relationship. so everyday i chat with my bf through YM at almost the same time at night. minutes ago, i received an IM from him saying he can't talk to me today because he had to go somewhere else and do something important. he did specifically say what and where so it's all fine with me. so there were the usual byes goodluck, goodnights, and exchange of iloveyou's. but being the suspicious girlfriend that i am (not that i don't trust him), i checked on invisible detector to see if he's online but is just hiding from me. thank god for these detectors and my instinct, i was right; he's on invisible mode. i have been checking on him for 30minutes now since he said bye. by the way, this detector hasn't failed me yet. how do i confront him about this? maybe you can tell me some lines that i can tell him. thanks in advance!
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18 responses
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
18 Sep 10
I need to know more about this "Invisible Detector" Program first..this is new to Me (I think..) as It's been a while since I last used chatrooms and group IM...So his Messenger program can selectively show you him as being offline,but allow him the option of continuing chatting with someone else,(This much I can remember!)and by using this app You can know he's still there and active,that he's not just left the program on and is AFK? Also,When You say this thing hasn't failed you Yet,this is from past experience with this guy,or someone else? It boils down to-If you have suspicions,You're losing trust in Him.If you can't trust him,you have a problem.and,Telling him you're keeping tabs on him when He's not spending time exclusively with you online is going to make you sound like a stalker.Doesn't the guy have friends where he lives that He might also IM? does he have to make excuses and say he's going out or something to get some time off? Even when people are Living together,they need and want some "Me" time,other interests..but then again,Your intuition may be right,he may be seeing others..are you planning on getting together in the future,or does this long distance thing work for you otherwise?
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
18 Sep 10
I'm in a long distance phase of a relationship at present myself,and with time zone differences it's not always easy..I get home late from work,and can spend some time online with Her (-5 from Me) before I zonk out while it's still late evening with Her..I see what you mean,if you're only spending an hour or so online with him,the rest of his day can be "Me" time..If You're left hanging and guessing what He's up to while He's still online after signing off with an excuse to you,it seems He's hiding things and you feel left out and confused.How well do you really know the guy,have you met friends or Family,or how he spends his time on offline interests?
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
19 Sep 10
You've got a good point about a lot of things, nikramos, but guys can sometimes be different. They don't always want to come out and say what they're thinking, especially when they decide they want "me" time because they think you're going to get mad that they're being selfish or that it implies they don't want to spend time with you or something. I know that my hubby will get cranky sometimes when I try to push "us" time and that's how I know he needs a little time to do his thing, which is fine. He doesn't tell me and he won't tell me because he doesn't want me to get mad and think he doesn't want to spend time with me, but even I need me time sometimes. It's not about how much me time you get during the day. If he spends an hour or two talking to you, that doesn't mean the rest of the day is "me" time. Is he working? Is he going to school? Does he have things to take care of? Just because you aren't there and it's long distance doesn't mean he doesn't have other things happening in his life. I mean, hubby and I get maybe two or three hours a day to see each other because he works nights and sleeps when I'm awake and that's it. Even with that, sometimes during that time one of us is going to need "me" time that we couldn't squeeze in at another time. I'm not trying to necessarily defend him and I'm not condoning him lying to you if that was indeed the case, I'm just trying to point out that it's not always good to jump to conclusions without really being sure. :)
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
i see your point and i understand all of it specially the "me" time and friends he might be IM-ing too. besides, how much time does he still need for himself? we talk like an hour or two a day and you think that's too much that he would still want a "me" time? i might be having trust issues, you can be right. but you know what, honesty matters a lot. don't i have the right to be told that he needs some time for himself? am i just going to guess about what he feels? i might be wrong with my assumptions, i might be right but basically all he needs to do is TELL ME ANYTHING and that's it. i'm not a kid who wouldn't understand whatever his reason would be. it might mean he doesn't trust that i would understand and accept all of him.besides, a relationship works fine with communication. regarding the getting together in the future, it's too early to say. we met personally already and i don't know how else to maintain this with him. has become too tedious. what point have i missed? i wish to know what else is lacking to sustain the argument because i haven't confronted him yet about it.
