afraid of getting fired?

September 17, 2010 2:10pm CST
I am... I have made a few posts about my boss. I have a very difficult boss.She is really demanding and sometimes impossible. But I love my job so much not just because I get my main income from it but because I already fell in love with it. It's not hard at all. Although I hate the "taking calls part" because I struggle to converse in English. I like it because it is homebased and for a mother like me, it is really an advantage because I get to stay with my family and earn at the same time. I am gradually understanding the business and developed a concern over it. But there are just times that you are so stressed out because you are so tired, (this is a graveyard shift job, that's why) that you can't take all the pressure coming from your boss. I know my boss experiences a lot worst dealing with the bad economy, that is why I sometimes understand why she is like that. But there will always be a collission especially when she is exaggerating the torture.. I had a fight with her yesterday .I usually avoid that situation because I am afraid to lose the job. I mean I love it so much and I am willing to give everything for it, effort, time, extra time, extra effort and concern plus I also need it to be honest (who doesnt). But I also feel like I need some consideration, being an assistant is not easy... You have to be the shock absorber all the time, and you have to be in a good state of mind everyday to bear the pressure. You must accept the stress she is displacing you.. because you are her assistant and you must always support and back her up... But since we are just human, there are days when we just can't take anymore.. Like yesterday... I felt like I can't take anymore of her pressure and pushing, her interrogations, her doubts and paranoia..So I answered back, and it was one time.. She was so upset, I was afraid but I didnt care, I have to stop her from going beyond .. she was being so impossible and it just have to be minimized... She was disappointed in me, I know.. I feel guilty, but i can't say sorry, I have to stand up to it to provemy point.. All I feel right now, I am afraid of getting fired. How about you guys? Do you have to be in a stressful job that you are not happy because you are afraid of losing the job? And do you think what your doing is worth it?
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11 responses
@alyser10 (113)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
I can relate with your situation. I almost have the same situation as yours also, the only difference is that your homebased and with your family, while me I'm very far from them. I don't know what to do also. But what to do if you have a boss like what you have described? She's making mylife (not only my life but all staff working with her) miserable.. She's really impossible.. My job is our family's source of income.. Sometimes I'm thinking of giving up my job, cause I can't bear it anymore. I used to cry because of her. What I have to do?
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
It's so hard when you are actually relying on something that's giving you a lot of stress. It's like you're at the end of the rope but you have no choice but to hang on because we need to..I think you should look ways to enjoy the job.. Even though it's impossible having the kind of boss that you have, we have to endure it... Find ways to love the job and just don't mind the boss. We have to be patient and perseverant in order to survive and for our family. Good luck on your job and hope you will be able to at least find a reason to stay in your job, with a boss like that.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Well, we really don't know but they may be in a very hard situation right now. They could be or had been in a lot of stress that is why they are acting like that.. They don't care about other people's feelings anymore because they might have experienced that before. We never know.
@alyser10 (113)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
It's really tough to be in this such situation. Sometimes I'm having a wishful thinking that oneday she'll just leave this company( anyway she's not the owner of the company)(I know it's bad thinking like this, but she should realize also how bad she's treating her staff...) I'm really afraid of leaving my job, coz it's really hard to find new one coz of very tough competition in the market. haiiisss... she's also human, and we are human, why should she treat others like that as if we have no feelings at all??? We are not robots without feelings... We have emotions, we have rights as what she have also...
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
well i understand there is no perfect boss, so i guess bosses too have to understand that there are no perfect employees. i don't let bosses b*tch me. if i can't bear the way i'm being treated, i have no problems resigning and finding a better job no matter how much i love the job i'll be leaving. i know it's hard nowadays, but it's not impossible to find a better job. i'm not looking for perfect bosses, i know my role and i know how to play my part... my only rule is never cross the line. i'm a human being and i deserve to be respected and loved. i'm sorry to hear about your current it's up to you whether to stay or go. right now i have no problems with my boss at work. We have similarities in our attitudes and ethics so it's really not difficult to work with her. But then again there is no perfect job.... sometimes the pressure in my job is just too much because it can be physically and mentally stressful and demanding. so i don't know how long will i be able to keep up with this..... i might just finish my contract which is going to end in january next year.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
thanks. i wish you good luck too..... my only concern in this stressful job is my health.... i mean i know for sure, eventually, my body will just have to give up...
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Good luck to you kquiming.. Hope you'd be able to keep up.. I think having a boss as yours is better than having a stressful job and having a difficult boss at the same time.
@yomy1984 (177)
• United States
18 Sep 10
i encountered the same situation too, but unfortunately i got really fired. I've been working for them for two years and then they fired me. I was working in food service before. When i started to work, i am the one who always close. And when i am the closer, i had a lot of work, i have to clean the oven, clean the frier, Clean the Hot case, Clean the meat and cheese case, put dates in it. Check the dates. Cleaning inside of the department. Clean the slicers. And you need to help customer too. Wash all the dishes. I did that all by myself. I know it was hard, so hard that i can't hardly breathe..I am 5'0" in height, weight 88 bls. I can't even believe that i did all those stuff. I was all by myself sometimes for 3 to 5 hours alone. It was tiring..but because i like it, so i didn't suffer a lot. I just enjoyed it as much as i can. That's all i can do. I was thinking of quiting too..but my husband won't let me and i know there's a lot of people getting hard to get a job. I didn't complain of too much work, i just complain about my's hard to find someone with the same interest like me. So, what i did is, i just let them do whatever they do, and as long as i am working what i've told to do. I think in food service, it always happen when you can see people eating inside the department, taking something like a sample of food. And i'm gonna say this not because i am honest or's just the thruth. I ate too..samples. Two years ago i got fired. And i don't know why.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Well, I think It's unfair to get fired without concrete reason.. I'd say your bosses are cowards enough to say the reason why, probably because it's not justifiable at all.. Just look for a job and move on.. I mean If we get fired there's nothing we can do right.. So move on... I think that's what I'd do too when I get fired move on...
