Many people think that alcohol is the only way of enjoyment.

@1anurag1 (3576)
September 17, 2010 12:42pm CST
Many people think that alcohol is the only way of enjoyment. I have also taken alcohol many times. But I am not addicted and I also don’t like to have this regularly. But there are many persons. Who think that alcohol is the only way to enjoy life. What are your views.
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2 responses
• India
17 Sep 10
Definitely there are many who enjoys Alchohol.I have read from an article that it releases stresss and pain of long work.Consuming Alchohol has some good effects on the brain as well.It makes you feel fresh.I never consumed and never been tempted by any one to taste it.Many of my friends use to consume alchohol a lot during exams to release stress and for refreshment.Even you won't believe they get good marks probably better than me.They enjoy getting marks in that fashion.
@luxlyangels (1286)
30 Sep 10
Its not the only way. A man drinking alone is actually looking frustrated, I mean lets face it there is really no joy in drinking alone. There are many other ways my friend.