• United States
17 Sep 10
Sweetie I have done all that and then some. It is truly not worth it. It causes more havoc in your life and really distracts your train of mind. Here is what I tell people when they directly ask me this similar question. Is this really how you want to live. Think about one year from now, it is going to go by whether you like it or not. So think about if you still want to be in this type if not worst relationship. I will be really blunt, and forgive me as you and I do not know each other therefore it maybe a bit forward, you say you trust him, Really, because when we trust someone when we are in a relationship we have no reason to doubt and or snoop. I lived this way for a very long time and I was the only one inflicted with so much pain. Truly think about why he is stating he is too busy but yet you can clearly see he is online. Really think about if he lies about something perhaps as simple as maybe playing online games and or chatting online, What else could he be hiding. Hon, think about you and what you want out of a relationship, I wish you well and please do not waste your precious love giving towards any person who will not reciprocate equally if not more. Good Luck
• United States
18 Sep 10
You are very welcome. Life is a lesson in it self. As humans we make daily mistakes as long as we remember who is more important in your life. Moving on is the hardest part, time is the greatest healer. I did not learn this over night and it was a really tough lesson to learn. Good Luck to you and remember you will always be number one in your life.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
i don't know what your thoughts made me feel now but you made me tear. consistently making wrong decisions has become a bad habit now. there's just too much love (maybe just from me) that i thought accepting lies and even making up excuses to cover for his actions would make the relationship work. it's really a hard lesson learned and may i just say this not the first time this thing happened. not the second chance i gave him also, maybe the hundredth already. like i said trusting him felt like a task already. nothing in this relationship felt real. accepting and moving on is hard but i know it starts with realization that everything has actually gone bad here. thanks gurl!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Sep 10
Since I don't know much about this invisible detector, I was just wondering whether it was possible that he did go out, left his computer on and open on the IM program. I have seen people do this. I stayed at my brother-in-law's one summer and his teenage daughter was always on MSN late at night. When I got up in the morning the computer was still on AND her MSN page still open. Just a thought.
• China
19 Sep 10
I am agree with you, because many of my friends often left their computer on with some programs opening. I often do that too. To niKramos,I don't think there is someting serious on whether his IM program was stilling on-line or not. Further more, don't guess so much on your point of view,if there are something trouble you ,ask him directly in a light-hearted way. Instead of accuseing him,be involuntary.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
19 Sep 10
This is a really tough situation. I think the first thing you need to do is ask yourself if you really want to be in this relationship. Long distance relationships are always hard to keep and they are founded on an extreme amount of trust in your partner. Clearly you don't have this as you felt the need to spy on him and it sounds to me like you have suspicions that he's cheating. That's never a good sign in a relationship because you should be able to trust him enough to know that he's not...unless you have reason to think otherwise and then it sounds like you should end the relationship. Now, you've got two options. You can choose to confront him or ignore it. If you confront him, he's going to know that you were spying on him and that you didn't believe him. That's going to destroy the trust right there and then he's going to start having suspicions about you. On the other hand, if you ignore it then this will probably just drive you insane and it'll make the suspicions even worse by not knowing. Also, consider this, maybe he really did go away from his computer? There are oodles of people that I know (myself included) who when they leave their computer they go on invisible in YIM. I do that because YIM is the only way some people talk to me and I like to be able to receive their IMs if I need to without logging out, but I also really don't want a bunch of people IMing me while I was away. You have to think, if this was really the case then you're going to break the trust in the relationship for nothing. You say that he said where he was going and what he was going to be doing. Why don't you try to ask him about this? See if any of his answers sound suspicious or not. I mean, you can approach this however you want, but just stop and think that the way you handle this might end your relationship, even if that's not what you intended and even if he's not really lying. Good luck and I hope it works out!