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
I am totally afraid to be fired but having a boss like that. I would really quit and look for other good bosses out there. I hate being underestimated and treating me like a slave. I just hate it. Think you could find other job out there.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
SLAVE.. yeah sometimes that's what I think too.. Yeah I know there's a lot of job out there but its just so hard to find... I'll quietly look for one.. hopefully.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
18 Sep 10
Hi clouds0377, Your job seems to be a very stressful one. Unfortunately, your difficult boss doesn't seem to making your work pleasant. Jobs are really hard to come by, but to have to work on one that you are just completely miserable is sad. I know you said that you work from home, which is a good thing. Most of us want a job that we can do from home.There are many advantages to working from home, so you probably donn't want to give that up. Maybe it is time for you to think about looking for the same type of work, but with a different company. You should not have to put up with a horrible boss.
• United States
19 Sep 10
Hi, I hope your boss changes, because it is the pits trying to find another job like the one you already love. Good Luck
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Yeah, you're right. ... I love this kind of job but I guess I have to start looking for a different company or if my boss changes a little then that wouldnt be a problem.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
19 Sep 10
I can understand you very well! I've been in a similar situation for years. Except that my job is not homebased and I have so many horrible colleagues that the ambiance is toxic. I love my job just like you do but my salary is miserable and my bosses doesn't care about this. Now it's too late to look for another place, I'm too old for this. So I could only advise you to make a change until you can make it. Good chance!
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
thank you for the advice. That's what I'm thinking too... I can bear all this but the problem is Im not getting any younger.. If I don't get a different job that Im comfortable with I may not be able to get one anymore because of the competition nowadays..
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Sep 10
I never was successful working for someone else. I felt that I never could work to my potential and I was always underpaid. I was what you call underemployed. I went from job to job, and since I started out as a secretary, that became a stenographer in my next job, and down to a file clerk. And in between was a job working at a residential home, a ward assistant in a hospital cleaning floors, etc. working at a candy factory. None of these are in order for it was such a long time ago. So when I got married when I was working at my last job, the one with the file clerk/ at the garment factory where I also had to take the "work finished' labels off the slacks that were going out, I told my husband I was quitting. After all, what would be next? Sweeping the floor? Cleaning the toilet? I was a failure at working out the home. Since then I have been happier. I love working at home. I have no schedule, and no one tells me that "well you have not made as good a cake as so and so,:" I hope she realizes, your boss, that you are not a machine and she lets off on the pressure. Let me know what happened.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Hi suspenseful, thanks .... I hope so...
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
18 Sep 10
I was never an employee that was ever afraid to be fired. I didn't do things at my job that would result in this. I always did my job to the best of my ability. If you have a fear of getting fired, there is usually a reason behind it. I tried to never have a reason.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
I am afraid to get fired because this is where I get my main income from... And I guess that will always be my reason..
• United States
17 Sep 10
I recall your previous post and it does seem like this is truly difficult. I would suggest you slowly and quietly seek other employment. As can you function this way long term. Having to deal with her personality long term to one day end up fired and losing any form of good reference will not be worth it. So this is my suggestion and do not be hard on yourself as bosses most time are unreasonable.
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
Thank you... I's like to seek other employment in the future, right now I still can bear it and since I do benefit from it then I think I can still stay a couple of years more if not fired.. LOL.. Thanks for your comment I really appreciate it. Thank you. Happy mylotting!
@gharah (49)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
I had been lucky of being with good bosses who treat their subordinate as friends but not forgetting that they're in higher authority. However, i also felt that fear of losing a job especially that, the job is the only income that sustains me. I was once retrenched from my previous company and joined the many unemployed in attending job fairs and going to interviews. Its a difficult phase for me especially that i was praised by my boss during my previous job, got commendation from others, and even said to be a good candidate for a supervisory position. I trained people unknowing that those people that i trained will be the same people to do my job when im retrenched. The company opted for contractual employees to reduce expenses. I felt betrayed by the boss i came to admire, and respect. I felt used by people around me. but gone were those days of hatred, im very happy and contented with the company i am at now.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
That is really sad.. I hate being betrayed and used.. But it's a good thing that your on a different company now. Always remember that if you know you are good, there's nothing to be afraid of.. a lot of company's waiting for loyal, good and hardworking employees like you.. So matter what happens you will still be in the position again if you deserve it. Thanks gharah..
@jameshe (126)
• Cameroon
17 Sep 10
It's true that not everyone works well with one another. It's easier to change yourself rather than the people around you. You cannot boss your boss. I would suggest talking to your boss. Tell them what is troubling you. Having fights is not a solution. Your boss and you need tome up with a solution. If you really can't do that, you must consider leaving and move on knowing you have tried. Hope this helps
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
I actually meant by fighting as voicing my opinions and views out. I know I can't boss her that is why I just have to deal with the pressure and pushings she does... but since I m not a perfect person I will always have days that I can't bear that.. Thanks anyway.. for sure I am trying all my best.