friendship is what? for me it is a chord of emotion
September 17, 2010 11:26pm CST
Friendship is what? The meaning of it differs from person to person, also sometimes it get changed with time and also from one situation to another. As the Law of Nature suggests that nothing is permanent. A beautiful relationship that originates with love, care, affection, feeling of help and support is called friendship. When two persons feel comfortable in each other’s presence and loves to be together in good or bad time the onset of friendship begins.
For any relationship what matters most is trust and purity in relationship so as to make it everlasting bond. People love, they provide helping hand in all the way they can, giving immense support whether it could be emotional support during the phase of emotional turbulence or financial support in one’s need are called friends. They never think twice before lending a helping hand or being there for them at any time and in any circumstances. Though friends fight with each other have heated argument but hardly any space left for hatred. It is well said that you can be yourself without any hesitation and fear in front of your friend. There is no requisite left for any pretensions. Friends do a lot for you they are the one with whom you can share your problem either big or small in size, one can account on him/her, rely on that soul, can ask for a piece of advice. Friends share from candies, ice-creams, food, pencils to room, home, money and deeply rooted troubles. A friend lends an ear when you really need that person to hear you. They are the ones who heal the wounds and cure the heart. When it pains, they relieve it with their love, care and affection.
Friendship runs in harmony or consonance when an emotional chord is strong between the two persons performing their role of friends. The balance had to be followed that is what you expect from your friend you should also be ready to provide the same comfort in his/her need. A thought to be considered, that never ever leave your friend in any crisis. This strengthen the bond of friendship ever an ever.
Some people feel that expression of feelings emotions is not significant, it is not necessary to tell your friend how much they mean to you or in your life but what they forget that sometimes emotions are requisite to be expressed, it is necessary to tell your friend how important they are in your life, how their presence in your life has added meaning to your life.
So waste no more time and tell your friend how valuable they are. Express your immense love you had for them.
friendship is what? for me it is a chord of emotion
1 response
@jrsbarredoA (29)
18 Sep 10
Friendship for me is like the elements of Accounting. It is an asset for a person owns friendship and meant to be treasured. It is a liability that one must give to others. As it says, friendship is give and take.