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Thanks a lot for all your insights. could be very helpful for me. it has been a hard 3 days of thinking over for me since this thing happened. given all the points other mylotters specially you my dear have given, i guess today is the perfect time for me to talk to him about it. have i done this days ago, we could have ended our relationship already because i was so upset i wouldn't mind saying what i feel even if it would hurt him. today, to me, i just miss him a lot and it's crazy for me to be actually thinking so much about it but yeah he could have some good reasons why that happened. thanks for making me realize that. i might be really wrong here and it's a great lesson learned to just stop and trust. it got me thinking back about the other times i doubted him and he just told me that whatever happens, i just need to trust him. i hope it all works well :)
@lemarque (42)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
Did you ever think that he really went invisible mode because he was away and that he didn't want to turn off his computer? Men are always into computers. Believe me, if there was a way for them to marry them, many have done it. Most guys download stuffs so big that it takes days or hours. Some of them just leave their computer on and online and even all their online gaming sites, and IM's. I do that too sometimes, if I'll just be out for 30mins or so, I just leave my computer on and change my IM's status to invisible. Because I don't want the hussle to go online on each of them again. But if its really true that he is just hiding from you. Confront him immediately, just tell him, what the other respondent say- Message him with: Hey, I can still see you online. That's a good start for him to either tell you the truth immediately or make reasons that eventually be all lies and end up your relationship. But that is far better than just thinking and thinking, it nice to either end it up now or know the truth now so you can both have a better trusting relationship. I'm in a long distance relationship for 5 years now. :)
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
first i don't think he went out for a good 30mins or an hour just to run an errand. and i know he is not the type who would want to "marry" his computer. just some facts here: i posted this last night minutes after i got upset with what i saw. then 2 hours later before i slept, i still checked and yeah he's online. in as much as i would want to believe that he maybe is just downloading something, i can't. my instinct tells me he is not. he's just plain lying. and guess what? 10 hours past, he was offline when i checked. and as we speak, he's been on invisible again for almost an hour now without even saying hi or what. and because of that i envy your 5 years of long distance relationship. how lucky can i get with this guy? anyway, i don't want to run into conclusion here yet. maybe when im cool i can talk to him about it. there's going to be 50/50 chances of this relationship ending. but who knows, maybe his lies might convince me...again.
@sheff30 (16)
18 Sep 10
hi.. you know what, we're a little bit the same. Just like you, I also have my boyfriend, in a long distance relationship. And to tell you, we also chat in ym everyday, day and night. And, I also use invi detector to see if he's really offline or invi. For me, I think it is not right to tell him right away that you have invi detector but rather wait for sometime. I mean, if he does it for the second time, that is the right time to confront him. First ask him, what he really did during that time. Second, tell him that you used invi detector that's why you found out that he is not really offline. And lastly, ask him what's wrong. Don't be angry, just be calm whenever you're asking him but when he is the one who gets annoyed and angry for what you're asking, I think that is one of the proof that he's cheating on you. I hope this can help you. =)
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
hi Sheff! i'm doing just what you said. i think i won't be as mad as i was when i first learned of it. so a day has passed already without me confronting him yet. i have no plans though of taking a week to ask because i might already forget the points that should be cleared to him. thanks for the advice! i hope yours is going to work fine in the next months and years :)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
hate confrontations a lot! but sometimes you just need to do it just so it wont be an issue in the long run, well its not that easy to confront him but you just got to tell him you just saw him online for 30 minutes and that your using a yahoo detector, he might get mad, depends on how he react on it but just be plain honest..if he cant be honest at least you are it might help him realize if he gets mad with it..
