Are Republicans Dumb Enough to Try and Shut Down Government Again?
By Vladilyich1
@Vladilyich1 (1454)
September 17, 2010 1:08pm CST
I am continuously amazed at the GOP's ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of potential victory. It is the gift that keeps giving.
Newt Gingrich is saying if Republicans win back control of Congress and reach a budget impasse with the President, they should shut down the government again. GOP pollster Richard Morris is echoing those sentiments, as is Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R. Ga), and Alaska GOP Senate candidate Joe Miller.
3 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
20 Sep 10
If you read the constitution you will see that the House originated all bills requiring money. The President submits a budget to the House and the House can approve, not approve or change the budget and send it back to the President who can do the same three options. If the President takes no action then it is up to Congress pass an emergency budget bill but they don't have to. They have passed a budget and the President has not signed it so who's fault is it?
In 1995 when all non essential services were shut down the press blamed the Republicans. The Republicans had approved a budget but not the one President Clinton wanted. President Clinton refused to sign the budget so Congress had done their job and the president had done his job so who shut down the government? In reality ti was President Clinton because he was the last one with the bill. His refusal to sign the bill is what shut down the government. He would not compromise and neither would the Congress. It President Bush who was being blamed if the government was shut down. It was the very same situation. Congress passed the budget and the President refused to sign it so no money for the government.
It seems that no matter what happens it will be the Republicans fault.
Republican Congress Passes budget - Democratic President refused to sign it - Government shuts down. Republican Congress to blame (1995 President Clinton)
Democrat Congress passes a budget - Republican President refuss to sign it - Government shuts down. Republican President to blame. (2008 President Bush)
Liberals like to have it both ways.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
19 Sep 10
The only appropriate action for everything the first black president is doing is to shut it down. What a shame that americans were stupid enough to vote an enemy of the country into office.
obama knows he has failed and he is reverting to the only thing he knows - campaigning. Can you imagine having a president that is totally clueless about how to help the country. The best thing he can do is step aside; better today than tomorrow.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
18 Sep 10
I am amazed that the GOP is now so concerned about money when the last Republican President brought this country to the biggest deficit in American history. That being said, I don't think that it matters whether we are talking Republican or Democrat, the actions of these two parties are never for the public good but all geared to perpetuating themselves and their party.