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
You can do a printed evidence on him with this detector thingie you have, so that there is no way of him denying that his online, why in the first place he has to deny this to you? hmmm... maybe its the right time to talk this matter to him. Its really not a good idea that his hiding from you, for what purpose ? At least when you guys can talk you give him the chance to explain his part to you.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
hi torch! you actually just gave me a very good idea. printscreen is now my best witness. i will really do that but i think i might have to wait until tomorrow so at least it wouldn't look like i'm stalking him. also i have to think of points to give before arguing with hi about it. boy am i so lucky to have you guys to help me think. thanks a lot!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
Uh uh,this is alarming. Ok,give him another chance but you need to confront him about it. Let him know that you know he is online by that time and just in an invi mode. If he still denied about it,then,make the final decision,and it's up to you. Have a great weekend ahead
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
ok i think he had the hundredth chance already. just thankful that mylotters actually have the power to make me realize what wrong i have been doing to myself all this time. i don't want to speak like it is going to be my final decision but at some point i have given giving it up a considerable thought. maybe it's just my urge because i'm pretty upset but i don't know what lies would still win me and make me believe him again. this is one tough lesson too, i hope girls learn from it too. it's not all about love. i think in this context, honesty and respect matters a lot.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
18 Sep 10
Hi nikramos, In my opinion, you don't trust your boyfriend, not that you don't have good reason not to. You have proven that you cannot trust him. But why did you suspect that you could not trust him in the first place? Why did you feel that you had to put a detector on to see if he was being straight with you? Do you really want to be in a relationship where you cannot trust your partner? I think that is just too much work. Even though you know that he has lied to you, it will be difficult for you to confront him about it unless you confess to have the detector on to track him. He will probably be very angry, even if he was lying, he is not going to appreciate what you have done. There is always a double standard. He can cheat and lie, but you cannot track me with a detector. I just couldn't be in a relationship without trust. So, if I have to use a tracker to find out whether my partner is lying or being unfaithful, I need to move on to green pastures (a trusting relationship).
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
How reliable that invisible detector is? Maybe, it isn't that reliable at all and thus giving you the wrong impression.But granting it is indeed reliable, then, you have to tell him the truth that you are using such detector and that you knew he was just hiding. But, still, he could answer that he did not log out but indeed leave the chatroom just like that. This is not impossible especially if he is the only one using the pc. Dear, do not let this thing gets into you or else your relationship through your trust will be on shaky grounds.
@SMB0603 (43)
• United States
18 Sep 10
The next time you talk to him ask him if he has invisible detector and thn explain to him that you do and why you felt the need to check bc he's going to ask. It's kind of funny bc wen u've been with a man for a while u kno all of his quirks so he cant do anything out the ordinary w/o you noticing but for some strange reason they think they can. But back to the subject that's the best way to do it
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
Be kind to him and don't show anger because the best counter attack for lying is kindness but of course make for yourself a safety precautions if ever the results of your kindness fail.
• Philippines
20 Sep 10
oh no, poor guy....but what you have to do is just ask him first where he really went that day...and why he is putting it on invisible mode...if he will lie again then thats the time that you will tell him that you have a detector....and see how he reacts...because the guy the you be caught in the act cannot respond properly...
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
17 Sep 10
the only way you can do this is with proof of whatever he is lying about. you have to catch him that lie.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
17 Sep 10
When you need to confront someone who is lying, sometimes telling them you know of their lie is not always easy. You need to back up your accusations with some physical evidence. Otherwise it is your word against theirs.
• United States
17 Sep 10
what is this world coming to? I thought the beauty of relationships was all about trust? I'm not defending this creep for scheming on you, but if you love him, why spy? The truth will always come out in the end. Furthermore, if you are seeking a relationship that is damage proof - there's only one, that is with Christ. On the more secular level, leave long - distance relationships alone! You're better than that, and going around spying just shows that you struggle with insecurity, and you shouldn't. I bet you're beautiful, intelligent, and have a lot to offer a great relationship...focus on that
@msupert1 (44)
• United States
17 Sep 10
I went through a long distance relationship too, I am now married to the man and we have been together for 8 years now. we actually met online. My question to you is do you ever see him or is this just a chat and webcam type of thing. If it is then he could be doing this with other people. There is obviously no trust there because you do check up on him. I would say you have good reason not to trust him now. You have to ask yourself..Is it worth all the heart ache and pain to stay in this type of relationship. If your answer is no then move on. The right person is out there for you, if it is him then he will stop his game playing and commit to you if it is not him then you will find the right one when you are ment to find him.